The Childhood friend



How was she supposed to know that it was a joke? he was looking at her so seriously she didnt know what to do…Im a ert that kissed her own brother…im the worst of the worst…but isn't kissing your brother on the cheeks okay?? or is that okay only when you are little? do kids do that? don't they only fight? oh gees. HaNeul's mind was in utter chaos she was confused and frustrated, she didnt know what she was doing. 


after running into his room, dongho threw on a grey v neck shirt and jumped on top of his bed. he was evil. a ert. His heart was pounding loud almost jumping out of his chest. This was dangerous, he promised himself he would stop liking her but it was just so hard when she was there right in front of him. Seeing her being cute unintentionally he just became more and more infatuated with her. But she has a boyfriend…with that thought he sighed. He should really stop liking her. "gahh" he groaned in frustration messing up his hair with his hands and then winced in pain as he grazed his hands on his injury. He chuckled to himself maybe he hurt his head more that he thought. 


Dong Ho casually dropped by Han Neul's room again. 

"hey noona, lets eat~" using all the aegyo that he could


haneul desperately tried to stop herself from thinking about what happened just awhile ago.




she watched dong ho get out the bowls and scoop rice into them, for some reason she found this to be amusing, cute and y at the same time. She shook her head not y you cant think of your sibling like that. 


Dong Ho watched haneul eat intently

"how is it? do you like it?"


"its seasoned well…" haneul replied she was actually surprised at how good it was. 


without much talk they finished their meal and Dong Ho was about to take their bowls and plates away when Haneul snatched them away.


"I'll do the dishwashing" she said. Dong Ho smiled and shook his head 


"no i'll do it"


"no I want to"


"if you want to you have to hug me first~" dong ho said with a sheepish grin


Haneul blushed and pushed him away 


"my friends aren't going to believe that noona is a ert~ kyak!"  pretending to be embarrassed.


Haneul scowled. Dong Ho giggled and turned to go upstairs but turned back to the kitchen to browse the refrigerator for snacks and he found a cake box, he glanced and HaNeul and watched how she moved taking up all her gestures he looked at how loosely her hair was tied and then his eyes fell to her neck, how vulnerable it looked. He just wanted to…ert why am i thinking these things… he wondered why he liked her, was it because she looked so vulnerable or maybe it was because she was so dense he could get away with what he did? whatever it was he should restrain himself, could he?… he took out a bottle of water and headed upstairs without looking back. a peck on the cheek would suffice….for now.


"I need to get a girlfriend." Dong Ho announced to his friends. 


"Is this about noona again??" asked sooyoung 


" ah~ we should go to a meeting" said Eli


"I like cute girls." SooYoung said to himself


" well doesn't everybody" kevin said sarcastically without looking up from his iphone "Look what you made me dooooo, I died 'cause you talked to me!!!"

"It's your fault you are a nub" replied Sooyoung


Dong Ho sighed he was  getting no where with this. 


"Why do you want a girlfriend all of a sudden??"


Dong Ho turned around it was his childhood friend, HyeSun. Everybody knew she had a crush on Dong Ho but he didn't even notice, he was dense as Haneul was. DongHo's friend just stared at her…and then glanced at Dong Ho anticipating what he was going to say. " 'cause I feel like it" he said indifferently. Eli just facepalmed himself all the other guys just sighed, some in relief and some in disappointment, they all had different feelings about the situation. Ki seop and Eli secretly rooted for Hye Sun and Dong Ho and the others were rooting for Ha Nuel noona and Dong Ho. "well is there anyone you like" Hye sun asked, she wanted to know so bad, she was deperate she hoped that it would be her. 


"Why would I tell you?" Dong Ho smiled trying not to show his agitation.


Hye Sun blushed and looked down in embarrassment "nevermind" and she walked away.


"why do you have to be so mean?" asked Eli


"I'm not I just don't see the point of telling her it's none of her business" Dong Ho shrugged, but in his head he felt a little bad for what he did, he decided he would apologize later. 


" Unni!!"


Ha Neul recognized that voice she smile and looked around to find the person.


"Hye Sun its been awhile how have you been??"


hey sun laughed "same old always the same " and her smile disappeared 


"ahh~ its about that guy again isn't it, your childhood friend"


"yeah argghh he can be such an !"  Hye sun stomped her feet on the ground Haneul chuckled and patted her back.


"you can tell me and Ji Hye all about it" she smiled and lead her to a bench.






Forgive me i took a long time again hahahahahha it seems I'm always updating when i have to study. So i guess it suggests that i dont study much ahahhahaha anyway a little update it took awhile and im sorry this chapter was boring but we are getting to the dramatic part...soon yayyyyy :D





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Chapter 8: This fic is amazing author-nim!!! You make Dongho sound sooo y n I usually only find him very cute~ Please update soon ^_^
awwwwwwwww this story is really so me~!! i mean, i really wanna have a cute brother like him XDD<br />
Update soon~!!
Dongho the cute teaser ^^<br />
if i'm Haneul's friend,i'ld like to come to her house everyday - just to see someone get topless LOL<br />
UPDATE SOON!!! fighting ^^
LOOOOLhectic....<br />
anyways...awww junhyung always trying to act bum...<br />
and dongho...this boy is turning into a man~ kkkk
#5 have A LOT of explaining to do missy...
nice chap (^_^)b can totally imagine Dongho's frustation expression here >< must be no other than CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!<br />
UPDATE SOON^^ fighting!
Junhyung and Dongho happen to be my bias. Hehe. Nice storyline, keep updating. Fighting!
no! this is not fact,this is what ppl call interesting *wink* btw,i wonder how much awkward both Dongho & Haneul gonna be? aigoo --;<br />
UPDATE SOON^^ fighting!