


Dong Ho couldn't stop shifting in his seat throughout the dinner. It was tense and awkward but Ha Neul didn't seem uncomfortable at all.


"So~ I hear you guys go to the same school. Did you guys know each other beforehand?" said Ms Park


"no, not really…I've only seen Noona around." Dong Ho replied quietly 


"Oh~ well now you have plenty of time to get to know each other, Ha Neul was very excited when she heard she was getting a brother" 


Ha Neul blushed and started stuffing food into . It was a tiny bit awkward, just a tinnnnyyyyy bit. She wasn't going to let that bother her. She finally had a sibling and she hoped that they would get along well.


"Dong Ho, so what do you study in school??" Han Neul asked.


"Uh…I take 3 sciences (chemistry, physics, biology) and 2 maths (calculus and stats)" Dong Ho tried to make himself sound cool but he knew that Ha Neul would probably think that he was nerdy.


"oh…thats cool" Ha Neul dismissively. Dong Ho must be pretty smart. My dreams of tutoring my little brother smashed into pieces.


there was an awkward silence between Ha Neul and Dong Ho, but their parents seemed to be having fun. They were chatting away and making goggly eyes at each other like some highschool couple. Which made it all the more awkward for the two soon to be siblings. Dong Ho kept shifting in his seat and gave quick glances to Ha Neul Noona, he tried to make it inconspicuous. Just kill me now. Somebody…hahhhhh i should just go throw myself off the bridge. what was I thinking??? not it wasn't my fault HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE HOTTEST GIRL IN SCHOOL WAS GOING TO BE MY STEPSISTER…yup its not my fault. ITS THAT OLD MAN'S FAULT.


what Dong Ho didn't know while he was having a conversation with himself in his head he was making faces at the same time. Ha Neul looked up and watched in amusement at Dong Ho's ever changing expressions.  What a cute brother I have.

their eyes met and Dong Ho just stared with his mouth open. She was staring at him. quick! regain my coolness "Stop staring at me like that." he said coldly


Ha Neul smiled and kept eating, arrogant little bastard…but still so cute!!!! 


throughout the rest of the dinner the two sat listening to their love for each other


"I wuv you sho cute cutie pie"


"No I wuv you more darling"


"No! I wuv you morreeeeeeeee"


"Okay thats it I can't take this I'm out" Dong Ho stood up and placed his napkin on the table and headed out the door. "Nice to meet you Ms Park" He bowed politely to the elders and left the room.


"Sorry mum I'm out too, you guys….are just too intense…" Ha Neul stood up following Dong Ho "Oh yeah! Nice to meet you dad" Dong Ho cringed at the last sentence.


outside the air was crisp and the two youngsters could finally breathe, they were getting suffocated by their parents baby voice to each to each other. Dong Ho sat on a bench and looked up at the sky, the sky was clear and he could faintly see the stars gleaming in the distance. Ha Neul joined him, "So Dong Ho…about today"


"Don't worry about it, it was a dare" Dong Ho interrupted before she could finish, he didn't want her to feel uncomfortable.


"oh…" Ha Neul felt relieved but still for some reasons she expected more. "yeah, well, anyway I just wanted to tell you that I've always wanted a brother so lets become close…like real siblings"


Dong Ho wanted to cringe but stopped himself "Yeah why not"


Ha Neul gave him a big bright smile which made Dong Ho flutter. Ha Neul started to giggle next to Dong Ho and she leaned on his shoulder as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "I'm so happy!!" she said with a child like laugh.

Dong Ho sat awkwardly still. Ha Neul slowly raised her head. " Noona…"  Dong Ho turned his body towards Ha Neul and hugged her "I've always wanted a sister too!! so let's become close" Liar Liar pants on fire. Ha Neul found it unexpected but she liked it. Was this how it felt when you got a sibling? it felt strangely comfortable, and Dong Ho had wider shoulders that she had thought. " Yeah we should". To anyone else they would have looked like a couple. This is dangerous thought Dong Ho.





for my lovely subcribers!!! im sorry for the really extremely late update just been busy.. and dont be mad that its short..... i will write really really soon!!!!!! yaaayayyyy hope you enjoyyyy 

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Chapter 8: This fic is amazing author-nim!!! You make Dongho sound sooo y n I usually only find him very cute~ Please update soon ^_^
awwwwwwwww this story is really so me~!! i mean, i really wanna have a cute brother like him XDD<br />
Update soon~!!
Dongho the cute teaser ^^<br />
if i'm Haneul's friend,i'ld like to come to her house everyday - just to see someone get topless LOL<br />
UPDATE SOON!!! fighting ^^
LOOOOLhectic....<br />
anyways...awww junhyung always trying to act bum...<br />
and dongho...this boy is turning into a man~ kkkk
#5 have A LOT of explaining to do missy...
nice chap (^_^)b can totally imagine Dongho's frustation expression here >< must be no other than CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!<br />
UPDATE SOON^^ fighting!
Junhyung and Dongho happen to be my bias. Hehe. Nice storyline, keep updating. Fighting!
no! this is not fact,this is what ppl call interesting *wink* btw,i wonder how much awkward both Dongho & Haneul gonna be? aigoo --;<br />
UPDATE SOON^^ fighting!