
Twice Bitten [Hiatus]

**Baekhyun POV**

After we ate our lunch, me and Yeollie hyung sat on the couch and watched Power Rangers. He's the coolest hyung ever. We color together, and play with my robots together, and he takes me to the park, and buys me ice cream when I'm sad. When I grow up, I wanna be just like him! 

Right when the Red Ranger was about to beat the bad guy that kidnapped the Yellow Ranger, I heard a noise in the basement that sounded like when I accidentally smashed the window with my baseball. Yeollie hyung jumped up and went to the door that was connected to the basement and slowly opened the door.

"Stay here, Baekhyun, just in case," he said to me. I nodded and went back to watching Power Rangers, but when I sat down, I heard a big crash noise downstairs. 

What if Chanyeol hyung is in trouble? I have to go see if I can help him! 

I opened the door and slowly went down the stairs, looking for spiders on the walls, because I'm scared of spiders. I got to the bottom and didn't see Yeollie hyung anywhere, and when I went towards the room that had the washing machine, I saw something that I would never forget for the rest of my life. 

I saw a man on top of Chanyeol hyung and his mouth was on his neck. He noticed me standing there and started screaming to me.

"No, Baekhyun, didn't I tell you to-" he choked on something and I saw that the man had his hand around Chanyeol hyung's neck and was choking him. 

"LET GO OF HIM! NOW!" I yelled as I ran towards the man and hit him on the back with my baseball bat. He looked back at me, and his eyes made me freeze.

They were as red as the blood spilling out of the teeth marks on Yeollie hyung's neck, and he looked like he wanted to kill me too. I slowly walked backwards, still staring at him and whispering under my breath.

"Let him go. Let him go."

As he was leaning in towards Chanyeol hyung again, something flew in from the window and disappeared out 2 seconds later with the blood-drinking man. I ran up to him and checked to see if he was still breathing. Right when I touched his cheek, he started screaming in his loudest outside voice. It shocked me and I felt my heart beating in my ears.

"MAKE IT STOP! MAKE THE FIRE STOP, BAEKHYUN! OH, GOD THE PAIN! KILL ME, JUST KILL ME NOW!" I looked around and didn't see any fire, and he started scratching his neck like he wanted to rip his skin off. 

I started crying and tried to make him stop scratching himself, but I don't think he could hear me. I started, remembering what my mom told me to do in case something happened. 

I ran upstairs and called her number at the police station where she worked.

"Hello?" she said.

"Umma, Umma, you have to come quick, something happened to Chanyeol hyung, I don't know what to do, hurry, please!" I cried into the phone.

"OK, OK sweetie calm down.  I'll be right there, just calm down and stay with him okay?" she promised me and hung up the phone. I went back down to the basement, but when I got there, Chanyeol hyung's body was gone and the window was wide open. 

"NO! Hyung, where are you? Hyung, please stop, it's not funny anymore." I looked around, trying to see if he was hiding anywhere waiting to scare me. 

I quikly ran outside and looked all around the house, but didn't see anybody or anything. There were no cars or people on the street, and I could see down the street really far. 

After running around and searching for 10 more minutes, I sat down on our front porch and cried my heart out. 

Hello everyone! Here's the first chapter of my new story, hope it's an interesting start. I tried to write it in a five-year-old's point of view, so it might be sorta...off. Anyways, hope you guys like it, and do comment! 


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Note the title edit~ I'll be updating, but not very often, so I just put it on semi-hiatus ^^


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Chapter 3: €: This. Whatever
Chapter 3: Woop woop. (my new way of commenting my exitement) well even if no one else commets... I'll be here :D anyways it's a cool story so far :€ (THAT is my new smilie face)
Chapter 2: hey!!!!! you should update... i like it.. the format is good and the story goes along at a good pace!!! please do update!!!!