kiss kiss



Dong Ho started making dinner topless, he assumed HaNeul wasn't going to come down. He was a little confused as to why she was in his house, but now he couldn't be bothered with being surprised or asking questions anymore. He didn't really have a choice, she was going to his sister so he might as well get used to it. When he was done with the cooking, Dong Ho went upstairs, he assumed that HaNeul would be in the guest room he gently knocked on the door before opening it.

"Noona~ Dinner is ready" 


Ha Neul was sitting on the floor sorting her belongings. She wasn't quite sure how she would face Dong Ho, she was embarrassed she was the older one, yet Dong Ho was one who protected her. She was trying to remember her plan, her carefully constructed plan to become closer with Dong Ho. She planned it the night before and lost hours of sleep because of it. She sighed it was harder than she thought it would be, she should have been totally cool with Dong Ho topless after all they were going to be family,,,yet she couldn't get his figure out of her head. ert how can you think of your brother this way?? Ha Neul stood up, it wasn't too late she could go down now and pretend like nothing happened and start cooking. Just as she was reaching for the door knob she heard Dong Ho's voice. As soon as Haneul saw Dong Ho she turned bright red. She stood awkwardly not knowing what to do, she followed her instinct and threw the nearest thing she could find and screamed "PUT A SHIRT ON!!!"


Dong Ho only heard "put" and then heard a loud thwack, he could feel pain spread through out his head.


"Ow, What the hell?!"  he winced and ran his hand through his hair. It was wet? he looked down as his hand and saw blood.


turned out Haneul threw a textbook at him. "Dong Ho ya?" walking closer to him "are you okay?"  covering she let out a gasp "Oh my god..are you okay? I'm so sorry"


"owww" dong ho hissed and drew in a deep breathe, it stung like hell and haneul at first aid. Dong Ho kept squirming in his chair while Haneul tried to do the best she could


"keep still!!" firmly grabbing Dong Ho's head she finished dabbing disinfectant and was trying to put the gauze in the most affective way she could "I'm really sorry, i didn't mean for you to get hurt."  she blushed, she panicked that she may have lost her chance to be close with Dong Ho.


"I know its okay."  he said still wincing at the pain. 


"All done."  she said put away the tape, Dong Ho stoop up from the chair and Haneul realized he still didn't have a shirt on, her field of vision was filled with dong ho's stomach which had barely there abs. Her cheeks flushed pink and she rapidly stood up stumbling on her own feet. She bumped into Dong Ho's chin. 


"you're a sadist aren't you noona"


Haneul went from pink to red and mumbled "sorry…"


Dong Ho chuckled he couldn't believe he was so close to her, never in his dreams did he ever think that HaNeul noona would treat him, it was cute how she got all shy and embarrassed when she saw him topless maybe i should do that more often in the house. as long as she didn't see him pants less he was fine….maybe. Then he got an idea. crazy…but what the hell


" If you're sorry, kiss me"


Haneul froze at his words "…what?!"


Dong Ho stared into her clear eyes, she burrowed her eyebrows in confusion and shock. Dong Ho kept a straight face. HaNeul could her hear her heartbeat , the blood pulsating in her ear. she slowly and hesitantly drew her face closer to Dong Ho and gave him a quick peck on the cheeks. She covered with her hands before she turned pink again.


"Aing~ Noona you byuntae~ i was only joking how can you do that to your brother ing~" Dong Ho blushed and ran out the room.


"………he said im a ert…." she slumped on to the floor. what just happened??




ahhh finally i updated im such a liar arent I? i said i was going to update soon but i didnt im sorryy

but this time for sure coz im like on a roll atm I've written half of the next chapter so stay in tuneee

there's probably alot of spelling and grammar mistake but i was writing this 3 in the morning so forgive me....

anyway to my pretty subbies i really appreciate the people who stayed and i hope you enjoy yeah?

and dont forget to comment!! coz slient readers make me saddd :(


p.s have a nice weekend!!








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Chapter 8: This fic is amazing author-nim!!! You make Dongho sound sooo y n I usually only find him very cute~ Please update soon ^_^
awwwwwwwww this story is really so me~!! i mean, i really wanna have a cute brother like him XDD<br />
Update soon~!!
Dongho the cute teaser ^^<br />
if i'm Haneul's friend,i'ld like to come to her house everyday - just to see someone get topless LOL<br />
UPDATE SOON!!! fighting ^^
LOOOOLhectic....<br />
anyways...awww junhyung always trying to act bum...<br />
and dongho...this boy is turning into a man~ kkkk
#5 have A LOT of explaining to do missy...
nice chap (^_^)b can totally imagine Dongho's frustation expression here >< must be no other than CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!<br />
UPDATE SOON^^ fighting!
Junhyung and Dongho happen to be my bias. Hehe. Nice storyline, keep updating. Fighting!
no! this is not fact,this is what ppl call interesting *wink* btw,i wonder how much awkward both Dongho & Haneul gonna be? aigoo --;<br />
UPDATE SOON^^ fighting!