January 2, 2009


First date is the first gate a boy has to risk to take the girl’s heart. First date is like a deeper first impression for a boy to make.

And, Changmin never has any first date experience.

“Look, just relax and call her, Min. Siwon said you only have twenty days before she goes back to New York,” Yoochun says, patting Changmin’s shoulder to encourage him.

They are sitting on a plane back from Japan and, today, it is Changmin’s turn to sit with Yoochun. Jaejoong and Junsu are sitting behind them, quietly listening to their conversation. Yunho is acting so calmly in front of Changmin and Yoochun, but he is also listening.

“Did you tell Siwon that you guys match me with her?!”

Yoochun’s eyes widen in surprise. He gives Changmin the biggest stupid grin and points at Jaejoong at the back.

“What? Me?” Jaejoong snaps at Yoochun. He remembers it was not only him that told Siwon about the match plan.

Yunho clears his throat while reading a newspaper. “Jaejoong and Yoochun didn’t talk about it in front of Siwon,” he sighs, “but in front of all Super Junior members.”

“What?! Hyung~” Changmin whines and falls his head weakly at the headrest of the seat. Now his life is going to be ruined because of these entrusted mouths. The Super Junior members will not stop teasing him.

“Look, it’s no big deal, okay? We told them to keep it quiet and those hoobaes are pretty trusted,” Yoochun tries to calm Changmin down.

Junsu snorts, giving his best to hold his laugh in a mocking way. “Em? Heechul hyung, guys? Remember?.”

Yah!” Jaejoong hits Junsu’s shoulder, “You were there too, remember? And since you didn’t do anything to stop us talking, you’re involved too.”

Junsu wants to fight back before Yoochun snaps their focuses back again. “The thing is, when are you going to call her?” Yoochun asks.

“Soon, okay?” Changmin looks out of the window. Why did he have to insist to sit near the window because now he is being attacked from his right and back side. And, he has nowhere to go.

“You still haven’t called, huh?” Yunho asks carelessly.

“She’s busy.”

“How do you know?” Jaejoong pokes him.

“Siwon hyung told Yoochun hyung so. You know, I start wondering if Yoochun hyung is the one who likes her because he seems to be the most excited one.”

Yoochun smacks the back of Changmin’s head. “Yah. I do not betray my own little brother, okay? I’m helping here! Just appreciate it and say thanks.”

“Call her when we land. It won’t hurt!” Junsu exclaims, receiving unapproved looks from the people around him. Fortunately, they sit in the executive class and their own staffs take most of the seats.

Changmin turns around to stare at Junsu, feeling annoyed. “Will it hurt you too if I don’t call her?!” he whispers loudly.

“Hell yeah!” Jaejoong is giving Junsu a support. Junsu and Jaejoong throw each other a high-five. “We need you to start experiencing how to date a girl, okay? You’re gonna be 22 next month and it really is sad to see our dongsaeng reading a book on the corner of the practice room and not doing anything.”

“You.really.need.a.girlfriend,” Yoochun says. He stares at Changmin like he knows everything best.

Changmin is so sick of it. No. Changmin is so sick of their embarrassing actions. He knows that they do all of these investigations is because they love him and they want him to be happy. But, seriously! It is not like he can’t take care of himself. He knows it is about time to find a girlfriend and the girl is just…stunning, but it was only the first meeting. Changmin does not believe in first impression. He thinks first impression can only fool you. And, Changmin definitely does not believe in love at first sight.

Changmin sighs and looks away. He watches the clouds outside the window, how those clouds look so light and soft, but also thick and dense. He wonders if it is possible to touch it right now if he opens the door of the plane.

Yah, maknae, are you daydreaming?” Yoochun nudges him. The other four are actually waiting for his answer and Changmin just left them to his own thoughts. That is what happen when people talk to Changmin. He spaces out easily.

Changmin shrugs. “Fine. I call her when we land.” He gives up at his hyungs’ cheers of victory.


“H-hello, may I speak with Young Hana?” Changmin looked back to Jaejoong and Junsu on the back of the van. He and Yoochun are sitting in the middle, while Yunho is watching him from the passenger seat next to their manager who drives.

Changmin rolls his eyes at all of the signals his hyungs try to give him, from hand gestures to whispers. They already got what they wanted and that is for Changmin to give her a call. Can’t they just let him do it with his own way? What a controlling hyungs he has. Even Yunho is so into this now.

“Yes, this is Young Hana. Who am I speaking with?” The voice is way too soft that Changmin looks away from his hyungs to hide his little smile. He’s got to admit it that he loves her voice.

“Ah, this is Shim Changmin of Dong Bang Shin Ki.”

“O-oh! Ch-Changmin-shi! May I help you?” She sounds surprise.

Changmin is pushing Yoochun away when he starts to take the phone away so he can hear their conversation too. Changmin puts his finger in front of his mouth. “Can you keep it down?!” he whispers madly at his hyungs.

“I-is everything okay?”

“Yes! Everything’s fine.” Changmin pushes Yoochun for the last time before he finally gives up and “tries” his best to stay away from Changmin. Changmin stares at him harshly, sending a message with his eyes that’s saying, “good, you stay there”. “A-are you busy?” he continues while looking at the road outside.

