
Number One (chap 3 has been rewritten)
Junhong pouted at the feeling of liquid chocolate burning his hand. His hands were already stained with dark red blotches from all the burning & chocolate from all the work.
He swirled the thin biscuit in the chocolate and dipped it into a bowl of sprinkles. Junhong arranged the newly coated biscuit onto the tray before sending it to the freezer to get the chocolate to stick.
"You're a life saver Junhong! I don't know what I would've done if you weren't here."
"You owe me big time noona."
Junhong scowled at the sheepish smile his sister shot him. He took a seat next to her, joining her in the wrapping of the chocolate treats.
"I can't wait to give this to you-know-who. I wonder what he'll say."
"He has a name noona, use it. And don't act like he doesn't like you. I so saw him sending you bedroom eyes at lunch yesterday."
"Speaking about liking people, what about your little crush Junnie? Aren't you going to give him a valentine?"
"No way noona. He'd reject me straight out in front of all his friends and I'll have to bury myself alive."
"You're such a wimp."
"Am not."
"Is too."
"Am not!"
"Is tooooooooo!"
Yongguk's eyebrows furrowed as Jongup ran up to him. He watched as the shorter male panted, trying to form a coherent sentence.
"I'' to...give you."
Yongguk waited patiently while Jongup rummaged through his backpack.
Yongguk cocked an eyebrow at the small gift in Jongup's hand. Wasn't it something girls gave to their crushes on valentine's day? Was Jongup confessing to him?
"I'm sorry Jong but I don't think I can accept this. You've got Himchan already & I don't think you should be playing with his heart like this. He's my best friend and I don't want to hurt him."
Jongup gaped at Yongguk cluelessly. His mouth formed an 'o' when he understood that Yongguk was getting the wrong message.
"Don't flatter yourself you big idiot. It's not from me."
Yongguk coughed awkwardly, grabbing at the plastic wrapped chocolate biscuit.
"So who is it from?"
"Junhongie. My best friend a.k.a the dude you're crushing on."
Yongguk's face heated up at the boy's name. Junhong was giving him a valentines? Junhong!
Yongguk carefully tucked the treat in his bag, making sure it wouldn't be crushed on the way home.
“Tell him that I said thanks and that it’s cute. It’s one of my first few valentines.”
Junhong sent a piercing glare at Jongup and pushed himself up from the sticky hallway floor. He dusted off the remnants of dried up chewing gum and shoved his friend harshly.
“So what were you going on about Yongguk before you hit me oh so lightly?”
“Oh I was just saying that Yongguk wanted to say thanks for the pepero.”
Junhong gaped at his friend and his eyes turned to slits. He wasn’t too sure what his friend was going on about but he was sure he had a slight inkling about it. Jongup watched with an amused expression when Junhong’s eyes widened animatedly and he couldn’t stifle the snort at his best friend’s face.
Soon, Jongup was pinned to the floor with Junhong straddling him and punching his torso. His arms were flailing everywhere and he was lucky that his eye hadn’t been taken out yet. Jongup tried to slap the long limbs away from him but that earned him a knee to the crotch.
Jongup groaned as the blows continued raining on him.
Jongup shoved Junhong off of him the moment the boy stopped hitting him and chose to stare at his friend with the usual blank expression he had on his face. 
“Noona put you up to this?”
Jongup didn’t reply and watched as Junhong ran to the closest locker and slammed his head repeatedly against the metal. 
“Why is my life like this? Why is my noona like this? Why is my best friend like this?”
Jongup chuckled at the words Junhong was chanting. He was sure that beautiful forehead was going to bruise and that the owner of the locker wouldn’t be too pleased if the locker was stained with blood. 
Jongup sighed and buried his face in his arms. It was lunch and Junhong thought it appropriate to send death glares at him every five seconds. 
“Sometimes I wonder whether you care about my sister’s happiness more than my life.”
“Junhong, just be happy that someone is actually trying to help you.”
“Yeah like ruining my life is helping me?”
Jongup smirked at his best friend. Boy was Junhong clueless about Yongguk.
“I think you should give it a try Junhong. Anything is possible on Valentine’s Day.”
“Jongup, I don’t know whether you’re high or something but there is no way in my life will Bang Yongguk ever realise that I even exist.”
Yongguk cringed the the baby blue ribbon sticking out of his bag and tugged the plastic wrapped pepero out. 
“Oh what is this little baby doing sitting in your bag?”
Yongguk tried to pull it away from Himchan’s curious hands before it got destroyed but he was already too late. Himchan had already tugged the ribbon off and had pulled out one of the pepero sticks and was observing the chocolate coating. 
“Even I can’t make pepero this good.”
“Himchan, you don’t even make pepero.”
Himchan stuck out his tongue at his best friend and Yongguk could only roll his eyes at the childishness.
“Sooooo who gave it to ya’? From what I know, the last time you got a valentine was when you were ten and the teacher pitied you so you got a bar of kit-kat.”
“None of your business and I would appreciate it if you didn’t bring up my embarrassing past.”
“Sure sure but spill before I go hunt down the giver.”
“Jongup gave it.”
Himchan squinted and Yongguk swore he could see his life flash before his eyes when Himchan pounced onto him. 
“Stay away from Jongup. He’s mine.”
“You didn’t wait for me to finish.”
“Oh there’s more? Sorry for the potential brain damage then!”
“Yeah yeah you’ve done worse things to me.”
“So who’s the darling who gave this to you?”
“Junhong. As in Choi Junhong.”
And in that moment, Yongguk swore he’d never make it to the next period.
a/n: so i rewrote this :) head down to if you want to see better and more of my fics ^^v
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Chapter 3: This is adorable.
Oblivious!Banglo is my weakness
Chapter 3: If possible this is even cutter ;A;
my heart is all flustered i love this ;w;
TOPJaeLoveChild #3
Chapter 3: Wahhh very good chapter...
Poor gukie nobody gives me pepero...
I will o///////o
Chapter 3: heheh =] Junhong beating poor Jongup lol and Himchan ready to kill Yongguk because he thought he was gunning for Jongup lol heheh =] sooo cute
TOPJaeLoveChild #5
Chapter 3: Nuuu u.u show it plis...
Good chapter!!!!
Chapter 3: holy fuu how cute <3
Chapter 3: ahhhhhh awwwww sooooo cute =] for reals cute... gahhhhh heheh Jongup and Junhong's noona are super sly ehhh lol hehehheh
Author here! I'm going to retype chapter 3 as soon as I'm free! I'm not very satisfied with this one
Chapter 3: OMG.
They're so awkward and cute and fluffy~
/cries waterfalls/