Be Mine (Kaiminzy)

Kaiminzy & Taeminzy Drabbles

A/N: I was listening to Be Mine by 2ne1 and this plot just came to mind. ^^ I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Minzy look at Jongin, almost glaring while he tried to avoid her gaze whenever he took a glimpse at her side of the stage. Although it seems like he doesn't care or bother about her existence, deep inside he knew that he loved her attention on him. Ever since the day Taemin told him about having the same stage as her, he couldn't help but notice her presence throughout her promotions, fancams of her world tour and especially during the year end concerts. Since most of the artists are involve, it gave him the opportunity to eye her longer whether on stage or through the screen. Everytime the cameraman focus the attention on her, it made him smile. She look stunning even with that odd looking purple hair and everytime she smile, he felt the throbbing of his heart. It was like an addiction


However, in the current case where everyone is on stage to greet the audience to commence the end of the second Gayo Daejun, he couldn't help but keep looking back in pretense to be looking at his other members when he was actually eyeing her. She was easy to spot since her purple hair stood out along with 3 other unique hair of her unnies. Taemin nudge him from his attention on her as s and sunbaes tackle him for being the kid he is. He got distracted for a short while and by the time they stopped, everyone was bowing to other artists and heading backstage. He lost sight of her amidst the endless bowing to other senior singers and it saddened him a little. He have been watching her from afar all this time and it was his first time being on the same stage as her but his hopes crushed when he didn't get to have a glimpse of her purple hair backstage.


Two days later and we have a final Gayo Daejun at MBC. Though we don't have seats near the fans like there were in SBS, he had all the screen to himself in the dressing room of SM artists. After he performed in the cold weather, he waited patiently for her turn to appear as he enjoy the remaining artists performances just before hers. However, during one of the last few acts, he was called by Suho hyung to head to the radio station to greet the listeners for the new year. He pouts a little while dragging his feet hoping that it won't take long before 2ne1 starts performing. He wants to see her again and since she is performing rookie Lee Hayi's song, he is anticipating their performance even more. 


After we were done with greeting the listeners, surprisingly, it didn't take long before we head back to our dressing room but we were redirected to head to stage for the countdown. Pushing away his anxiety if he will miss their performance, he put on a smile and went ahead up stage. He fooled a little with the seniors and Taemin especially when the countdown ended. He tried to push himself through the crowd to get back to his dressing room but because he was at the other end of the exit with s, he grunts that he is unable to get back fast enough. When it was close to his turn to head down from the stage, he was glad that the MCs was still talking. Once he step down, he made a dash for the dressing room.


Just as he made a turn where their dressing room was, he saw that CL was halfway through her rap for the intro of 1,2,3,4. His heart beating fast, hoping that he didn't miss her but he was glad when he just saw the other members entering the screen. He is on time! Minzy sang the first verse and boy was he in awe. Not only she knew how to get attention with her dance, sings r&b with her soul, raps like she is out to bite someone and now she does covers of any genre like it's her own. When they perform their own song, it was so flawless he can't help but fell for her all over again. Though he does not know her, he feels a part of him glow at how talented she is. When they were done with their performance, Jongin was satisfied that he get to watch all of it.


He turned away from the screen as he talk to the other members scattered in the room either talking or idling by themselves. He tap his feet to BigBang's performance as he sat at the far end of the room away from the tv and only until Chanyeol hyung shouted in excitement of 2ne1 and Epik High's appearance that he ran next to his hyung. Seeing what hyung just said, he feels envious of not being a part of the audience. It seemed like party down there as the YG Family gathers together to dance Fantastic Baby. Hyung was already moving and dancing awkwardly beside him without a care in the world but my attention was on her, freely doing her moves in her heels. Though it was short, he was satisfied that he got more than what he expected during the performance.


They ended the new year event just like how they did 2 days ago in SBS Gayo Daejun but at least he gets to see her briefly before she heads off to where her company people are. Maybe not so soon but he hopes that in 2013, he could at least see her up close just like how the other members did. It was just unfortunate that he was preparing for SM7 stage that he was unable to experience that, Chanyeol, Kris and Suho hyung were like the ultimate tease as they kept bragging about it. 


