Kiss me

Don't Forget Me

Yesung has no idea what to do. Ryeowook’s body trembles in sobs and his eyes are full of pain. He repeats the same word over and over and he looks so desperate, so lost...

“Why, Yesungie, why?” he whispers in the end. He is not almost able to speak anymore, his voice just does not follow his orders. His eyes find the floor and he cannot stop another sob. He feels so lonely... He feels like useless toy – something what used to have some value but it has already turned to a burden. The moment when the owner became bored of his pet. Nobody remembers he is still here. He thought he has already got through the worst part of his life but... Now he cannot imagine anything worse than this. No, there is nothing worse than the feeling Yesung does not want him anymore... Will he really give up on him? Does not he really mean anything to him anymore?

“Ryeowook... Please, tell me what’s wrong. Please.” Yesung voice is as desperate as he actually feels. He does not know why his little Wookie is crying and he really has no idea that everything is his fault. He would like to hug him so much, press him in his arms...

Ryeowook’s body does not stop trembling but the boy looks up. His eyes are full of pain. Yesung heart hurts. The impulse to grab him and do anything to stop his tears is growing stronger and stronger. It hurts him so much seeing him like this. However, it is nothing in comparison with pain which follows with Wookie’s words.

“Why are you chasing me away?”

Yesung gasps, unable to object anything because Ryeowook continues. His voice is louder now, breaking with every word.

“Why don’t you want me anymore? Why... Why don’t you like me? Why?” He would love to hide in his embrace, press his face to his chest and never let him go. But he is scared. What if Yesung get angry because of that?

“Wookie, but that’s... That’s not true! I like you, Wookie.”

“So why?” Wookie is desperate, he does not understand what he did. So why does Yesung act like that?

“I...” Yesung’s voice vanished. Suddenly he realizes so many facts. He also recalls Siwon’s words. Wookie needs you. Why did not he understand? He was such a moron. He never realized how much he was hurting Ryeowook. Avoiding him... He left him alone, he let him suffer without any help... He was such a dolt!

“I’m so sorry, Wookie. Please, forgive me. I... I acted like an idiot. I was so afraid I would hurt you again if I touched you or even just came closer. I didn’t want you to be scared of me, I wouldn’t survive it. I wouldn’t be able to live with you hating me...”

The place Ryeowook was sitting just a while ago is suddenly empty and it takes a few seconds before Yesung realizes tiny body clenching his chest. Fingers are firmly pressing his shirt and he can feel fabric getting wet with boy’s tears.

“You won’t hurt me. You won’t hurt me, Yesung. So please, hug me.” Please. He longs so much for his arms, he needs them desperately. He misses his warm embrace.

Yesung’s heart skip a few beats, tears are burning in his eyes. At the moment he hates himself much more then he has already done. How could he?! He was so dumb! Ryeowook presses against his body, pleading... He is desperately begging for one embrace... Oh dear, how did they get to this point? Everything was so easy, they were happy... And then, the man came and everything crashed. He appeared so suddenly. Was it fate? He destroyed their happiness. But now... Now...


Now, everything will be alright.

Yesung’s arms wrap around Wookie’s shoulders. He hugs him as tightly as it is possible and he can feel Ryeowook’s body stopping shivering. He literally freezes as he did not even breathe. And he actually does not breathe. The shock stunned his whole body. He did not expect... He did not even hope Yesung would really hug him. But he did. He really is pressing him in his arms... Ryeowook’s heart starts to beat fast and wildly as it wanted to leave his chest and run away. His body trembles and another sob leaves his lips but now there is no pain. The only reason is simple happiness. He presses his body a little bit more. Is it real? Will not he wake up suddenly?

“Thanks,” he whispers happily. Older man buries his face in Wookie’s hair, unable to stop his own tears. He breathes its smell hungrily, shivering. His heart is beating loudly. He is touching him. He is touching his Wookie. He hugs him, presses him and Wookie...stays. He does not run away. He is not scared.

