Familiar Stranger: The Beginning

“You want ice cream? Green tea?” Daehyun asks the younger male, who is browsing through their recent pictures.

“If I remember correctly, you ate the rest of our—my—green tea ice cream by yourself when I wasn’t looking,” Youngjae replies without looking up from the camera.

“That’s why I’m going to buy more right now,” the perpetrator stands up, “We need more food in this house anyway.”

“Want me to go with you?” Youngjae asks, preparing to leave his seat on the couch.

“No, don’t worry. I’ll be back soon,” Daehyun sends him a reassuring smile. Youngjae thinks he looks a little too happy. Was he always this enthusiastic about grocery shopping?

Making his way to the supermarket, Daehyun smiles subtly and begins humming to himself. The tune he hummed was from a song long forgotten, but it sounded nice and that was all that mattered. He inhales a breath of fresh air and looks up at the healthy blue sky. Everything is going just as he had planned it, and even the weather is on his side. Today is going to be a great day. He could feel it.

Inside the market, Daehyun walks up and down the aisles, through the fruit section, the dairy section, the produce section. He is careful to make sure that he doesn’t end up buying more food than he can carry. A container of green tea ice cream, a few apples, some meat, and juice. That is all he needs.

Wait. Juice? Daehyun stops to think. A blank expression masks his face. He remembers an unopened carton of orange juice sitting in their refrigerator. We don’t need juice—

“Excuse me.” Daehyun’s attention turns to a man’s voice. “Are you here to pick up an order?”

What? Where is this? Wasn’t I just at the supermarket? Observing his surroundings, he soon realizes that he is in a nearby bakery. He doesn’t remember walking here. He feels himself holding something heavy and holds up a bag in his left hand. He doesn’t remember paying for those groceries either. Confusion dances in his mind as his questions rapidly multiply. But he doesn’t have time to worry about this right now. Daehyun looks up at the man.


He has one more store to stop at before heading home.


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Chapter 4: I liked both of the stories.. I just read it again and I still fin myself wondering what is wrong with Daehyun? Why is he like that and why does he have memory problems?

I don't understand ;(
Chapter 4: why must their relationship end that way?!!! TT___TT
poor them.. :(
i wish its will have sequel for this fic.. ;(
BlueViolet122 #3
This explains soo much! I understand now that I know the whole story... Poor DaeHyun and YoungJae :(