EXO was preparing for a comeback and have been coming back to SM endlessly for practice and recording. Since they were on a break from practice, he heads out for a breather when he bumped into Amber noona with her choreographer.


"Oh! Jongin ah. Don't you have practice? What are you doing here?"


"Noona! We're on a break so I came to take a breather."


"Ah~ There is nothing much around here anyway, do you want to follow us instead?"


"Where are you going?"


"YG building."


"They invite you to go?"


"Rino here is a friend of some choreographers there, they invited us there. Wanna come?"


"Sure!" Jongin said a little too enthusiastically. 


He is just a rookie but he is in awe when he saw the company's building on tv what more in real life. It's so contemporary and futuristic just like how the YG artists portray themselves and he also notice the usage of high technology within the building itself that makes it all so cool! When they reach the building, the choreographer called someone and soon after we were invited in. He was gaping at the interior so much that Amber noona has to pull him to walk with her. He barely notice anyone except some staff who walks around doing their job or taking a meal. 


When he reached the practice room, his jaw fell. It was just so perfect despite the sweat smell, the room was paradise for any dancers! Jongin walks around and bow to the people in the room. The choreographers including Amber noona talking amongst themselves so he was left alone wandering in the room, sliding and doing slight movements to have a feel of being in the room. Unknown to him, he bump into someone hard as they fall on the floor. The other people in the room laughed at his clumsiness and he immediately apologize to whoever he bump. However, that voice that assure her safety was still in tact got him frozen. Did he just bump into his own crush? He look up to see Minzy looking at him with a smile. 


"Are YOU okay?" She offered a hand to pull him up.


"Ne...neh.." Jongin stuttered and got embarrassed as he hold her hand.


"You sure? You look like you're in shock." Minzy look at him worried but he felt his face burning up.


"Omo! Your face! Come let's head out of this room for a breather as my apology." she said holding on to his hand as she drag him out.


He was so much in shock that he barely registered what is going on except that he bumped into the girl that he admire, then allow himself to be dragged by her in the building towards the canteen. By now, nothing in this building caught his attention just like how the purple haired lady does. He was left seated on one the bench as she disappeared from him.


"There you go." her voice appeared again with a papercup of cold drink in it.


"Than...thank you." 


"You're the dancer from EXO right?" Minzy smiled again at him.




"I saw you dance with the SM7, you were great!" 


"Thanks.." he said blushing even more.


"I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name. I'm Minzy." she held her hand towards him again.


"Jongin." he awkwardly put out his hand to shake hers.


"So, did Amber unni dragged you here?" she chuckled and that sweet sound was like melody to his ears but before he could reply, he heard a manly voice shouting.




"Aish, Jiyong oppa!" Minzy whined.


"Wae?" Who's that boy? That doesn't look like Deukie to me." he said and that made Jongin broke from his trance, 'Deukie? Who's Deukie? Is that Minzy's boyfriend?'


"Anniya! It's Jongin shi."


"Who?" G-Dragon sunbaenim said as he stood beside Minzy before saying, "Oh.."


Jongin stood up and bow to him and he saw his sunbae doing the same.


"What brings you here, Jongin-shi?"


"I followed Amber noona here."


"She's here? Then she must be with Rino then, Shaun said something about meeting her. I heard your debut song, it's good." he said with a smile but that does not help to erase the charismatic aura he has around him.


"Thank you sunbaenim."


"Are you here to meet Minzy?" Jongin could not help but blushes.


"Oppa!" Minzy whines.


"What? I'm just asking."


"i bumped into him accidentally, so I brought him out to have a breather."


"Or a date." G-Dragon sunbaenim jokes.


"Oppa! You're always doing this to me."


"You're my country bumpkin girl anyway."


"What are you doing here anyway?"


"I was going to get some food but since you guys are on a date, I shall come back later. See you next time Jongin ah." he chuckled and pinch Minzy's cheeks before walking away.


He saw Minzy mumbled some stuff before looking at him, "Ignore oppa, he is always bullying me like that. Are you feeling better now?" she asked.


"Yes I am, thank you."


'Let's head back to the room then." Minzy smiled as she help to clear the papercup that she offered him earlier, "Let's go!"


