Just Another Date (Kaiminzy)

Kaiminzy & Taeminzy Drabbles


Jongin was waiting at the meeting place for his girlfriend to come. It was like any other ordinary date, and frankly, he didn’t even contact her knowing that she is probably stuck in traffic. Yes, that was how much he trusts her. He doesn’t mind the waiting especially when he got his iPod as his companion and a scenery filled with people he could observe, tiredly heading back home after office hours.


Jongin wasn’t particularly about her being late but something about her being later than usual bothered him somehow. She didn’t call to cancel the date so he assume she is busy, so he just continue to wait patiently. Over-thinking might lead to assumptions and thus might make him starts to imagine thoughts that might piss him off so he would rather go with the flow. That is how easy going he is. He believes that he should not find a flaw in his girlfriend at all, since doing so might lead to unwanted arguments.


A couple of songs later, he notice a presence near him. Looking away from the people who are rushing to the train station to head back home, he looked at his girlfriend smiling but then, her face started to bother him. Minji’s face was pale in comparison to the hot weather and she looks frail enough to even stand on her own. It was as if a soft breeze of the wind could have blown her away.


Pulling his earpiece away, he stood up hovering over her short height before gently holding her soft hands that were surprisingly cold. It was then he knew, she was ill.


“Why didn’t you tell me you were unwell?”


“I thought it would’ve gone away after taking some medicines. Sorry for being late.”


“Don’t worry about it but can you really withstand the heat? We could’ve head home you know.”


“It’s fine Jongin ah. Let’s go!”


“Tell me if you can’t take it anymore ok?”


“You worry too much Jongin…” she said with a weak smile.


“Because when you’re sick, so am I.”


Minji just look at him and roll her eyes. She held his hands and lean towards him as they walk around on the streets together. As she busied herself with the surroundings, Jongin could not help but be extra cautious of her that day, worried that she might fall off or faint due to the insane summer heat.


Somehow, he was glad he kept her under his watch the whole time. He notice how wobbly she was whenever they stop walking and how she kept perspiring despite him wiping them off for her. Yet despite all that, she still remain quiet about her sickness that day. So much so that he end up concentrating on her well being more than what they were talking about.


He could barely catch on with whatever she was talking about when he thought he had enough worrying about her.


“Let’s go home.” He said abruptly cutting her off from her sentence.


“But.. we haven’t been out for an hour yet.” Minji whines.


“Your well being on its own is worrying enough. Let’s just head home please?”


Minji pouts and normally he would give in but not this time, not when she is weak enough to even go on with their date. He does not respond to her cute protest and it was then she knew she had lost it. She agreed to head home. Dragging him to the side of the road, she tries to flag down one of the many cabs available for the peak hour. Without giving much thought, he pulled her away from the side of the road and squat down.


“What are you doing?” Minji asked.


“What do you think I’m doing? Bringing you home of course.”


“I can get home by cab Jongin.”


“This peak hour? I don’t think your body can take it by the time we get into one.” he said still squatting.


“Get up! Come on, we’ll get into one soon.”


“Tell me which do you prefer? Me carrying you like a potato sack, me carrying you in front of me or getting piggybacked?” he said with a serious tone.


“You have got to be kidding me.” Minji looked at him in shock.


“Fine then.” Jongin got up and hauls her over his shoulder without giving her time to think before walking away.


He felt her struggling to put her down as passerby look at both of them strangely.


“Jongin put me down! People are looking!”


“Now tell me how you want to be carried or we will continue heading home like this.”


“I’m the sick one here yet you are giving me a hard time.”


“Took you long enough to come to a decision. So….?”


“Fine fine! Piggyback me!” Minji crossed her arms behind him to which Jongin smiled.


He put her down before squatting again to let her climb behind her back. Once she found her balance, Jongin stood up and carried her towards the direction of her home. Thank goodness he goes for regular gym visits, not that she is heavy, his girl is lighter than usual thanks to her sickness, but he knew the long journey home will be one of endurance.


The journey home from their date was a good 2 hour walk and he made use of it well with her since they don’t get to spend much time during their date. He could care less of how people looked at them and he tried to keep her distracted as they talk throughout their journey. As they laugh and joke, 2 hours seem so short as they reach her house without either of them realizing it.


It may seem tiring but nothing beats the fact that he still get to spend time with her despite her being unwell. Putting her gently on the ground, he held her hand and walked her to her apartment floor. He was glad that at least the time they spent together was worth every minute of it. Gently cupping her face, Jongin gave her a soft peck on her forehead before seeing her off at the door.


Satisfied that she is home, he left the apartment after greeting Mrs. Gong and his girlfriend’s unni with a smile on his face. It may not be much but it was still a date to him nonetheless. As he walk back down the path he came from with her, he received a text saying how she loved their walk and how she really loves how much effort he puts in to show his affection for her before ending it with an ‘I Love You’. It was then he knew, she was worth every sacrifice he does for her. 

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Missyouwannabe #1
Chapter 62: YES!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 62: i really want to see kai and taemin reaction of minzy in MAMA 2015
Chapter 62: I really need kai or taemin reaction over 2ne1 perform on mama T.T
Chapter 62: That cheap trick but get me feel happy.
Seul-Tae #5
Chapter 21: Thats good
andrea13 #6
I wish there was a sequel to clueless my favorite
Chapter 25: wow kai that is scary ><
Missyouwannabe #8
Chapter 61: Ooohhh I wouldn't mind Jongin giving me chocolate donut kisses as well lol
choezna #9
Chapter 60: aigoo, their daughter is so adorable...