He's Not My Bias!
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Running with all his might, Hyukjae panted as he felt his legs getting heavier with each step but no, he had to run. He looked at his wrist watch and cursed when he only got few minutes left. Looking straight ahead, he smiled triumphantly when he saw that very familiar pink roof of their house. Urging himself to run faster he clutched tightly on his bag and almost tripped on a turtle at the middle of the road. Needless to say it earned him a few curses from his weird neighbor for almost killing his 'son'.

"Sorry!" He just shouted at his neighbor knowing that he's nowhere serious about it. He can never get angry at him as long as he'll have his brother with him, Hyukjae thought evilly as he stopped in front of their porch. And seriously, why let your pet turtle wander at the middle of the road? What if a truck would hit it? Well, whatever. He looked once again to his watch. Yes! He made it. He immediately dashed towards his room ignoring the shouts of his brother and immediately opened his computer. He impatiently tapped his fingers on his keyboard and beamed when he saw that he indeed was just in time.

"And now for the much awaited comeback! Here is... YinYang!!"

Hyukjae clapped excitedly together with the live audience in front of the monitor as the comeback he has been waiting for the whole year had started.

ai shi yiching huaili de du xiu
bu pa chao xiao ni jiu hui gandong
ai shi SOLO
ai shi zhan shang wu tai can ku de du xiu
ni de yan shen sa man le yan huo
ai shi SOLO zui mei de hui huo
ai shu du xiu SOLO SOLO
xiang yao wei ni SOLO SOLO
ai xiang lei tai SOLO SOLO S.O.L.O

"KKKKYYYYAAAAA!!! KYUHYUN!!! KUIXIAN MY LOVE!!! WHY SO HANDSOME???!!!!" He screamed shamelessly at the top of his lungs, not even caring if their neighbors would hear him in his fanboy mode. The duo continued to perform with the young blond chanting happily the fanchants, not noticing his brother looking at him by his door, shaking his head in disbelief. Who would have thought that his baby brother will be this obsessed to these singers?

As their song finally came to an end and the MCs finally said their goodbyes, he sighed dreamily as leaned on his seat. That was one heck of a performance. His sweat and pants from running too hard were all worth it. And it's even better to watch them perform in a livestream than in a recorded video despite the lagging due to slow internet connection. He felt like he's also at the actual set, screaming his support for his idols plus the thrill of waiting for their turn. He immediately opened his twitter account for updates and grinned when he saw the link of their performance on youtube. The fans sure were fast. He clicked it and downloaded the video. Now he'll have a new video to watch before going to sleep at night and whenever he's bored, which was often and, he's sure he'll learn their dance steps in no time. He closed his computer, but not before posting something on his twitter.


Yep. He's one shameless fanboy.

"Done with your fanboying?" He heard a teasing voice behind him so he turned around and saw his Sungmin hyung grinning cutely at him. He beamed and nodded excitedly. He even held his ipod in front of his hyung.

"Downloaded it already." He said proudly and the older just laughed. He entered the room and sat on his dongsaeng's bed, looking around the countless posters, albums, and other fangoods inside the room. 

Sungmin still can't believe these idols' impact on Hyukjae that's why he loved to although the younger blond didn't mind. He's only teasing him since he saw nothing wrong about his brother liking them and even found it really cute. He's even thankful for that because now, he often saw Hyukjae smiling. Sometimes, he'll see him staring into nothing and, knowing that he'll remember the YinYang duo, Hyukjae would immediately smile with that different shine in his eyes. This was actually a lot better than seeing him get engaged in alcohol drinking, or smoking and partying on clubs, or worse, illegal drugs. At least, this drug he's calling YinYang, was nowhere dangerous.

"Hyung! You have to watch their comeback!! Omygosh Kuixian is so handsome with his curly hair and the guyliner is to die for!! And that hipthrusts, darn!" Hyukjae started ranting about his ultimate bias in the whole world and Sungmin just listened to him, nodding at the words from time to time.

"And when he hit that high note? Omo!! I fell in love with him even more!!"

"Wait, did he perform alone?" He asked after a few minutes and it successfully stopped Hyukjae from blabbering things about Kyuhyun. The younger blinked confusedly at him.

"No, why?"

"Because you only talked about Kuixian. What about his partner? You know, Donghai?" The bunny guy asked and his brother just blinked at him.

"Oh. Yeah he also performed but since my ultimate love is Kyu, I didn't really pay that much attention to Donghae. Although I may say that he's handsome with his orange-ish hair. And also the guyliner." Hyukjae answered with a shrug and just decided to turn his computer again to find his love's latest pictures, officially taken or not.

"By the way hyung," He turned to face his brother with his puppy eyes already prepared and ready to use. Yes puppy eyes were always equal to a favor. Sungmin already knew this so he just nodded at the other to continue. "Next month, can I go to the mall at the city to buy their album?" He asked with hope in his voice. His older brother just raised his eyebrows at him.

"Next month? But I thought the album launching will be this week?" He asked and Hyukjae sighed in disappointment.

"Yeah but my money will be complete by next month."

"You can just borrow my money and pay me next month." Sungmin offered. Yes, he's that supportive of his brother. Lucky Hyukjae right?

"Yeah but I wanted to buy it with my own money."

"Very well then. Want me to accompany you?"

"No. I'm fine besides I know you're busy." The younger answered with a smile. He's really thankful that he had his kind and very understanding brother. So understanding that he even accepted him with this craziness of his. Sungmin smiled back and nodded, fully accepting his brother's plan for next month.






"Ah!! So tiring!"

"Yeah and our promotions are just starting so this again will be hell month for us." Donghae looked at his partner to see him massaging his shoulders. He smiled and stood behind Kyuhyun and replaced his hands with his. The younger sighed as he let him be.

"Ugh thanks a lot hyung. I really need this massage." He said as he closed his eyes and started enjoying his hyung's pampering. Donghae didn't say anything and just continued what he's doing but smiled widely.

"Good job guys! The fans definitely loved it." Their manager came and smiled at them. The duo smiled back, also contented with the reaction they got from their fans, despite the exhaustion they're feeling. This was what drove them to where they currently were. If not for their fans' love, they know t

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najinpi #1
Chapter 11: Please update soon author nim... Miss this soooooooooo much :(
complet #2
Chapter 11: I started reading this fanfic and i'm really enjoying it.
But I'm disappointed in the way Hyukjae treats Donghae, he only makes him suffer :/
Hopefully if you continue this story, you can put donghae with someone else, so maybe hyukjae begin to give him value.

ps: i really don't like the part he thinks about throw Donghae out, and keep Kyuhyun instead!
najinpi #3
Please update this story soonnnnn....
Chapter 11: Please do update this story again ~~~ it's so beautiful and I'm curious on what will happen next ~~
najinpi #5
Chapter 11: please update this if you have time... miss this story sooo much... thankyu
nahyukhaegi #6
Chapter 11: Eunhae and kyumin!!!! Yay!!! I really love this story, please update it :(
Are you going to update this soon dear?i really miss this..
MeinAltire #8
Chapter 11: cute...can't wait the next chapter...
hyukish #9
Chapter 11: Omg this is so cute........ Omg I never really fond of kyumin but here I find then so fluffy
257471 #10
Chapter 11: hehhe so cute...
thanks, please update soon :)