My Confession (Choi Seunghyun's POV)

It Started With A Rose

Choi Seunghyun's POV:

How do you tell someone that you like her. That you've always liked her. The person I've always liked is Lee Chaerin. Just at the mere sight of her I would get butterflies. I would get butterflies and my heart would begin to beat faster and faster. I would even begin to sweat. I could never tell her that I liked her though. She probably didn't even know who I was. We had the same class but we never once talked to each other. Tomorrow was going to be Valentines Day. I knew that was the day everyone confessed their feelings to the person that they liked. I saw my opportunity to tell Lee Chaerin my true feelings.

That night I ran towards the market to find or rather purchase a bouquet of roses. I wanted to give Lee Chaerin a rose because I knew it would tell her that I liked her. I didn't want to tell her with my mouth because I would probably just utter nonsense, you know how nervous I get when I'm around around her. I paid for the flowers and made my way home.

After coming home I made sure to water the roses so they wouldn't wilt. After doing so I tried to go sleep. Tried but failed. I couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow. How was Lee Chaerin going to take my confession? It was night of tossing and turning. My alarm finally rung and I got up and got ready.

I arrived at school with the bouquet in my hands and tried to scout out Lee Chaerin. I couldn't find her so I just went straight to class. When I got there, there were already a bunch of girls around my desk with letters and goods and treats in their hands. I made my way to sit down and just smiled at all of the girls. All I was thinking about was "Where was Lee Chaerin?".

Someone, a girl made her way around the corner. I saw the letter and chocolates in her hands and suddenly my face began to wilt. It was Lee Chaerin. Was she going to confess to someone else today? I saw her made her way to her seat.

During class I couldn't help but wonder who she was saving that letter and those chocolates for. Does she like someone else?

Class was finally over. Everyone began to leave. Everyone but Lee Chaerin. She was making her way towards my desk with the letter and chocolates in her hand. At that time I finally got a chance to see her face clearly. She was gorgeous beyond words. She came even closer and stopped right at my desk. Was that letter and those chocolates for me?

I began to sweat and my heart began to beat louder and louder. She talked to me. She called out my name "Choi Seunghyun-ssi", she said. So she actually does know who I am? I grinned inside. She then handed the letter and chocolates to me. I knew it was my chance. I accepted her letter and chocolates and pulled out a rose from the bouquet I had bought the night before. I gave it to her and then got up out of my seat and walked away not forgetting to put her letter and chocolates into my side pocket. My insides felt like fireworks at that moment.

After exiting the class entrance I took a sudden pause outside. I opened the letter that Lee Chaerin had given me.

"Choi Seunghyun I've always liked you. Your walk, your talk, the way you dress, I like everything about you. If you could take the time to go out on a date with me I'd be the happiest girl alive, P.S. Enjoy the chocolates <3 "

So I was the one Lee Chaerin liked?

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~Ch. 12 is posted


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Chapter 12: Woohoo, I really really love this story,
owh uri Riri, I love him so much in this story, update soon authornim
Chapter 12: daebakkkkk <3
annie02 #3
Chapter 12: Gaawd i like seungri in this story, kkk update soon juseyo
Chapter 11: im so sure its seungri...
ahhh whats gonna be happen next ?
u left hanging author nim... T.T
i cant wait for the next update ^^
thanks for ur update author nim :)
Chapter 10: omgg author nim ure baacccckkkkk !!! :)))
yesssss keep continue this storyy pleaseeee !!^^
its really good !

ahhh is that she meet seungri at the movie ??
aahh it was short... T-T
update more author nim ^^
please update soooon! i like how you show each character's POV, it reminds me of the book FLIPPED :)
i_am_yoshi #7
I first saw your fanfic on ygladies and its been a while since you last updated but I really, really hope you continue this story I love it so much!!!!
dmarcolin #8
i really liked this fanfic, please update i wanna known what will happen :D please please please
CraazyFilipina #9
awh, she got used to Seungri`s prescence that she didnt realise she liked him too .. tough choice Chaerin-ah.
fierce_12 #10
omo.....she's falling for the other she? i'll wait for the nest chapter, i never saw that coming