Familiar Stranger: The Beginning

The front door opens and closes. Youngjae welcomes Daehyun home and offers to put away the groceries. As he takes the bags, he notices a lonely pair of shoes at the front door.

“Are you going to put your shoes on the shoe rack?” Youngjae gestures to the shoes that were recklessly thrown aside. Grumbling incoherently, Daehyun heads back towards the front door. Is he perhaps in a bad mood?

Youngjae places the two bags on the kitchen counter and examines the contents of the first bag. A container of green tea ice cream; he smiles. A few apples, some meat—

He picks up a foreign container from inside the bag. After looking over the label more times than he could keep track of, he turns his head slightly, a quizzical expression on his face, his eyes never leaving the container in his hand.

“You bought grape juice?” he yells over to Daehyun. His response comes from the other room.

“Yes I did. Is there a problem?” Youngjae isn’t sure if he should be surprised or offended at the unexpected rudeness.

“I thought you didn’t like grape juice. Why’d you buy it?”

“I can buy it if I want to. Why do you care?” Daehyun snaps while entering the kitchen, raising his voice with each step.

“Okay, calm down. I was just curious. You don’t have to shout like that,” the younger male takes a step back. Daehyun blinks and Youngjae notices a slight change in his gaze.

Hold on. Why am I here already? Wasn’t I just walking home? How do I not remember walking home? Did I yell at Youngjae? Why is he backing away? Oh my god.

What did I do?

Daehyun is standing still, yet his mind is running, frantically searching for answers he could not find. He is confused; he sees the same confusion, albeit with a hint of fear, in Youngjae’s eyes. Though his mind is still not yet clear, he gently grabs onto Youngjae’s arm and pulls him into his embrace.

“I’m sorry. I was wrong, I was wrong,” he repeats these words, knowing neither what he did wrong nor what he was sorry for. Youngjae breathes an “It’s okay”, and Daehyun’s heart is at peace once again.

He tries with so much effort, to fill in the blanks, to remember what happened when his vision went black. He searches in the darkness but finds no light. And he gives up.

“I’ll help you put everything away,” Daehyun says quietly, taking Youngjae’s hand. They head back to the kitchen together.


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Chapter 4: I liked both of the stories.. I just read it again and I still fin myself wondering what is wrong with Daehyun? Why is he like that and why does he have memory problems?

I don't understand ;(
Chapter 4: why must their relationship end that way?!!! TT___TT
poor them.. :(
i wish its will have sequel for this fic.. ;(
BlueViolet122 #3
This explains soo much! I understand now that I know the whole story... Poor DaeHyun and YoungJae :(