Class observation, 5.

Extraordinary Kindergarten Madness.


Hi guys! I'm the new author for this story, and it was very kindly given to me by chassb. 
As I am a new author for this story, my type of writing will be very different from chassb's so hopefully you guys will give me feedback on how I'm doing ;; 
I am very sorry if I made you very dizzy or annoyed because I am very… crazy and usually make many little side comments. 
As I said, please comment down below how I did! 
(Btw, my name is Potato.) 
This is a double update, so I will continue the Yixing one, then update a second chapter (hopefully) right after. 
Thanks! :)
Day 5, Zhang Yixing.
Zhang Yixing is one of the most unique cutiepie I found here.
For example, at first, he prefered to he called "Lay", because that was his favorite chip, but Jondae started teasing him, calling him chip. Yixing did not understand why he was being called "Chip", so a frusturated Jongdae explained how Lays were a chip, so he was being called "Chip". (It's pretty darn frusturating when the target for your teasing is clueless.) 
Yixing was surprised. 
"How did you know that that was my favorite chip?" he asked, and I, who was innocently observig, nearly collapsed. 
"B-but… you told us…" Jongdae said openmouthed. 
"WOWZA! ARE YOU SUPERMAN?!" Yixing exclaimed, and most of the other kids came running to Jongdae with random objects (such as a crayon paper, a chair and a pillow for nap time) and pens, screaming for autographs. 
Jongdae started crying from surprise, and before I knew it, he, Tao and D.O were bawling. 
You shushed everyone up and comforted the three. 
"Okay, let's just call Yixing, Yixing." I concluded. 
"I want to be called Lay becuase it's my favorite chip." Lay said, making me mentally facepalm, but thankfully I covered it with a smile. 
Another example is when Yixing (he forgot all about the nickname in a week's time) came to school all shy. 
"I'm Yixing." he introduced himself. 
"W'no, Jing!" Sehun said. 
Yixing's eyes widened then started watering.
"Do you guys follow me?" he cried out. 
I reassured him that we all knew each other because it was the third month of school. 
Yixing nodded, but he still looked uncertain. 
"Hi, what's your name?" Yixing asked Sehun when they were partners for a worksheet. 
"I yo brudda Jing!" Sehun gasped, unbeleiving that Yixing didn't remember that they were brothers for the game "Family" an few weeks ago. 
"Brother?" Lay frowned. 
But when he saw that Sehun's eyes were watering, he shouted, "Brudda!" and the smile on Sehun's face almost made me squeal in fangurlie-ness. 
Suddenly, Jongdae stood up and said: "Cuhjin!" and soon, the whole room wasfilled with 
"Sister!" and others. (wait sister?) 
And it was one of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen. 
These boys care more about each other than expected. 
They're also going to kill me from cuteness overload. 
Yeaaaaaah that was an exaduration but um yeah! 
(So, how as it? :D If you refresh the page after a minute or two, you should see the next chapter. Thanks again! :)
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Chapter 7: Oh I am in a cuteness overload from these short chapters. I wish there were more. Everyone needs exo as babies in their life.
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 7: lol lulu whyy
XiaoShixun #3
Chapter 3: hahahaha why is Luha such a cutie
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 1: lol Oh sehun ?
FikakhanGD #5
Chapter 7: Can't wait for the next chapter. And maybe you can make a chapter where one of the boys absent and another keep sulking bcs they miss him? Or maybe write about them during lunch hour?
bananamilkprince93 #6
Chapter 6: I'm just some passer-by so don't mind me.
I've just finished reading the sixth chapter and I find the story cute =)
About Potato, I think your writing is okay but there's quite a few grammatical errors. Some spelling mistakes if you read properly and you've messed up with the teacher's point of view a little. You used 'I' all the way but suddenly, a 'you' popped out.
Sorry if I offended you but I'm just saying my thoughts.
Keep it up!
i'm like squealing hard rn kyaaaaa
gaemgyu245 #8
Chapter 7: you know? sehunnie just so cute i cant XD
Chapter 7: Thank you potato. And where oh where did luhan learn that word? Sehun was adorable.