Mistletoe (Taeminzy)

Kaiminzy & Taeminzy Drabbles

A/N: Just realized that it has almost been a year since I began this. Time flies so fast! I appreciate every single one of you, both the subscribers as well as the commenters for being with me for this journey! To have come this far with this long drabbles, I thank you for everything! Have a happy holidays up ahead everyone!


It is Christmas Eve and the apartment is slowly being decorated by the family of three. Minji gets busy in the kitchen as she prepares for dinner later that night with their family while both Taemin and his 4 year old daughter decorate the house. He allows his little angel to place the ornaments anywhere she likes on the tree, helping every now and then particularly at the higher places.

When they were almost done decorating, his young girl is thrilled that she can finally place the star at the top of the Christmas tree. She raise her hands towards him to carry and just as he bend to lift her up, Minji came into the living room to inform them that she needs to head out to the supermarket because she is lacking of some ingredients. Taemin nods in acknowledgement and was about to continue decorating when he recalled that he needed her to get additional decorations as well.

After informing her and ensuring that she will be gone for quite awhile, Taemin finished his task of helping his daughter and let her have her reward of watching her favourite cartoon on television as he continued hanging the rest of the ornaments on the walls and ceilings. Leaving her in the living room for a short while, he rushes to his cupboard to take out the hidden mistletoe he bought to paste on the ceiling amongst the other decorations, out of his wife’s sight.

As Taemin does his task quietly on his own whilst watching over his daughter, he notice that his little girl is eyeing his actions with a frown instead of watching the television. Out of curiosity, he questions his baby.

“Hey baby, why are you looking at appa like that?”

“What are you pasting appa?”

“Ahh~ this is called mistletoe!” he waves the ornament to let her see.


“Mistletoe baby,” Taemin chuckles and corrected her as he climbs down the chair.

Sitting on the couch beside his daughter, Taemin pulled her on his lap as he explains the concept of the ornament so that she understands. He coos at her cute reactions of ‘ooh’ and ‘ahh’ as he pats her head. After answering a bunch of her other questions of the mistletoe, he let her continue with her show as he put up the remaining mistletoe he had bought.

Just as Taemin was clearing the rubbish on the floor, Minji came through the door and hand him the ornaments he told her to get earlier. Strategically standing below one of the mistletoe, he pulls his wife along with the bag of ornaments that she bought as he gave her a gentle smooch.

He almost lost himself in the kiss when he felt his head being hit lightly by the familiar hands of his wife. When he opened his eyes, he saw a flustered Minji as well as a giggling angel filling the space of the living room. That little joke lasted for a short while before they get back to their own work to finish the preparations before the rest of their family arrives.

After dinner, the family gathered in different locations of the apartment as they kept up with each other. Both of Taemin’s parents were communicating with his in laws as Minji and her sister clears the dining room. He joins his hyung who is with his own wife and son as they watch the Christmas movie together.

Taemin noticed that his glass is empty and just as he was about to move off to the kitchen and refill the water, he felt a tug on his pants. Looking down, he saw his daughter who is pulling at his hand to be at her eye level. As he kneels to her height, he felt two small hands cupping his cheeks as a small peck was placed on his lips.

He was caught off guard as he stared at his daughter in a momentary shock. When Taemin asked why, she simply replied that he was standing under the ‘mistertoe’. He burst out in laughter as he carries and throws her in the air before giving her a kiss on her small lips as well. Cuddling his little girl in his arms, he secretly whispered to her ears, “You are only allowed to do this to appa ok? No other boys!”

“Not even harabuji or samchon?”

“Well, you can do that to haraboji but NOT samchon ok? Only appa and harabuji!”

The angel in his arms giggle as she hugs him back while he carries to the kitchen and back after getting his water refilled. Her act was caught on by the rest of the family members as they laughed over how adorable his daughter was. Minji on the other hand was mortified that Taemin even taught his daughter that. He was pinched and punched whenever the rest of the family members look away but it was all worth it.

By the end of the night, he had received many kisses from his daughter as they play ‘Spot the Mistletoe’, where they have to kiss the other who spot them standing under one. Minji joined the little fun in the end as well. The only words that can be heard from their apartment throughout the night are -  

‘Look! You’re under the mistletoe!’

‘Give appa a kiss!’


As endless laughters and squeals fills their house. 

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Missyouwannabe #1
Chapter 62: YES!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 62: i really want to see kai and taemin reaction of minzy in MAMA 2015
Chapter 62: I really need kai or taemin reaction over 2ne1 perform on mama T.T
Chapter 62: That cheap trick but get me feel happy.
Seul-Tae #5
Chapter 21: Thats good
andrea13 #6
I wish there was a sequel to clueless my favorite
Chapter 25: wow kai that is scary ><
Missyouwannabe #8
Chapter 61: Ooohhh I wouldn't mind Jongin giving me chocolate donut kisses as well lol
choezna #9
Chapter 60: aigoo, their daughter is so adorable...