

Jun Hyung rubbed his hands together to gather some warmth into his cold hands. He rushed up to the small gate and opened it and half skipped and jogged to towards the door. He knocked on the door before realising there was a door bell, he rung the door bell for good measure and waited. He was about to go on a date with his girlfriend. Funny thinking about it now how their relationship all began.


It was probably very cold that night, he wouldn't know because he'd been working inside for the whole afternoon and evening. It hadn't been long that he started working in this cafe. He liked it here, the interior the pastry chef, his other co-workers and most of all the cakes. He was tired and bored by six pm, he had been playing a game on his phone secretly so customers wouldn't notice. He heard the door bell clunck as somebody enterd the shop. Haneul walked in with her messed up from the wind outside, wearing a parka with a fur hood. She didn't walk in a dainty manner she walked as if she was charging somewhat, as if her steps had purpose. Jun Hyung putting his phone away dismissively looked up, not paying much attention until he saw her right infront of him. He froze. 

"Hi, can a get a americano and a slice of the blueberry cheesecake?" Haneul spoke with a smile.

Jun Hyung couldn't muster up anything to say he just nodded.  Haneul just kept smiling waiting for him to say something. He just stared.

Her eyebrows shot up in confusion "....Don't I need to pay first?...." 

"oh right, sorry that'll be $7.90" He replied choking on the numbers.he watched her walk across the room to find a seat. He shook his head and got a grip, "do your job" he said to himself.

with the coffee and cake in his hand, he took it over to her table. 

Haneul was reading a book, a think chunky book, 1Q84. His hands shaking ever so slightly he put the coffee and cake down safely. 

"1Q84? you don't seem the type" Jun Hyung acting all cool as if he knew what he was talking about.

"and what is the type??" Haneul look at him head on with her stare penetrating into his skull

Jun Hyung blushed at his embarassment " I actually wouldn't have a clue" 

looking at her closely she seemed younger than him, she had pretty eyes, they had a little sparkle. He couldn't shake being mesmerised.

back at the counter Jun Hyung just kept glancing at this girl. It didnt help because he couldn't even see her face because the chair was facing against him. But she never rose from her seat. It wasn't long after that the cafe had gotten busy. He didn't have time to glance at her but at the back of his mind he wished that he could see her leave before he never saw this girl again. 

The manager came up to Jun Hyung, " hey Jun tell the customer over there that we're closing up in 5 mins, ugh seriously don't like winter"

"yes, boss~"  He realised it was the seat the Haneul was sitting at, he wondered if she was still sitting there or if it was another customer. His stomach had butterflies and he wondered why.  "Excuse me, " he said as he was walking over. He poked his head around, the coffee all finished a bit of cake smeared on the plate. She had her eyes closed. He smiled, Junhyung found this amusing what kind of person falls asleep in a cafe he wondered. " Excuse me, miss we're closing up now" She didn't even bat an eye lash. JunHyung gave out a chuckle and gently shook Haneul. She stirred from a sleep and her eyes fluttered open.


"miss we're closing up now" he said gently

Haneul abruptly shook her head, startling Jun. 

"!!!!! oh ! I mean, oh no!! I'm sorry"  Haneul was rushing packing her bag and swiftly putting it on her shoulder, she rushed for the door.

"wait!!" JunHyung called after her.


"Thank you! please come again" he smiled and gave her a little bow.

Haneul laughed and ran out the door.



Ha Neul opened the door, while putting on her shoes.

"Jun Hyung!! " she smiled 



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Chapter 8: This fic is amazing author-nim!!! You make Dongho sound sooo y n I usually only find him very cute~ Please update soon ^_^
awwwwwwwww this story is really so me~!! i mean, i really wanna have a cute brother like him XDD<br />
Update soon~!!
Dongho the cute teaser ^^<br />
if i'm Haneul's friend,i'ld like to come to her house everyday - just to see someone get topless LOL<br />
UPDATE SOON!!! fighting ^^
LOOOOLhectic....<br />
anyways...awww junhyung always trying to act bum...<br />
and dongho...this boy is turning into a man~ kkkk
#5 have A LOT of explaining to do missy...
nice chap (^_^)b can totally imagine Dongho's frustation expression here >< must be no other than CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!<br />
UPDATE SOON^^ fighting!
Junhyung and Dongho happen to be my bias. Hehe. Nice storyline, keep updating. Fighting!
no! this is not fact,this is what ppl call interesting *wink* btw,i wonder how much awkward both Dongho & Haneul gonna be? aigoo --;<br />
UPDATE SOON^^ fighting!