“I’m so sorry, Wookie. I’m so sorry...” he whispers to his hair, kissing it gently. Ryeowook’s body is getting lost in happiness. No, this cannot be just a dream. This is too real.

“So... You still like me?” Wookie asks with hopeful voice. His fingers are still clenching Yesung’s shirt, he is not going to let him go. Yesung tries to press his body tighter although it is almost impossible. He tries to merge with him.

“Wookie...” he says quietly, trying to pull away. He wants to smile to him, his face, show him everything is alright. He wants to show him how much he likes him. However, the boy in his arms squeals, frightened.

“No... Please, don’t chase my away... Please... Not anymore...”

“I’m not gonna leave you, Wookie. Just look at me.” He presses his shoulder gently, making him pull away. Ryeowook does not fight back but his finger are still holding Yesung’s shirt. He does not want to release him. He opens his eyes, looking at Yesung’s face. At the moment they are full of tears again. Tenderness. This is the only thing he can see there. The same tenderness which used to be there before.

“Don’t cry,” Yesung whispers with comforting voice, pressing his face, wiping tears streaming down his face.

“I still do like you. I do like you so much. More than you can even imagine...” His lips find their way to Wookie’s forehead, kissing it gently, touching his skin. Wookie sighs quietly, his heart is suddenly so light. He likes him. Yesung really likes him.

“I promise I’ll never leave you alone again. I’ll never hurt you. I’ll be here for you. I swear,” he whispers quietly, his fingers boy’s cheeks. His eyes are almost hypnotizing Ryeowook’s ones, trying to read his every feeling there. And he can see it: joy, happiness, relief...

“You have no idea how I regret everything. I hate myself so much for hurting you...”

“You didn’t.” Wookie whispers quietly. He remembers the kiss. He remembers it too well. However, it was not Yesung who hurt him. The memories did.

“I did, I know it. I hurt you so badly. That’s why I was avoiding you. I was scared.” He leans his forehead against Wookie’s one, closing his eyes.

“Why have I fallen in love with you? My love just hurts you...” He pulls away, releasing his face.

“I should not be that close.”


Ryeowook pierce him with his eyes, he does not want Yesung to go away. He wants to never feel it again. Never.

“Don’t go...” he asks desperately. Yesung raises his hand, boy’s hair.

“I won’t. I won’t go anywhere. I’ll stay with you. I have already told you.” He sighs. “But I’m still afraid. Desire to kiss you is still too strong. I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to control myself... Even now I long for kissing you. I want to do it so much...” He is scared of his own words. Why does he say it to him? Ryeowook will just get scared...

Wookie does not know what to do. Yesung’s words make him feel strange vibration going through his body. It is not disgust. It is not even fear. It is some new unknown feeling. It is not wrong. He knows it is not. He can hear Yesung sighing again and he can feel his warm breath on his own face. He body shivers.

“I want to kiss you so much,” Yesung repeats almost desperately.

“You can do it,” he can hear Ryeowook’s quiet whispering. He pulls away sharply.

“What are you talking about?!” he says, horrified. He cannot want Wookie to do something like that. He would just hurt him again...

“I promise I won’t get scared. I promise I won’t run away. I won’t scream or cry, just... Please, Yesungie, kiss me.” He wants to assure him there is no way to hurt him. Of course the fear is still filling his mind. He is afraid of memories which would appear again, but...

Yesung does not know what to do. He should not do it. He should not kiss him. But... he cannot ignore Wookie’s pleas. Furthermore, the desire is burning his soul. He still remembers the taste of his lips. He can still feel it...

“Wookie...” He leans over him slowly, really slowly, giving him opportunity to change his mind. He is looking for the only doubt in his eyes to stop. He face is closer and closer, there are just a few centimeters between their lips. He is almost touching them, hesitating for the last time.

