January 7, 2009



Second date is what Changmin is waiting for. And, he admits it. It has been five days since their unofficial first date. After not being contacted with each other for two days, he finally sent her a text and asked how she was doing. Changmin was actually planning to text her right away, but Yoochun prevented him, saying that it would be a lot better if he gave her some space and made her more curious about him. Changmin thought it was stupid, but, sometimes, love makes you stupid. For Changmin, love makes you listen to stupid people, like Yoochun hyung. Changmin doesn’t want to admit that he is in love after only met her two times though. It is ridiculously impossible.

“Take me to Namsan Park,” she says.

“Let me guess, you want to try that ‘locks of love’ in Seoul Tower, don’t you?” he tries to hide the mocking tone in his voice. Hana is just like the other girls that interested in those kind of stuffs about everlasting love and happily ever after.

“Hm. Yes, I do. But, I’ll be done with my photo shoot at 8. I’m-”

“Okay, then. I’ll be free tonight around 8.30, so I’ll see you there at…9?”

“Isn’t it too late?”

“No, we still have two hours before it’s closed.”

Hana laughs. “We have too little time to enjoy these kind of moments, huh?”

Changmin chuckles lightly. “Don’t complain. Just enjoy what you can enjoy and be grateful for it.”

Hana nods. Changmin and Hana try very hard to show each other their real personalities. There is no faking and acting nice to each other. A good first impression is a good start to have a relationship, as friends or lovers. But, what is a friend when they can’t accept who we really are? And, what is a lover when we have to act differently in front of the other? Hana and Changmin agree, without even saying a word about it.

“Alright. I’ll see you at 9.”


So, here he is, waiting near the ticket booth of Seoul Tower. He glances at his watch frequently. Three more minutes to 9 pm. He looks up. The weather is freezing and there are stars despite the cold breeze. Tonight is very pretty, he thinks. Changmin takes a deep breath and looks to his right; Hana is running a little to where he stands.

“Am I late? I’m so sorry,” she rambles while bowing her head.

Changmin shakes his head and smiles. Hana’s nose is red because of the cold. She looks like an insecure little girl. “Are you okay?”

She looks around while blowing warm breath to her gloved hands and nods. “Yeah, I am okay.”

“Good,” Changmin says, “I already bought tickets to go up there. We can use the telescope. You can thank me later.” He grabs her hand and runs a little to the elevator.

They got into the elevator and laughs happily when they wait for it to take them up there. Suddenly, her laugh stops and she looks at Changmin carefully. “Is this okay? I mean, us, walking together?” Hana asks.

“Why not?”

Hana shrugs. “I don’t know. You tell me. I haven’t been living around here for a long time. I don’t want us being friends causes you trouble.”

Changmin smiles. “What kind of trouble can you make?” he chuckles, “Relax, it’s okay. It’s Wednesday and already night. Who do you think will be here at this kind of time?”

Hana nods her head and laughs. “You’re right.”

“I’m the smartest in DBSK. I’m always right.” He smiles proudly.

“Wow,” Hana laughs harder, “what an information you tell!” she beams mockingly.

“I know,” Changmin says with an embarrassed laugh.


The elevator’s doors are opened and Changmin lets Hana to step outside first. Hana is so amazed by the scenery in front of her. They are in the digital observatory room. Behind the glass window, the lights are twinkling, welcoming them. And, it seems like they can watch the city over from up there.

“This is amazing,” Hana whispers, “it’s so pretty.”

“Yeah, it is,” Changmin looks around before following Hana to one of the window, “I guess we pick the right time to come, huh?”

“Yes! The sky is so clear, we can see everything from up here.”

Changmin is about to say something again when he sees her putting her hands at the cold window. Her breath is warm to the window and she is smiling so big that Changmin holds his breathe. And, when he breathes out, Hana notices the tense atmosphere. She tilts her head to look at him. She laughs when she sees Changmin looks away to avoid her eyer, but then she turns her head back to the scenery. Her rich laugh is bringing Changmin back to reality. Changmin looks down and smiles to himself.

