Familiar Stranger: The Beginning

Youngjae approaches the kitchen counter as Daehyun trails behind. He opens the second bag to discover a box with a familiar label; the logo from a bakery that he was rather fond of. However, what drew the younger male’s attention was neither the box nor the logo but the piece of paper that was carefully taped on top.

“To Youngjae,” it reads. The message was scribbled in a familiar handwriting. A handwriting neater than his own, although it had its own degree of illegibility.

With footsteps as light as feathers, Daehyun walks up behind Youngjae. He prepares his giddy heart for his next actions. While softly resting his head on the other’s shoulder, he wraps one arm around and holds up an object in front of Youngjae’s face. A silver ring shines in between his fingers. As Daehyun gazes at the ring with affectionate eyes, he whispers soothingly.

“I love you. Always and forever.”

Youngjae stares at the ring in awe and notices that on his significant other’s hand is a matching ring. His hands slowly reach up to the ring as if he were questioning whether such wonderful dreams could come true. Daehyun soon feels the two hands caress his own, and he smiles. And he knows that Youngjae is smiling too.

This is exactly what Daehyun wanted. He wanted him to always be happy like this. He wanted him to always smile like this. Always and forever.

“Happy birthday.”


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Chapter 4: I liked both of the stories.. I just read it again and I still fin myself wondering what is wrong with Daehyun? Why is he like that and why does he have memory problems?

I don't understand ;(
Chapter 4: why must their relationship end that way?!!! TT___TT
poor them.. :(
i wish its will have sequel for this fic.. ;(
BlueViolet122 #3
This explains soo much! I understand now that I know the whole story... Poor DaeHyun and YoungJae :(