Chapter 2

I fell in love with my boss






Them both shouted in surprise completely startled with the current situation. Suddenly Jesse stood up from his seat and started to bow his head 90 degrees in embarrassment:

“Oh my God! Mi-miss I–I didn’t know and y-you, I–I am really sorry for your coffee! If --!!”

Jesse only stopped his bows when he heard a soft chuckle filing the air. Once he looked up, he was agape with the young lady's beautiful smile, he has never seen such a beautiful thing. However, already in his dreamland, he came back to reality when Tiffany shook her head, still smiling and explained:

“Mister Jung, you don’t have to apologize. I am the one who… ruined your shirt… I am really, really sorry.”

Tiffany’s smile dropped and turned it into a frown when she stared at the big stain of coffee totally plastered on Jesse’s shirt which he was trying to hide with his jacket. Feeling guilty, she bowed her head with a gloomy expression. The moment Jesse saw her sincere semblance, he felt a sudden rush to comfort her; yet, this wasn’t the right thing for a stranger. However, feeling moved with her honesty, a genuine smile crept on his lips as he spoke softly:

“That’s alright, Miss. I should be more careful next time. It's not your fault. Maybe my shirt needed some color anyway.”

He laughed at his own comment which was a part of his strategy to make the young lady feel better. And it worked; Tiffany was infected with his laughter and started to giggle along as they realized how silly they were about such a trivial thing. With the mood less tense, Tiffany mentally thanked him for his comforting words and gestured him to take a seat again. Although their laughter subsided, they felt easy with each other already. So the junior president a.k.a Tiffany cleared and held her hands together as she started the interview:

“So… Mister Jung… after taking a look at your curriculum… may I ask you something?”

Jesse creased his browns in confusion, yet let her continue as he nodded his head:

“Sure, Miss.”

“I couldn’t help to see that you have such remarkable skills, experience and knowledge. But… with so many attributes… why did you choose our company and… work as an assistant when you can clearly be able to take over of the highest rank?”

“Wow she is direct indeed…”

Jesse thought. Nonetheless, he pursed his lips for awhile, pondering what he would say. He knew that he couldn’t take so much since the lady before him was waiting for his answer anxiously and, he had to show security and sincerity in his answer. So, he looked up and felt his air vanish to see such melting brown orbs staring at him with full attention. He breathed deeply and started slowly with a small smile:

“I really am grateful with your remark, Miss. But, honestly… I made some research about this company and actually, I was pleasantly surprised with the Hwang & Kim Corp ethics, story and everything. And answering your question, I learned that no one starts from the top, if you want something with dignity, you must earn and fight for accomplish your objective. That’s why I am here, I am really willing to try and also… because I really need this job.”

The silence surrounded the environment as Tiffany was out of words with Jesse's bold and honest speech. But she was more amazed about the fact of how truthful was his words and his expression; most part of the candidates of her company was totally full of themselves. But Jesse… she knew that he would be very different, normally she would analyze everything before hiring someone. It was her father’s advice and rule, yet she had a gut feeling that Jesse… was the right person for the job.

She started to ask random questions of his curriculum and he always surprised her with his words. Finally making her mind, she nodded at his answer and kept a serious expression, although she wanted to laugh at him when she saw his concerned eyes. Clearing , she adjusted her glasses and some files over her desk as she started with a serious tone:

“Well, Mister Jung. I am afraid I must be very honest with you. The Hwang & Kim Corp are looking for serious and committed professionals. So, what I am trying to say is… you are hired.”

“!!! W-what?! Seriously?! *Ahem* Seriously?”

Jesse cleared his throat in embarrassment, lowering his surprised and joyful tone as he stared at the young lady before him. Even agape, Tiffany couldn’t help but to think that he was adorable with his honest and genuine expression. A soft smile escaped from her lips as she stood up from her chair and extended her hand for a handshake. Jesse stood up quickly as he dumbly took her hand and shook it gently, while Tiffany adds with a contented tone:

“Welcome to Hwang & Kim Corp, Mr. Jung. I am looking forward to have you as my assistant and work with you. You can start tomorrow. Is that all right for you?”

“Oh of course, it will be an honor. I–I don’t know what to say, but thank you very much, Miss-“

“By the way, my name is Hwang Tiffany. But you can call me just Tiffany okay?”

Tiffany…a beautiful name as the owner… Jesse mentally slapped himself for his boldness, but he wasn’t lying… However, he couldn’t deny that he felt a jolt when their hands touched… a sudden shiver ran all over his body when he felt the softness of her hand. The funny thing was that he didn't want to let go. Yet, he had to; then, once they withdrew their hands reluctantly, there came disappointment, he bowed in respect as he answered with a smile:

“Jung Jesse at your service, Tiffany-ssi.”


