
Number One (chap 3 has been rewritten)
Junhong slipped in between the horde of females, squeezing his way to the front as the music begins to play. The ground vibrated from the bass and the crowd jumping to the beat. 
The cheers were deafening as a figure stepped out from the smog, the two others by his side. Junhong felt chills when the man cleared his throat, even that was music to him. 
Junhong made it to the front just in time as the man began rapping like the speed of light. Himchan was adding his own raps while Jongup in the back was dancing up a storm, catching the attention of all the teenage girls in the crowd. Junhong could see several phones lit up with the names of the other members on the stage but his eyes were glued to the one in the middle.
Bang Yongguk.
Junhong’s friends had even about having a ‘crush’ on the man he’d never spoken to before. He had denied it straight out and told them that it was just admiration for the man. It was the truth at first but that was before he’d realised that Bang Yongguk went to his school and he discovered what he was actually like.
Bang Yongguk was the definition of flawless. Or at least in Junhong’s dictionary it was. 
Junhong watched as the man moved around the tiny stage with confident strides. He captivated everyone around him, even the people who were just sitting by the bar for a drink after a long day of work. Junhong loved the spark in Yongguk’s eyes when he was performing. He just looked so sure of himself.
Their set soon finished and Junhong hurriedly pushed past the crowd to get out before anyone from school caught him. Junhong knew that Yongguk’s friends went to every single set of his and he couldn’t risk having one of them catch him. 
He took a deep breath of fresh air after being caught up in a musky club. His heart was still beating wildly, the adrenaline still caught up in his body. He checked the time and saw that he still had a couple of hours before school. He dropped his board onto the concrete and weaved his way through the drunk people, avoiding the puddles of vomit traveling into the drain.
The night was still and the roads were empty as he carelessly skated across empty roads and carparks. 
He made it home soon enough. He toed off his sneakers and snuck past his parents who were caught up in a movie. He threw his satchel onto his desk and changed into a cotton t-shirt and boxers, all while his mind was still caught up on the baritone man. He fell into his messy sheets atop the mattress, a hand running through his pitch black locks. 
The air conditioner blew cool air into the room and he shivered as he felt the heat of the club on his skin once more. The temperature seemed to rise even more as he thought of Yongguk. 
“Goodnight, Gukkie.” Junhong mumbled and pecked the screen of his phone.
Yongguk groaned as his mother shook his body, attempting to rouse him from his sleep. He pushed his face into his pillow as his little sisters joined his mother, jumping up and down on his bed as they smacked him with their pillows.
“Yonggukkie! Get up! We’re all going to be late if you don’t get up now!” his eight year old sister, Jinah, yelled into his ear and pinched his cheek. 
Yongguk growled as Sujin joined her elder sister and pinched his other cheek. In one swift move, Yongguk had trapped the two little girls under his arms and messed up their neatly tied up hair. He earned himself a stinging slap to the back from his mom as she pulled the two to safety and grabbed a comb to straighten them out. 
“Go get showered and grab something for breakfast quick. Your dad left earlier because there was an accident at work so I have to send you today.” His mom mumbled and shoved him into the shower.
Yongguk stripped himself down and let himself soak in the hot water for a bit. His back was tense from all the performing and Jongup had inflicted even more pain onto him while trying to massage him. 
He scrubbed himself with speed and was soon styling his hair, chewing on a piece of toast his mom had stuffed into his mouth the moment he left the shower. He looked at himself from head to toe and smiled, deeming himself ready.
“Woah. Who are you trying to impress Yongguk? You look good for once.”
Yongguk rolled his eyes at his mother’s comment but he knew that he was actually trying to impress someone. He hadn’t noticed this someone till Himchan had pointed him out during one of their school talks. The dark head male was surrounded by other pretty good looking classmates but his pale skin made him look like he was glowing and Yongguk was absolutely smitten by the second year male. 
“No one Mom. Can’t I want to look good once in awhile?”
“I’m just saying.” His mother muttered under her breath and drove down the quiet road.
Yongguk was jumpy to say the least. Himchan had found out about his baby faced eye-candy in no time and spent every school day reporting to Yongguk about the whereabouts of the younger male. 
