Our Maknae..He Can't Be.....



“CUT!! Okay we done with the shooting for today!” PD-nim shout to them.

“huh thankgod! Im so tired!” Woohyun said marching  toward their hotel.

Everyone went to their room.


“Myungsoo..tell me..vampire should have a power right?”

“I guess..well in the movie..they did have..”

“then how come we haven’t have any??”

“how can I know..i’ve been a vampire only for less than two weeks”

“vampire do have a power” Sungjong said coming out from no where.

“KAMJAGYA!!” Sungyeol shriek in shock.

“yah! Lee Sungjong! Don’t ever do that again!!” Sungyeol yell at him


“then Sungjong..why we still have no power??”L ask quietly.

“ take a month for me to discover mine..maybe yours still not come yet”

“im bored..lets go out” Sungyeol said , ended their discussion.


“lets race until the end of the road” Sungyeol said gesturing to the long, empty road.

“huh! You bet me! The last person will have to be a fashion terrorist  when we going back to Seoul. Deal??” L said.

“you got my deal hyung” Sungjong pinky promise L.

“erm…okay deal.” Sungyeol finally said , defeated by ‘are you scared???’ look from both L and Sungjong.

“get set..on three…one..two..three!” Sungyeol make a count before the three of them dashed the long road.

Sungyeol however, stumble in the middle of his a chance to others. Just what is the use of his long legs????

“yay! Im first!!!!” Sungjong beamed happily over his winning.

“at least im not last!!” L said between his rushing breath.

“oh man…” Sungyeol let a heavy sigh.

“not even a minute??” L look at his watch.

“seriously..we ended our run not even in a few second!” He continued his earlier sentence.

“were a vampire..what do you expect?” Sungjong replied him.

“wow..we’re fast!” Sungyeol said with grin.

“and strong..and we can read each other too..” Sungjong explain again.

“wow! We’re daebakk!” L said.

“let me test how strong we are..” Sungyeol said as he went to nearby tree. He throw a punch on it and the tree collapsed backward to the ground.

“wahhhh” L beamed.

Sungyeol turned around to face L and Sungjong,  but the grin in his face suddenly disappeared. He looked at L L.

L and Sungjong turned around to take a look at Sungyeol’s direction.

There, stood Hoya..with face full of shock.

“what the..”

“Hoya..its not like what you saw..” Sungyeol start but..

Sungjong move to Hoya and knock him into unconsciousness in a speed of light.

“why d’you do that??!!” L yelled “you hurt him!”

“im not hurting just making him fainting..”Sungjong yelled back.

“what should we do? He see us!”Sungyeol scream in panic

“if only my power is manipulating…” Sungjong mumbled quietly.

“what’s your power Jong?”L asked


“should I call Edward Cullen?? Asking him what should we do??” Sungyeol said looking from Sungjong to L.

“stop the joke Yeol..this is serious!” L said angrily to Sungyeol . obviously, had loss his patience.

“let’s discussed peacefully with Hoya hyung..Maybe he willing to keep our secret..” Sungjong sugest quietly.

“and if he doesn’t want?”

Sungjong thought about Sungyeol question..thinking of the best answer to replied..but he doesn’t know what should he answer. He couldn’t find the answer.

So he give them ‘I don’t know either’ look, only to get their sighs.







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Chapter 22: I like your story<3 Please update soon! (:
Chapter 22: Thi is really good :) Good Work :3
Elenyl #3
Just read all the chapters at one go. I really like your story! Can't wait to know what happen next.
rhockers #4
Chapter 1: keep it up ^^ nice story :)
well mind to read mine?
you can delete this ^^ I wont force you to read it :)