They walk back silently and he sat at the back of the room with Rino and Amber noona as the 2ne1 girl's get back from their break to learn the choreography for their new song. Amber noona smiled at him briefly when their eyes met before focusing her attention on the girls again. Their new song was seriously good and he found himself tapping his feet and moving to the beat like he always does during practice. Halfway through their practice, Amber noona suggested that they leave since he had to go back to SM for his practice.


The ladies stop their practice to bid them goodbye but what happened next just put him on cloud nine. Minzy simply skipped to him and asked for his number but since he didn't bring his phone with him, she kept his number in her phone with a promise to call. We left the building with him smiling to himself a lot that day, oblivious to the tiredness that he had to suffer for being late to practice and recording. 


However, the happiness did not last long as the anticipated call did not come after almost a month and a half since he last met her. Maybe Minzy forgot about him or busy practicing for her comeback that she barely had time. He tried to be positive but it always end up in despair since his pessimistic thoughts will always take over at the end of the day. More days pass and 2ne1 was already releasing teasers for their new song. He saw the teasers but it hurt everytime he thought about her not contacting him at all as promised.


He was keeping up with practice as he heard s taking a break while listening to 2ne1's new song especially Chanyeol hyung. If Kris hyung was here too, he would be spazzing together about the girls. Little did they know that Jongin already knew about the song and had more than spazzing done in the YG building itself. When the members knew about the visit, they bug him to tell them everything he saw but he only kept to the part where he was in the practice room without including the fact that he exchange numbers with the dancing machine of 2ne1.


He barely kept up with the days as he tiredly head home from practice like any other day with s. Just as he was about to enter, the crazy members rushed in to the presents that was placed in the living room for the fans. Only then they realize that the very day is Valentine's Day. The members were thrilled to see chocolates and some other presents given to them that they were so rowdy. The manager came in the apartment and reminded them to keep their volume down before calling Jongin to his room.


Jongin thought he was going to get into trouble but turns out his manager said that there was a special purple package from someone who specifically requested to be handed to him personally. When ask who the mystery person was, the manager did not inform him so he went to his shared room with Kyungsoo hyung to open his present. He sat on his bed comfortably before opening the box. Inside were hand made chocolates spelling out his name as well as some other adorable bunny patterns. On top of it is a handmade card with a beautiful handwriting written on the inside of the card. 




Though you're always cold,

Though your words are always short, I know, 

Don't hide what your heart's striving for,

So show me your sincerity,


Don't wait any longer,

I'm afraid that it might disappear,

Don't hesitate and grab my hands now,


Under the blue sky,

I'm free like a bird,

I wanna go higher and further,

Only if you'll be with me.


So just shut up and be mine.


I'm sorry for not texting you, we've been too busy with our comeback.

I hope you get what I mean.

I'll wait for your reply on White Day. 

In the meantime, here is my number 02-xxx-xx49.



I'm sure you know who I am. ^^


Jongin smiled at the card as he look at the chocolates. He never knew that she would surprise him like this and he was glad that it was meant for only him. Despite waiting for so long, he was glad that he was patient to be able to experience this sweet Valentine's Day. When Kyungsoo hyung entered the room, he look at his smiling dongsaeng and saw the chocolate. When his hyung was about to grab one, Jongin snatch it back. 


"It's MINE!" he said before popping it in his mouth. 


He hold the box out to the living room with a smile as he hugs it while waiting for his other members to be done with the showers. His other hyungs who noticed this, endlessly about the mystery girl and it last throughout the remaining Valentine's Day. Though he did not reveal the mystery girl to them, he stayed awake all night to think of his surprise for White Day. 

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Missyouwannabe #1
Chapter 62: YES!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 62: i really want to see kai and taemin reaction of minzy in MAMA 2015
Chapter 62: I really need kai or taemin reaction over 2ne1 perform on mama T.T
Chapter 62: That cheap trick but get me feel happy.
Seul-Tae #5
Chapter 21: Thats good
andrea13 #6
I wish there was a sequel to clueless my favorite
Chapter 25: wow kai that is scary ><
Missyouwannabe #8
Chapter 61: Ooohhh I wouldn't mind Jongin giving me chocolate donut kisses as well lol
choezna #9
Chapter 60: aigoo, their daughter is so adorable...