
Number One (chap 3 has been rewritten)
Junhong glanced over the comic sitting in his hand. Yongguk was seated directly opposite him and it seemed as though he was completely immersed in the novel he was reading.
Junhong absolutely loved people who read.
Junhong admired Yongguk’s hand as it traced the page before flipping it. He could feel his face heat up from the male’s simple action.
“Take a picture, it lasts longer.”
Junhong yelped at the warm breath blowing against his face. Jongup’s eyes disappeared as he laughed at the pathetic noise made.
“Or maybe you’d like a video instead?”
“Shut up Jongup.”
Junhong slapped Jongup’s head with the comic, glaring at the shorter male. 
Junhong peered back at Yongguk and a deep red blush spread across his face when he met the man’s gaze. 
Yongguk shot a shy smile and chuckled when Junhong slammed his head down on the table and hid under his comic. 
He exchanged a confused look with Jongup who was having the time of his life laughing his off because of Junhong. 
Junhong’s heartbeat was like a bullet train. He cursed himself for being so embarrassing.
“I feel like we’re back in middle school. Remember when that girl pecked you on the cheek.”
“I will castrate if you don’t shut up, Moon Jongup.”
Yongguk snorted from his seat as Jongup did a battle cry and ran out of the library like the lunatic he was.
He glanced back at Junhong and jumped in his seat.
His own eyes met Junhong’s chocolate brown eyes again.
“Ummm hi.”
Junhong buried his head in his satchel as Jongup repeated the embarrassing event in the library to Jimin. 
He groaned audibly as Jimin laughed satanically, hitting him on his back for teasing sake.
“You’re such a wimp Junhong!”
“I guess you’re not the only one I’m going to have to castrate Jongup.”
“Face it Junhong! You’re totally in love with the dude.”
Junhong punched Jongup in the arm and tied the straps of his satchel around his neck, hoping to suffocate himself before the embarrassment increased.
“I can’t wait to tell the other guys.”
Junhong pushed the flap of his satchel down to glare at Jimin who was looking at him with puppy eyes.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Hoseok & Taehyung  are already on the way.”
“I could kill you Jimin.”
“So you’re going to castrate me then kill me? I think I need to report you right now.”
Yongguk moaned. Himchan wouldn’t never let the day’s events go. He’d even tweeted ‘Yongguk’s in love. I’m such a proud mother.’.
Yongguk wondered why he hadn’t thrown the other male off a cliff yet. 
Yongguk slapped his face lightly and stared back down at his literature assignment. 
Write a short paragraph about the definition of love in your own words.
Yongguk couldn’t help but think of the day’s events in the library. He could remember how his heart had skipped when Junhong’s eyes met his. 
Yongguk bit on the pencil in between his fingers, unsure of how to put his feelings into words. 
Love is a feeling
Love is the act
Yongguk sighed. He ran a hand through his hair as he tried to form his thoughts. 
Half an hour later, he’d ended up with a bedroom floor filled with paper balls and he was still not getting near his target.
He huffed and thought back to Junhong. He grinned and rolled over to the desk, pulling out a fresh sheet of paper.
Love is bliss
It’s a simple thing, really
Love is when you see someone special and you can’t stop thinking about them
even if it’s for a second
Love is when your heart flutters just at the mention of someone’s name
Love is like a precious jewel
You don’t ever want someone to steal it or lose it
Love is something you want to keep close to your heart because it’s priceless
Love makes you happy
Love makes you feel better even after a day of problems
Love can be painful but that’s when you realise it’s love because it’s so intense
Love is like a lifeline
Be it love for the opposite gender, the same gender, idols or animals
It’s all the same
Love is love
A dictionary definition doesn’t capture the beauty of love because love is indescribable 
It’s a simple thing but there’s no word in the world that can describe love perfectly
Yongguk beamed at the piece of work sitting on his table. 
His mind drifted back to Junhong and he could feel the butterflies fluttering around his tummy.
“Choi Junhong, what exactly have you done to me”
Junhong slinked through the side as the emcee announced the next act, garnering the loudest applause of the night. 
He sighed and checked to see whether his friends were still behind him.
They’d insisted on following once they’d found out about his crush so he was forced to bring them before they spilled his secret to the whole world.
He tugged at their hands and pulled them to the front.
People were staring at their human chain, exchanging weird looks with them.
They looked like a bunch of preschoolers holding hands as they crossed the road. 
They quickly escaped the eyes of the crowd as they made it to the corner of the stage. 
He could see the trio setting up their mics. The emcee was still trying to keep the crowd’s cheers up in time for the next performers.
Junhong noticed how scantily the females were dressed and grimaced at the sight. He never knew people could be so shameless. 
“Okay guys, hoods up before anyone sees us.”
Junhong waited for everyone to get their hoods up before putting his up along with theirs. 
The music blasted through the crowd as the trio stepped up to the stage.
Junhong blushed the moment Yongguk stepped onto stage. His getup was different from the previous times.
He had a blue button up on, the top few buttons left open. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and Junhong couldn’t help but think that he looked absolutely delectable.
Junhong admired how good the baritone man looked with his hair up. 
The eight of them joined in on the cheering as the first word of Yongguk’s rap was spit. 
Junhong grinned as they jumped along with the crowd, Yongguk was performing better than ever tonight and Jongup & Himchan were no exception. 
“I think I’m in love.”
Junhong laughed as Jungkook made a fool of himself throwing hearts Jongup’s way. 
Junhong turned back to the stage and nearly had a heart attack at how close he was to Yongguk.
The man’s hand was reaching out to the crowd. Junhong could see how Yongguk cocked an eyebrow at him because his hand wasn’t stretching out to stage like everyone else’s.
Junhong’s eyes widened as Yongguk bent down the stage even more to reach him. 
His heart was beating wildly and his breathing was beginning to fasten. 
He stepped back as Yongguk inched closer to him. 
He swore that Yongguk saw his face or at least caught a glimpse of it. 
Junhong didn’t know what came over him but he soon found himself running out of the club. 
He wasn’t going to be coming back for awhile now.
word count: 1,215
a/n: I don’t know where this chapter came from. and yes Junhong is friends with the whole of Bangtan ^^~
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Chapter 3: This is adorable.
Oblivious!Banglo is my weakness
Chapter 3: If possible this is even cutter ;A;
my heart is all flustered i love this ;w;
TOPJaeLoveChild #3
Chapter 3: Wahhh very good chapter...
Poor gukie nobody gives me pepero...
I will o///////o
Chapter 3: heheh =] Junhong beating poor Jongup lol and Himchan ready to kill Yongguk because he thought he was gunning for Jongup lol heheh =] sooo cute
TOPJaeLoveChild #5
Chapter 3: Nuuu u.u show it plis...
Good chapter!!!!
Chapter 3: holy fuu how cute <3
Chapter 3: ahhhhhh awwwww sooooo cute =] for reals cute... gahhhhh heheh Jongup and Junhong's noona are super sly ehhh lol hehehheh
Author here! I'm going to retype chapter 3 as soon as I'm free! I'm not very satisfied with this one
Chapter 3: OMG.
They're so awkward and cute and fluffy~
/cries waterfalls/