A clanging keys sound echoed all over the small apartment as Jesse opened the door and scanning around. With no sight of his little sister, he called curiously:

“Krys, are you home?”

“Oh oppa! I am at the kitchen! Hold a sec!”

Jesse chuckled at his sister's rapid answer. He couldn’t help but to sigh in content as his nostrils caught the captivating food scent; good thing he had a sister who knows how to cook and very well. Once the young girl rushed out of the kitchen, she jumped on her old brother’s neck, speaking happily:

“Oppa, you came early! So, tell me! What happened? Did they hire you? How was the interview? Who is your boss?!”

Although her dongsaeng stormed thousand of questions, totally curious, Jesse couldn’t help it so he a little. He faked a sad semblance as he stumbled his shoulders forward and dragged himself to the couch. A worried Krystal frowned in concern as she took the seat beside him and asked hesitantly:

“You… didn't get the job?”

At the sight of her sad pout; Jesse sighed heavily and started slowly as he looked up to his sister's worried eyes:

“Krys…” She adjusted on her spot and flinched to his next sentence. After taking a deep breath, he placed his hands on her shoulders and started seriously:

“Sis… you are looking at the new Hwang & Kim Corp President’s assistant!”

“WHAT?! So y-you and Oh-My-God! Congratulations, oppa! I am so proud of you!”

With a wide smile on her lips, Krystal lunged herself forward and hugged her old brother really tight. He just chuckles at her reaction and patted her head gently as he adds heartily:

“Thanks, Krys. I was really surprised as well, but I am relieved that everything was alright in the end.”

“That’s great, oppa! I knew you would make it! But tell me! How was your interview and everything! And--- Ehh oppa,…what happened with your shirt?”

Once Krystal pointed to his still stained shirt, Jesse’s mind brought back the earlier incident. It was that moment where he bumped with a beautiful young lady and became mesmerized with her chocolate eyes; and then, when he discovered that she would be his boss. Only remembering her warm smile, he felt his heart fluttering and his face on fire. Yet, he was brought to the reality when a hand waved in front of his face and an uncertain voice:

“Ehhh oppa? Are you… there? Your face seems kinda funny and… flushed?”

“Uhhh of-of course I – I am ok! Errr… what were you talking about anyway?”

“I was asking how did you get the job and everything?”

The young sibling asked in confusion since she noted her brother's sudden change of mood, in that case, he was suddenly acting defensive. However, he informed the details of his job, the company and everything; but when she asked to him be more specific with the one who interviewed him, his face was flushed again and his semblance was uneasy. After many whines and questions, Jesse finally told her the whole truth; once he ended the story, Krystal couldn’t help but narrow her eyes mischievously at him and knocked his shoulder teasingly, speaking into an annoying tone:

“Ok, now everything makes sense. So that was the reason you were so nervous.”

“What? Pfft who told you that I am nervous!?” Jesse snapped with his eyes narrowed:

“No need, it’s all written on your face, oppa! I mean, your boss must be VERY attractive and beautiful or you wouldn’t be so flushed like you are now! *chuckles*”

“Ya, you!” An ‘angry’ Jesse quickly stood up to chase his annoying sister who was laughing and sticking her tongue to him. After awhile both of them were bursting in laughter and tickling each other as they stopped only to have their meal.

Some hours later, Jesse walked his sister to her room and covered her gently with a pink/white blanket. Once she yawned loudly, she looked up to her brother and smiled gingerly before close her eyes. Yet, not before whisper in content:

“Good night, oppa!” He chuckled and ruffled her hair, uttering heartily:

“Good night, Krys. Sweet dreams.” She turned to her side and hugged her plush bear tight as she whispered happily to Jesse:

“Love you, oppa. I am really happy for you.”

Jesse halted his steps and turn around to smile genuinely at his sister sincere words. Then, he leaned and kissed her forehead affectionately:

“Love you too, Krys. And I am grateful to have a sister like you.”

With that, he smiled once again as he saw his sister’s smile and the latter fell asleep. Once he was sure that she was sleeping, he walked out of her room carefully, not disturbing her sleeping time. Before going, he turned around and smirked feeling blessed to have such an incredible sister. He closed the door gently and drifted to his room. When he reached his bed and placed his head on his soft pillow; he just stared the ceiling with thousand of thoughts running by his mind. But above all thoughts, there was a thing that made him unable to close his eyes or stop smiling…

When flashes of his first encounter with the beautiful lady crossed his mind; he smiled widely feeling his heart beating unsteadily. His eyelids get heavy as an image was printed in his mind… the same scene when she smiled at him for the first time. Finally letting the sleep come to his body, Jesse smiled to himself as he uttered faintly:

“Miss Hwang… I am looking forward to know you…”

And then, he finally fell asleep with a coy smile plastered on his lips and his hand atop his heart.


