He's Not My Bias!
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Since it's a weekend, Hyukjae was seen sprawled on Donghae's bed with his drool wetting the latter's own pillow. Yes, Donghae really didn't lock his door and as expected, the blonde went to his room in the middle of the night. The elder was too happy to comply with it.

The orange-haired guy smiled as he watched the younger snore rather unattractively beside him. Being the sneaky fish that he is, he took his phone from his bedside table and silently took pictures of his sleeping angel. His door slowly opened and revealed a smiling Sungmin. He greeted the cute guy who walked towards them and chuckled when he saw his younger brother. "He really sleeps like a log." He commented and Donghae couldn't disagree with it though he's more thankful for that fact because he gets to spend simple moments like this with a certain witty blond guy. But, of course, everything has its downfall.


"Wake him up now. We don't want him missing lunch when he already did with breakfast right?" Like this, for example.


Sungmin chuckled even more when he saw the singer paled. With an encouraging pat on the shoulder, the eldest among the three exited the soon-to-be crime scene with a small grin.

Donghae heaved a heavy sigh and mentally prepared himself. He cautiously held Hyukjae's shoulder and shook him gently. "Hyukkie..." He closed his eyes and waited for the worst when he heard the other groaned and slowly moved.








"Red cheeks really suit you." Yesung commented as he stared at Donghae's cheek with a red hand mark and not so subtly touching his philtrum. The singer just pouted while the source of his misery said nothing and just stuffed his mouth with his brother's delicious cooking. Sungmin on the other hand just looked at his guiltless brother and shook his head. He turned his attention to his best friend and glared. "Do you want me to try it on you? Let's see if it'll also suit you." He commented annoyingly and Yesung just shrugged in return. Hyukjae kept on eating but inside, he's really bothered with the way his brother kind of defended Donghae. It felt really uncomfortable for him and he does not like it a bit. "Something's definitely wrong with me." He quietly told himself.


"...Kyu.." Hyukjae mumbled with a small frown as he stared at his wall collage, his eyes tracing the handsome face of the younger singer pasted on his wall, the very face he’s been going gaga for years now then suddenly doesn’t appeal too much to him these past few days. He took a deep breath and carelessly lied on his bed. He's confused. Very confused. He doesn't understand why his brother's closeness with Donghae bothered something in him. He should be happy since Sungmin's starting to have a love life right? But sadly, he can't. It felt like his older brother is starting to take something away from him. "Maybe I'm just being possessive of Hae hyung?" He asked no one and with one last sigh, he closed his eyes and Donghae's images immediately flashed. A smile automatically crept up his lips when the singer's childish grin appeared in his mind as that bubbly feeling and surprisingly, butterflies in his stomach soon followed. However, it was replaced with a frown when he noticed everything. No. He's a Gamer and not a Fishy. He loves Kyuhyun and not Donghae. "This is what I get for hanging out with him too much." He concluded.


He was still lying on his bed with deep thoughts that he failed to notice Donghae creeping up on him by his door. The latter grinned and jumped on the younger startling him. "Shisus! Don't scare me like that!" Hyukjae squeaked and glared at the guiltless Donghae. Instead of being scared, he grinned. "Hyukkkiiieee!!!! Let's hang out today!"


The said guy groaned. "How?"


"I'll teach you how to ride a bike!"






"Are we really supposed to do this?!" The blonde whined as he irritatingly wiped the sweat on his forehead. "Of course! So you won't bother that best friend of yours to always bring you home." Donghae reasoned out and smiled inwardly when he saw the other pouted at him. He held Hyukjae's seat tighter and the left handle of the bike as he instructed the younger to start pedaling.


Well his reason was partly true. Take note, partly true. The whole truth is he only wanted to spend time alone with Hyukjae and he's just jealous of Siwon. He continued to support the blonde until he noticed him doing it successfully on his own. He slowly let go and smiled when he saw the younger enjoying himself. Oh how he love the feeling of knowing he's the one putting that lovely smile on the blonde's face. If he could just always do that.


Hyukjae smiled happily as he began pedaling by himself. This really is the first time he rode his bicycle because his brother is always busy with his studies that he can't find time to teach him how to ride one. Everything was going smoothly when suddenly a white cat went out of nowhere surprising him. He let out a yelp and fell out of the bike. Donghae saw it and hurriedly went to his side and panicked even more when he saw how shocked and pale the other was.


"Hyukkie! Hyuk are you okay?" He asked in panic and soon furrowed his brows when he heard Hyukjae muttering incoherent words.




"Blood... red... wound.. hurts..." Hyukjae mumbled and the orange-haired guy darted his gaze on the younger's knee and saw a bleeding wound. He slightly smiled. Who would have thought that this sneaky brat is afraid of blood? But, he really finds it cute. He bent down in front of Hyukjae with his back facing him. "Hop on. Let's treat your wound befor

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najinpi #1
Chapter 11: Please update soon author nim... Miss this soooooooooo much :(
complet #2
Chapter 11: I started reading this fanfic and i'm really enjoying it.
But I'm disappointed in the way Hyukjae treats Donghae, he only makes him suffer :/
Hopefully if you continue this story, you can put donghae with someone else, so maybe hyukjae begin to give him value.

ps: i really don't like the part he thinks about throw Donghae out, and keep Kyuhyun instead!
najinpi #3
Please update this story soonnnnn....
Chapter 11: Please do update this story again ~~~ it's so beautiful and I'm curious on what will happen next ~~
najinpi #5
Chapter 11: please update this if you have time... miss this story sooo much... thankyu
nahyukhaegi #6
Chapter 11: Eunhae and kyumin!!!! Yay!!! I really love this story, please update it :(
Are you going to update this soon dear?i really miss this..
MeinAltire #8
Chapter 11: cute...can't wait the next chapter...
hyukish #9
Chapter 11: Omg this is so cute........ Omg I never really fond of kyumin but here I find then so fluffy
257471 #10
Chapter 11: hehhe so cute...
thanks, please update soon :)