“Basically, Seoul is under us right now,” he explains, “Also, we can see Tokyo and other cities from here.”

“We can?!”

“No,” Changmin says sternly, “it is impossible.” But, when he sees Hana’s disappointed face, he shrugs, “At least, you’re looking at its direction. That’s the point.”

Hana chuckles. This guy is funny. “Nothing is impossible.” She turns her attention back to the lights and smiles again.

“How do you know?”

“I have faith…”

“In what?”

“In everything that I do,” she looks at him again and smiles. She puts her hair behind her ear cutely. Changmin’s heart skips a bit. “Don’t you?”

“I do, I guess.” He tries not to stutter.

Hana leans her forehead to the window but her eyes never leave Changmin. “You have. You just think it is not logical, don’t you?”

“You read me like a book,” Changmin chuckles calmly. He doesn’t feel threatened when she knows everything about Changmin’s personality easily.

“I’m a psychological student in New York, don’t you know?”

“Well, no.”

“Now, you do.” She stands up again and starts walking around. They talk about so many things while taking a seat at the sitting area and Changmin throws her his smart yet cynical comments and Hana seems like the only supermodel that can retort back at him. She is probably the only famous person he knows that can talk back at his words.

“So, where are you taking me after this?” she asks again after a while.

“You haven’t seen the outdoor terrace. But, the weather is really cold right now. Will you be okay?”

“I will be fine. Trust me.” She smiles and Changmin holds his breathe, again, before nodding and leading their way out.

It is already pass 10 pm when they arrive at the outdoor terrace. The wind is so strong. But, the beautiful scenery makes them keep staying there. It is like the lights are welcoming them the moment they step outside. Hana looks around the place and she finds so many padlocks with some writing. Most of them are the name of a girl and a boy. A couple.

“Do you want to leave your own padlock here?” he asks.

Hana shakes her head without looking at him and keeps looking at the words that are written on the padlocks. “I want to, but I don’t have any.”

Changmin takes out something from his coat that got Hana’s attention. “I bought it. I just thought you would want to write your name and lock it here.” He shrugs and looks at the plastic bag in his hand.

“You bought it? I thought this kind of things is ridiculous for you…?” she asks in a surprise tone.

Changmin chuckles lightly. He is not surprise anymore that Hana knows so many things about him in the knick of time, because the girl really has talent to read other people’s personality. “Are you a psychic?” he teases.

“No,” Hana smiles, “you are just easy to read.” She shrugs and takes the plastic bag in Changmin’s hand. “Isn’t this padlocks thingy only for…couples?”

Changmin nods. “But, what the hell, huh? It is not like you’ll die if you’re single and lock your own padlock here,” he laughs. But, his laugh suddenly stops abruptly. “You’re single, right?” he asks.

“You have a problem with my current status?” she asks in a mocking tone.


“Then, you don’t need to ask about that.”

“I just don’t want to-“

“I don’t have a boyfriend, Changmin-shi, if that can make you feel better.”

Changmin nods again and smiles softly. “Oh, okay.”

“Hey, why don’t we write our name together?” she suggests and looks at him with her sparkling eyes.

Changmin snorts. “Way to go to make a gossip about us if any of our fans ever read it,” and Hana laughs, “but, who cares, huh?” he continues.

Hana shrugs. “Only our managers and bosses and, probably, your members.”

“Right. But, I always try to find a way to mess around with them, so, yeah, let’s lock our padlock here.”

In the end, they put their padlock on the bottom, buried with other padlocks there. And, before they go their separate ways after a beautiful and interesting couple of hours, Hana kisses Changmin on the cheek. Changmin blushes a little, but he doesn’t really care about his image anymore. They enjoyed the night, that’s what really matters. 

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pimprime #1
will you updating this (and the other) story? ><
stargurl90 #2
Chapter 8: author nim please update i love it very much
pimprime #3
Chapter 7: love the story much and your writing style. keep updating. ^^
artsiedartsie #4
Chapter 7: "Psychic", not "sidekick"
Turn-Off #5