“Are you sure?” his words are quiet, Ryeowook almost cannot hear them. He wants to be sure. Maybe Ryeowook does not want to do it, maybe he should thing better of it. However, there is no rejection. Instead of the answer Ryeowook’s lips timidly touch his own ones. His heart skips the beat. He presses against Wookie’s lips and his palms starts to his cheeks. Younger boy breathe a sigh of relief. There are no memories, no pain... Nothing. He can feel only butterflies flying through his stomach. Step by step, he stops clenching Yesung’s shirt but his palms stay lying on his chest, slowly his body and finishing their short journey on Yesung’s shoulders. Yesung’s lips move lazily, playing gentle game with the boy who is slightly shivering. Ryeowook’s lips are tingling. He has never felt such a nice feeling. He closes he eyes, letting Yesung kiss him and press himself against Ryeowook’s body. He can feel his heartbeat and it even sounds faster than his own one. And his lips timidly kiss him back. This should have been their first real kiss.


A/N: Hi, I'm back! I'm so sorry for letting you wait but my computer is broken. I'm so happy I could translate on my brother's one so you don't have to wait another two weeks. By the way, I've passed my English exams! I want to thank you so much because your support and correcting my faults helped me so much. Thank you, I love you :-*

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AlyciaC #1
Chapter 36: J'ai vraiment aimé cette histoire ! J'avais déjà commencé à lire mais je n'avais pas vraiment accrocher au début. Et puis je me suis laissée emportée. C'était vraiment bien ! J'attend le prochain chapitre ( si il y en a un):)
Samona #2
Chapter 36: Congrats on getting accepted. ^-^
And thanks for translating this much of the story. It was great to read.
Don't work too hard and take care of yourself.
Chapter 36: There doesn't always have to be a happy end cause it's not true in life. Do well in your university studies and congrats on being accepted to the one you wanted. But I will take the pretend open ended ending cause realities knows you dropped enough hints about future angst -Shim's mental institution low-security placement, Jijin telling Sung to be careful of his feelings and the fact that Sung hugs, kisses, pets Wookie in public and there is an OBVIOUS age difference. Plus the title of your story conjures hidden literal angst for Yewook. Enjoy school and be persistent in study time.....please author-nim take time to have fun.
Chapter 10: Aww author-nim. That's daebak! Dedicating the story to luvewookie. *squishy hugs to you*
Chapter 7: English to use in future fics, 'when your hungry' - his stomach gurgled at the mention of food - he tried to ignore the rumbles of hunger escaping his belly - the little boy's tummy growled in appreciation for his ice cream, causing the adults to chuckle - he grimaced at the loud noises his middle made, as he realized he'd worked his twelve hour shift in triage without eating, again -. Thought writing sentences might make it more understandable. Oh, and we say this - he placed the files 'in' the drawer - *instead of saying* - he placed the files ' to' a drawer -. I noticed that you use - to a - *or* - to the - . They are correction terms but syntax structure isn't true to English conversation or writing. But author-nim, your story is great and you've got such a really good flow to your story that I just gloss over errors cause I get what you want toconvey. (~.~)
Chapter 36: Nice ending indeed. Thanks for completing the story. ^^ And all the best to your future and you deserve an applause from me in getting enroll to your dreaming university.
All the best!
Chapter 36: Its okay.... see you ^^
Thanks 4 amazing story.... bye...bye
Chapter 36: I guess I'm a little dissapointed, especially now when you said that it has so many chapters
anyway it's your choice so enjoy your time and university ^^
if chapter 33 was the ending, so the title wont be 'dont forget me' cause no one is left and nothing to be forget..
yesung and wookie are staying together.. so i guess the title isnt suitable anymore.
even if the ending will be sad, please dont let us hanging..
maybe they will apart for having big distance in age, but you can skip until the end..

the truth is, its really sad. I've been waiting but guess you wont be back.
thanks then, its all i can say.