
Twice Bitten [Hiatus]

13 Years Later


The shrill ringing of my cellphone brought out of my deep slumber yet again. I rolled over and reached out to grab it.

"UMMA, I'm up, stop calling, I made breakfast for Sehun and we're getting in the car right now!" I said as I buried my face under the pillow. The soft, comfy pillow I would have to leave in a few minutes.

"YA! Get up get up get up~ today's the first day of senior year~" a voice sang from the other end. 

"Ugh, it's too damn early for this, Kyungsoo. Just let me sleep for twenty more minutes," I groaned and hung up the phone. Just then, someone burst into my room and jumped on my bed.

"Come on, hyung! Wake up, remember, we're gonna go see Sungmin and Minseok hyungs today! They got back yesterday from their grandma's house," Sehun bounced on my legs like a bunny overdosed on sugar. He's just like his brother used to be...

I shook that that thought out of my head and let him drag me out of my bed. He dropped my unceremoniously I front of the bathroom. "SCRAM! And don't worry about breakfast, we're gonna meet up with the others at the diner, remember?" He kicked me again and skipped off towards his room. Stupid little...

After finishing up all my business in the bathroom and getting dressed, I trudged my way downstairs and plopped down on the couch. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep once more, a certain someone had to ruin it again.

"Nope, nope, none of that. Let's go, hyung, up up up, we're gonna be late!" 

"What are you talking about, late? It's 6:50, for goodness sake!" I grumbled as he dragged me outside in the cool autumn breeze. As we walked the two blocks to the diner owned by the Lee's, Sehun kept blabbing on and on about how he couldn't wait to see Minseok and Sungmin after two months, and how excited he was to be starting junior year, and how he was going to...

I tuned him out at this point and thought back to last night. The dream came back again. I thought I was rid of it when I moved to a new city last year, but now I wasn't so sure. It was a very simple dream, no scary monsters or people dying or anything like that. It's just me, standing alone in a large, empty field. Then all of a sudden, Chanyeol appears a few hundred feet away. I try to get approach him, but every step I take makes him farther and farther out of reach. That's usually when I wake up, drenched in a cold sweat and breathing hard. 

I felt a poke in my side and looked over at Sehun. He was staring at me with a worried expression on his face. 

"Hyung, are you okay? You look like you're still out of it," he asked.

I looked over at him and smiled. "I'm fine, I'm just...I'm still a little tired."

"No, it's something else. You had the dream again last night, didn't you?" He lowered his voice and slowed his pace. Sehun was the only other person who knew about what happened that day, what really happened. I kept quiet, not knowing what to say, and he took my silence as a confirmation. 

"I figured as much. You were talking in your sleep again," he told me, and I tensed. Thank god Mom was working the night shift yesterday, or she would have confronted me this morning. 

We finally got to the diner and I reached out to open the door, but it was locked. Just as we were about to turn around and leave, we heard Minseok's voice float out from one of the windows.

"Hey, guys! Come in through the back door," he called out to us and gestured to the other side of the low building. We walked around and entered through the door that was wide open, where we were attacked by two bouncing balls of energy.

"Baekhyun! Sehun! We missed you guys~!" They said in unison. I started laughing and softly pushed Sungmin away.

"We missed you too, hyungs," I chuckled. Lee Sungmin and Lee Minseok were twins and two of my best friends, along with Kyungsoo and Sehun. Even though I've lived in this city only a year this fall, I had already grown closer to them than I have to anyone else at my homecity. It probably helped that they didn't know about my history with Chanyeol hyung disappearing, the unnecessary therapy sessions, and all the talk about me being crazy back home. I felt as if I could start new here. That was why I finally agreed to moving, even though I didn't want to leave behind the place where I was born, where I was raised, where I last saw Park Chanyeol. 

Their parents owned and ran the local diner, where we would spend most of our free time together.

The Lees greeted us warmly and led us to a table and we sat down, still chattering away about our summer vacation. Pretty soon, we saw Mrs. Lee walking up with our orders and Kyungsoo and Jongdae trailing behind her. I rolled my eyes at the sight of Jongdae and plastered a smile on my face. 

"Hey Kyungsoo, hi Jongdae," I greeted them as they approached. Of course, Jongdae took that as an invitation and squeezed himself into the tight space next to me. 

"Heyy Baekhyunnie," he giggled and pressed his leg next to mine. 

Kim Jongdae was a piece of work. He claimed to be straight, but everyone knew he was about as straight as cooked spaghetti. Everyone but him, that is. "My body just likes to be curious sometimes, try out other kinds of people" was his response when I asked him why he liked me when he claimed he was into girls. He was also one of the biggest gossips in our school, even more so than some of the ahjummas in our neighborhood. When he wasn't acting all weird, though, he was a pretty decent guy. 

"Oh, did you guys here about the new kids starting school today?" Jongdae asked after we started digging in. 

"Nope, we haven't been here for almost two months, how are we supposed to know?" Minseok pointed out with his mouth full.

"Well, rumor has it that they're all adopted, and their parents died not long ago, so they live with their older brother, also adopted. He got into the top university here, so he's gonna go there and the others will be at our high school." 

"And how do you know all this?" Kyungsoo raised his eyebrows. 

"I never tell anyone my sources," Jongdae laughed. "Anyway, there are 5 of them that'll be at our school, and they're all our age. And they're super hot." He looked around the table to take in our reactions. Sungmin and Minseok were having a competition to see who could hold the most orange juice in their mouth, Sehun was making a smile face on his plate with his leftover eggs and bacon, and Kyungsoo was texting someone under the table. He looked over at me with big eyes and I feigned excitement. 

"Yayy, new kids," I cheered weakly, then plopped my head on the table.

I laid there until they finished eating, then we piled into Kyungsoo's car and headed off to school. 

This is going to be interestng.

Hey guys~ yupp, so here's the second update, hope you guys like it! It's sorta filler-ish right now, but it'll start getting interesting soon!

Please do comment, it'll make my day! (or night, in this case LOL) xDD

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Note the title edit~ I'll be updating, but not very often, so I just put it on semi-hiatus ^^


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Chapter 3: €: This. Whatever
Chapter 3: Woop woop. (my new way of commenting my exitement) well even if no one else commets... I'll be here :D anyways it's a cool story so far :€ (THAT is my new smilie face)
Chapter 2: hey!!!!! you should update... i like it.. the format is good and the story goes along at a good pace!!! please do update!!!!