The next day…

By the morning, there was Jesse, already wide awake, yes it is a miracle. However, the reason was that he was really excited to start his new job and… with his new boss, his eye-smiling and adorable boss. Although, he had a wide smile on his lips, he knew that Hwang & Kim Corp was a serious company and he must keep his commitment.

Minutes later, he accompanied his sister to her school and made his way to his new work. Once he was in front of the H & K Corp, Jesse was greeted by a friendly doorman; greeting him back nicely, Jesse took a deep breath and finally entered on the tall building. Reaching his floor, he smiled warmly when his co-worker waved at him and spoke cheerfully:

“Oh, hi Jesse! Good morning!”

“Hi there, Sunny. Good morning.” The latter smiled heartily and elbowed his arm gently as she spoke up:

“So… are you ready for your first day?”

“Of course, I am always ready.”

His shorty friend chuckled at his remark and motioned him to come along. Jesse followed her and watched everything attentively as his friend was giving the last advices and instructions. Once he settled himself in his own desk close to the president’s office; he studied his schedule diligently. Minutes later, his train of thoughts was interrupted when a heavenly and husky voice caught his attention:

“Good morning to everyone!”

When Jesse shot his head up, everything around him was in slow motion while his boss a.k.a Miss Hwang walked to his direction with an enchanting smile playing on her plump lips. Sunny watched Jesse’s agape expression from afar and couldn’t help but to stifle her giggle. Meanwhile, it looked like Jesse noted Sunny’s faint chuckle and quickly lowered his head in shyness since he was staring his new boss a little too much.

While his face was getting warm, he knew that he was probably blushing now. However, his blush only aggravated when his so called boss stopped before his desk and greeted him again, but this time, only directed to him:

“Good morning, Jesse!”

“Hmm, g-good morning, M-Mi-Miss Hwang.”

His throat was dry as he kept his head lowered in shyness. However, this is work, so that means he must be serious and concentrate himself. When he looked up slowly, he merely could contain the fast heartbeats under his chest on the moments his eyes locked on his boss caramel eyes. If the situation couldn’t get worse, Tiffany eye-smiled gently as he uttered sincerely without breaking the stare:

“Didn’t I tell you to call me Tiffany? You are allowed to, you know.”

“S-sure, Tif-Tiffany-shi.” Jesse bowed nervously since he couldn’t call her by her name yet. But, his boss only chuckled at him and shook her head as she walked to her glamorous office:

“That’s all right, I think you still need to get used it, right?”

Once she smiled to him and to Sunny, Tiffany finally entered in her office and closed the door. And now, since she wasn’t in sight anymore, Jesse broke his stare from the door and took a deep breath as he placed his hand above his reckless heart. Nonetheless, when he noted a stare on him, he quickly looked up only to glare his friend who was smiling at him mischievously. Sunny walked to him saucily and stopped right before his desk with her arms crossed, as if she was waiting for his reply. Due the silence and awkwardness, Jesse raised his brow in confusion as Sunny started with a teasing voice:

“Well well well, I never thought I could ever see you blushing… Come on, Jesse! Don’t be shy… tell me… what you think about Miss Hwang, hmmm?!”

“EH?! I – I don’t know what are you talking about!”

He nervously snapped, but before Sunny could continue her evil interrogation; Jesse’s desk phone rang and he promptly answered:

“Jung speaking… Oh, right… I am coming, Miss Hwang.”

Jesse quickly stood up and narrowed his eyes to Sunny who smiled widely to see a faint blush in his cheeks. However, he grabbed some random files on his drawers and knocked on his boss’ door gently; when he heard the soft reply, he opened the door and entered. Inside the office, Jesse halted briefly when Tiffany smiled kindly and motioned to him take a seat. He nodded and thanked as he sat; Tiffany finally spoke:

“Jesse, I called you here since you are my assistant, I will have a meeting at 3 PM and I will need your help. Can I count on you?”

“Oh of course, Mis- I mean, Tiffany-shi. I will do my best.”

