New Kids

Twice Bitten [Hiatus]

As we drove up to the school, I noticed that there were more students than usual in the parking lot, and they were all crowded around one spot.

"What are they staring at?" I wondered out loud. Sehun proceeded to sticking his torso out the window and standing on his seat to get a better look. 

"I can't really see what kind it is, but it's a car," he finally said, sliding down into his seat as we climbed out and headed towards the school. I took out my schedule for the semester and walked over to where the others were comparing each other's classes. 

"I have Biology lab first period, anyone else?" Kyungsoo looked up from his paper. 

"I have P.E first," Minseok called out, and high-fived his twin when he said they had gym together. 

"I have Psychology, and Baekhyun has Calculus," Jongdae said while peering over my shoulder and comparing our schedules. He pouted and sulked away when he realized they were completely different, and I headed off to my Calc class. 

All through the hallways, people were whispering and gossiping about the new kids. 

"Oh my god, did you see them? They're all soo gorgeousss," one girl gushed. 

"I thought there were five of them, but why are there only 4 here today?" Another pouted. 

"I don't get why you're all going crazy for these guys, I mean, come on, they can't be that good-looking," I heard a boy grumble to his girlfriend as I settled down in my seat when I finally located my classroom. I tuned everyone out and laid my head on the table, waiting for the teacher to arrive. 

A few minutes, I heard everyone in the room gasp collectively and I looked up, wondering what that was all about. When my eyes finally cleared, I was in awe. 

This guy looked like a Greek god, with perfectly chiseled features, piercing amber-colored eyes, and messy red-brown hair. Every female in the classroom started squealing when he smiled, and all the guys' jaws dropped in jealousy. I just rolled my eyes and plopped my head back on the desk.

"OK class, settle down, settle down. You can take the seat over there next to Baekhyun, Mr. Kim." I heard Teacher Song walk in and tell the new kid. I glanced up and saw him sauntering his way over to the empty desk to my right, not making eye contact with anyone he passed. He sat down without a word and stared straight ahead as everyone else ogled at him. 

"Hi, umm, I'm Byun Baekhyun. What's your name?" I asked a few minutes into class. I knew what it felt like to be a new student in a school with students who literally grew up together, so I felt like I should help him out a bit. 

He visibly stiffened and didn't even look my way. "Junmyeon. Kim Junmyeon," he finally muttered under his breath without looking away from the board at the front of the classroom. 

After a few moments of awkward silence, I spoke up again. "How are you liking it here so far?"

Junmyeon whipped his head in my direction and looked straight into my eyes. Just then, I had a weird sensation in my brain. It felt like all my suppressed memories were literally being dug up and flashed before my eyes. 

Chanyeol and I going apple-picking. 

Me and Sehun playing tag with Chanyeol. 

Chanyeol tucking me into bed late at night when Umma and Appa were out late. 

Chanyeol being attacked by that thing that afternoon 13 years ago. 

All this flashed through my mind in those few moments that I kept eye contact with Junmyeon. When I finally looked away and shook my head, I saw him glaring at me with pure hatred in his eyes. I looked around the classroom and noticed that everyone was crowded around the windows gaping at the sky. There were ice balls the size of golf balls falling from grey-black clouds that I'm positive we're not there 10 minutes ago. 

I turned back to Junmyeon and saw that he was clenching his fists and glaring down at his desk as if concentrating on something. All of a sudden, he whipped his head to the right and tilted his head, as if he were listening intently to something the wall was telling him. 

Just as abruptly as the hailstorm started, it stopped and the sky cleared slightly, leaving it a little cloudy, but not as bad as it was a few moments ago. 

My thoughts turned back to the person next to me, and I just staredd at him, wondering if there was something wrong upstairs. 

This is turning out to be a weird day...


When lunch hour finally came, I started heading towards the cafeteria, the day's events running through my head. 

I had only one of the other new kids in my classes. Huang Zitao was in my Home Ec class, and I think everyone was intimidated by him, because no one dared approach him like they do with the others. He just sat at the back of the room and glared at anyone who got within a 2-meter radius of his seat. I wondered if the others were as socially awkward as Zitao and Junmyeon...

Just as I turned into the cafeteria, I felt a body hit me hard, and I was pushed back into a wall. 

"Hey, watch where you're going," I groaned, then helped Sehun up from the ground. I looked at his face and noticed that he looked scared and was about to cry. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"I-it's...hyung...not kid...i-it's..." he was hyperventilating at this point, making it hard for me to understand what he was saying. 

"Sehun, please, calm down," I tried to sooth him. He took a deep breath and let out one short sentence that made my world turn upside-down. 

"It's Chanyeol hyung, he's here." Sehun slumped down, unconscious, and I caught him before he fell to the ground. 

hey guyss~ so, here's the next chapter, I hope you guys liked it! Haha I'm updating this at school. I just finished taking my math final with an hour left, so I decided to update! Anyways, here's a little poll I want you guys to fill out for the next chapter...



Do comment, that would make my day~!! <33

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Note the title edit~ I'll be updating, but not very often, so I just put it on semi-hiatus ^^


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Chapter 3: €: This. Whatever
Chapter 3: Woop woop. (my new way of commenting my exitement) well even if no one else commets... I'll be here :D anyways it's a cool story so far :€ (THAT is my new smilie face)
Chapter 2: hey!!!!! you should update... i like it.. the format is good and the story goes along at a good pace!!! please do update!!!!