Story of Us


"There’s a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got on your face. Sometimes the stories are simple, and sometimes they are hard and heartbreaking.” — For One More Day, Mitch Albom




A collection of drabbles/one-shots by jaehominjukey and achird.

We met and become close through our love of Woogyu and have decided to compile the stories that we wrote together.

Will be updated irregularly.


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mafiaanime #1
Chapter 4: LoL
I thought that they are going to do something naughty but it turn out to be a running competition?
Oh my dirty mind!
Chapter 1: kyaaaa greasy namu (or y?) puting all the misletoes around the house xD that's a good idea tbh xD

their lips would be ier due to many kisses they shared :3