“Thanks, that’s what I wanted to hear. So here is what we will have to discuss…”

With that, Tiffany started to explain the main subject of their future meeting. Meanwhile, when Jesse was truly engrossed in his tasks and Tiffany’s explanation; he wouldn’t ever imagine that his boss would steal some glances of him and smile warmly at his cute/serious expression. Never in her whole life, she would be affected by someone that she barely knew, yet in a good way. Once they finished, Jesse excused himself out of the office, yet not without glancing at his adorable boss. He was amazed with her explanation, how can someone so young, beautiful and adorable could be that wise? For him, Tiffany Hwang was someone really interesting and amazing indeed.

Back to his desk, he felt the same annoying stare on him, when he looked up, he sighed deeply and removed his spectacles as he held his nose’s bridge:

“SunKyu-ah… I am warning you. Whatever you are thinking, stop now.”

“Aish, Jesse. You are no fun *huff*”

He smiled victoriously when Sunny huffed loudly and returned to her own tasks. Just when he thought he would be in peace to keep working, the elevator door opened, creating a loud ‘ting’ sound. Seconds later, a short yet charming man wearing a nice tux stepped out from the elevator. The women in the large office were in awe at his cute presence; he walked and greeted everyone until he stopped in front of Sunny’s desk. When the latter stop writing to look up, automatically dropped when the man smiled warmly at her, speaking into a happy tone:

“H-hi, Sunny. Good morning. Nice to see you again.”

“Mr – Mr. K-Kim. Oh h-hi, good morning! Y-yes, I mean… me to-too.”

Sunny’s face was into a vivid red color when the ‘Mr. Kim’ smiled widely at her; he looked down dejectedly and spoke into a cheerful tone:

“That’s great! And Sunny, you know that you can call me just Tae okay? I won’t mind… err… Tippany it's in her office?”

Sunny dumbly nodded as the Mr. Kim chuckled and placed his hand on her shoulder gently. They locked a meaningful stare for a while, but seeing that he was getting drowned in her beautiful and brown eyes, he cleared his throat and laughed nervously, hiding his own blush:

“Th-Thank you, Sunny. I will talk to her. See you around, ok?”

Once again, Sunny dumbly nodded with a stupid grin on her face, sighing dreamily while she watched ‘Mr. Kim’ walk to Tiffany’s office. Jesse couldn’t help to chuckle at the scene, now he had a perfect opportunity to tease his co-worker; even more when the latter was holding her red cheeks and smiling to herself. Meanwhile, when Jesse was about to , his eyes decided to follow this ‘Kim’. Everything was pretty normal… until the moment when the “Mr. Kim” entered on Tiffany’ office saying into a singing and happy tone:

“Tippany! I am back!”

Just when the door was about to be closed, Jesse’s eyes accidently caught the whole scene. The same scene that it made him feel uncomfortable and some how… a little hurt at the moment Tiffany happily called the man and wrapped her arms around him for a tight hug, beaming along with her eye-smiles:

“Tae Tae!”

And a unwelcoming pang in his heart throbbed continuously without his allowance…




A/N: So? How was the chapter? I hope you guys enjoy it. God bless all! Take care!


@shajanie: I am glad to hear that. Thanks for comment and read this fanfic ^^

@bob123: Here is the next chapter, my friend. Enjoy it. Thanks for comment and read this fanfic ^^

@eyelovegg: Haha I am glad to hear that. Thank you for the warm welcome. I'll try my best since most part of my fics are on ssf. I think i must get use to. Hmm really? Then, i think you already saw the rest, isnt? Btw, if you like, I can add you on ssf later okay? =) Thanks for comment and read this fanfic ^^ Good luck for you too! Fighting!

@ChilledV4lu3d: Thank you, my friend. I am glad to hear that. Thanks for comment and read this fanfic ^^

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Chapter 13: I love this short but lovely jeti story
Chapter 13: Ahhh i really enjoy it... Ur story is so good and i love it....
Thanks. A lot thornim...
Chapter 10: Ahhh teacyeon.... Can i kill u now?😤
Chapter 7: Okey trio... U almost release hellfany🤭🤭
Jeti is so cuteee🥰
Chapter 4: Ahhh tiff have BF... Wah... Cant imagine how jesse feel when he know bout it.
Chapter 1: Ahhh ofcourse i enjoy this first chap.. 🥰
Jeti48 #7
Chapter 13: I always love u and ur story authornim...
missyJung #8
Chapter 13: My all time favourite <3
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #9
Chapter 13: wow!!!! this is so good!!! one of the amazing jeti stories that i've ever read!
sinrinjensooyulsic08 #10
Chapter 13: Wow!!! This is soooo amazing!!! I really love it!