“Hm, n-no. Not really.”

Changmin gulps and looks at his hyungs once again. Yoochun, Jaejoong, Junsu, and, even, Yunho are staring at him, full of hopes. “Do you think it’s indelicate to ask someone you only met once out?” he blurts out, surprisingly, without stuttering.

Yoochun and Yunho clap their hands in awe, while Junsu and Jaejoong close their mouths. They never expected Changmin would talk smoothly in this kind of situation. For a beginner, they are very proud of him.

He could hear Hana chuckling at his question. “It depends.”

“Depends on what?”

“On how are you asking me.”

Changmin smiles. “I would like to know you better, Hana-shi. Can you give me a chance?”

“I think that would be lovely.”

“Would you like to go to Gyeonghuigung Palace then?”

“A palace? You’re taking me to a palace?” she sounds pretty amaze. Changmin bets no guys ever asked her out to a palace. “I would like to go but, I don’t know when because I have a few schedules in two days and I don’t really know about the rest of the week. I’m actually free today. “

“Then, let’s go today,” he says bravely, he looks at his watch, “we still have three hours before it’s closed. And then I know a good café near the palace.”

Yoochun gasps. He pats Changmin’s shoulder to support him. He is good.

Hana laughs softly. “Okay. I’ll see you there at four?”

Changmin nods, even though he knows she can’t see him. “Yes. I’ll see you there at four.”

When Changmin hangs up the phone, his hyungs are shouting and clapping and patting his back. Is this really Changmin’s first time asking a girl out? Probably not.

Changmin arrives fifteen minutes late at Gyeonghuigung Palace. He runs from the front gate to inside the palace. There are not many people in that place since it is only the second day of 2009. The weather is still pretty cold for a day outside. This is really unordinary, Changmin thinks. He wonders how Hana thinks about him after taking her out on a day like this.

And now he is late! Thanks to his annoying big brothers for holding him back at their dorm. They said they wanted him to look good. But, this is not even a date. Why does he have to look good?! Changmin knows he is always the smartest among the five of them.

He looks around while running, looking for a girl he remembers after only one meeting. When he finally reaches the main building of the palace, he can see a girl with long black hair and a grey coat looking into the main building. Changmin can only see her back, but, somehow, he knows it is Hana. He stops running and tries to catch his breath first, calming his nervous self before finally approaching her.

He stands up besides her, fiddling on his pants. From the corner of his eyes, he can see Hana’s smiling. He doesn’t know why, but her smile just makes him guiltier. He turns around to face her, but he just doesn’t say anything yet. Hana tilts her head to look at him.

“You’re fifteen minutes late, Changmin-shi,” she smiles warmly and looks straight to the front again, “a pleasant way to impress a girl.”

Changmin looks down at first, not daring to look at her. But, he thinks he should man up and face his own fault. He looks up at her. “I am so sorry. There is no excuse, I know. I was the one who asked you out and I’m late.”

Hana turns to face him and laughs lightly. “God! I’m just kidding! Why are you so serious?” she hits Changmin’s shoulder playfully.

Changmin freezes in his place. He is surprised at the playful side of her, never expected it actually. Hana’s smile falters.

“Oh, I’m sorry! Am I out of line?” she asks, bowing at Changmin. She knew she should’ve greeted him politely before started to act casually around him. She always heard how serious Changmin is among the five members of DBSK.

Changmin is the one who is laughing now. For him, the panic expression on her face is very precious. “You are not out of line, Hana-shi. I was just surprised that this playful personality came out from you.”

Hana giggles. “Yeah, I guess I am surprised too.” Hana looks around and sees no one. Today’s weather is not really friendly and her hands are shaking because of the cold, but she feels grateful that this man asks him out today. “What about an official introduction?”

Changmin smiles. He held out his hand. “Shim Changmin.”

Hana shakes his hand lightly. She looks at him teasingly. “Of Dong Bang Shin Ki?”

“No,” he said firmly, his smile never leaves his face, “just Shim Changmin. And you are…?”

“Young Hana. Just Young Hana.” She nods. “It is a pleasure to meet you finally, Shim Changmin. Would you like to be my guide?”

“Under one condition.”

“What is it?”

“Drop the formalities,” he looks away, feeling ashamed of what he will say next. “Call me oppa,” he whispers.

Hana laughs. “This is gonna be interesting, Changmin oppa.”

Changmin nods happily. “Shall we start the tour now, Hana?”

“Yes,” she gives him the sweetest smile that Changmin fall in love with. Like the first smile she gave him when they met for the first time.

Changmin pulls out his phone to text his hyungs.

Can I invite her to our concert, hyungs? I think you all will really like her ^^

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pimprime #1
will you updating this (and the other) story? ><
stargurl90 #2
Chapter 8: author nim please update i love it very much
pimprime #3
Chapter 7: love the story much and your writing style. keep updating. ^^
artsiedartsie #4
Chapter 7: "Psychic", not "sidekick"
Turn-Off #5