Yongguk pecked his mother’s cheek and hugged his little sisters before rushing out of the car door. He waved at the car once more before taking quick steps into the school. He couldn’t wait even one more minute to see his eye-candy. He stumbled to where Himchan was and grinned madly when he saw the pale skinned boy hanging out by the lockers. 
“Sup’. I’ve got some new information and I can promise you that it’s really good.”
“What is it?”
“Hold your horses Guk.” Himchan hissed as he dug around his bag, searching for the slip of paper Jongup had handed him. His face lit up when he found it and shoved it into Yongguk’s palm.
Choi Junhong
15th October 1996
Class 2B
Aspiration: Musician
Yongguk cocked an eyebrow at the slip of paper and looked up at Himchan, confusion evident in his eyes.
“I found out that Jongup’s in the same dance class as your love and he managed to sneak out some information he thought you’d find interesting.” Himchan smirked as Yongguk’s eyes bulged out.
“You don’t know how much I love you two.” Yongguk chirped and let his fingers trace over the name. 
Choi Junhong.
Such a perfect name for such a perfect boy.
Junhong dropped his tired body onto the cool wooden floor. The rest of the class had left much earlier but Jongup had proposed that they stayed for a while more to polish up their moves before their test. 
“Hey, where were you last night? Jimin called me and said you weren’t at home.”
“I was out.”
“Duh! But where exactly were you?”
Jongup had actually noticed Junhong in the crowd at the club a couple of times but he hadn’t wanted to say it out. He knew that Junhong was trying to keep it from him but he didn’t know why.
“I-i was at my brother’s place. It was our movies night.” Junhong lied through gritted teeth. 
He didn’t like how Jongup always pried into his privacy like a mother would. There was no way in hell that he would tell Jongup where he actually was and why he was there. Jongup had no control over his mouth and was known to reveal secrets by accident. He couldn’t risk Yongguk finding out about his huge crush on him. 
“Junhong, you’re a really bad liar y’know.”
“I’m telling the truth! Why can’t you just believe me?”
“You were at the club, weren’t you?”
Junhong was completely shell shocked. He was tongue tied. Junhong couldn’t help but stare at Jongup with wide eyes as the latter smirked at him.
“You should tried to conceal yourself better. You’re lucky that I’m the only who has noticed you.”
“But I always make sure that I’m perfectly hidden and wear all black and-”
“Need I remind you that you wear neon green sneakers everywhere you go.”
“I’m screwed.” Junhong groaned.
Jongup looked at him amusedly as Junhong threw a mini-tantrum. 
“You’re not. Remember, I’m the only one who knows.”
“And that’s exactly why I’m screwed!”
“Hey! I’m not that bad with secrets.”
“You’ve revealed every single secret I’ve ever told you.” Junhong glared at the grinning male sitting across from him.
“Well I promise that I will try to not tell anyone this time.”
Jongup had been so tempted to spill the beans about Yongguk’s obsession with Junhong but he stopped himself when the memory of Himchan’s threat came back. He did not want to have a bald head all for revealing his secret. 
Jongup noticed Junhong’s phone lying on the floor as the said male was already leaving the building. He’d wanted to call his name out but Junhong was already out the door before he could even open his mouth. His eyes traveled to the screen as it lit up with a text message. 
He had to stifle his laugh when he saw the wallpaper printed across the screen.
“Boy, these two are so damn whipped.”
word count: 1,583 words
Today's Playlist:
  • Gone Not Around Any Longer - SISTAR19
  • Brown City (Cover) - Yoo Seungwoo
  • Hello - Yoo Seungwoo
  • Miss Flower - Standing Egg
  • 달라졌을까 - Bangtan

A/N: do feed back on what you think of this so far :) I’m not completely satisfied with this but I think that I’ll be able to write this better than Bipolar. Hope you guys like this ^_^

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An update should be up this weekend ^~^


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Chapter 3: This is adorable.
Oblivious!Banglo is my weakness
Chapter 3: If possible this is even cutter ;A;
my heart is all flustered i love this ;w;
TOPJaeLoveChild #3
Chapter 3: Wahhh very good chapter...
Poor gukie nobody gives me pepero...
I will o///////o
Chapter 3: heheh =] Junhong beating poor Jongup lol and Himchan ready to kill Yongguk because he thought he was gunning for Jongup lol heheh =] sooo cute
TOPJaeLoveChild #5
Chapter 3: Nuuu u.u show it plis...
Good chapter!!!!
Chapter 3: holy fuu how cute <3
Chapter 3: ahhhhhh awwwww sooooo cute =] for reals cute... gahhhhh heheh Jongup and Junhong's noona are super sly ehhh lol hehehheh
Author here! I'm going to retype chapter 3 as soon as I'm free! I'm not very satisfied with this one
Chapter 3: OMG.
They're so awkward and cute and fluffy~
/cries waterfalls/