Our Maknae..He Can't Be.....




A month had past , and Infinite still struggling to fight their lost amidst of their comeback.

And they still trying to adapt to their new formation , singing , dancing , everything.

“I don’t know it can be lonely without L here..but now I know”

Hoya had said that once while shooting Sesame Player ep 3. They had a joked about that..but now they really know how it feel ..

when Infinite is only six membered group..

when there’s only six voices..

when they can’t formed a perfect ‘V’ shaped in their choreography ..because 6 is even number.

“nae gyeotae..neoreul sangsanghae “

“L should singing that part”

“L was at the centre when it came to this part”

“they put L costume for this comeback in the wardrobe”

“ofc they one’s wearing was specially made for him”

“they change the scene..they remove L’s scene in the ’Infinite University’”

“Sunggyu , you will dance in the centre when it came to this part..yes..i change the choreography a little bit”

“it feels different”

“I hate this feeling”

“it doesn’t feel like INFINITE anymore”

“I miss him”

They hate it. Everything about it but there is nothing they can do at the same time.

“boys..i know you still sad about the lost..take as much as time you need..and learn to let him go..okay???” Jungyeop Sajang-nim said as he eyeing the boys. They all were just finishing their dance practise for Man In Love. And they just sit there , with sweat forming on their forehead.

Not saying anything.

Not looking at anything..just spacing out.

“and Man In Love is a lovely song..try to smile when singing know?? The feeling when you fall in love??”

They didn’t answer.

Sajangnim let a sigh , deciding to left them calm down.




“so..the girls will haunt us down??” Sunggyu said after a long silence , listening to the maknae’s story. On how he killed their lover. And trapped them in the mansion. And on how Victoria got L. And now that they were haunt.

“huh ! come and find me..i’ll rip their head off!” Woohyun said softly. But the members can sense the death threatens in the voice.

“I’ll avenge for Myungsoo” he continued and the members flinched upon hearing the name.

“ their head hyung.. and I’ll burned them to ashes” Sungyeol venomed voice said after Woohyun’s.

Clearly , the choding had change..since that day.

He was no longer smiling.

No longer laughing..

But looking back..all the members did.

“just why did you killed their lover Jonggie?” Sunggyu asked the maknae. He could see the member was not looking but he was sure their want to hear the answer too.

“I..I..” Sungjong stuttered.

“its okay Jonggie” Hoya patted Sungjong’s shoulder.

“but..i…” Sungjong stuttered again.

“spill it!!” Woohyun was furiously  shouting.

“I don’t think that..L hyung is..L hyung is ..dead” with that , all the members giving their all attention to Sungjong. No longer spacing out , no longer staring out through the dark skies.

After a long silence , Sungyeol standing up .

“ Sungjong..we saw him felled..he is dead” Sungyeol’s beautiful yellow orbs piercing through Sungjong’s , clearly telling he was pissed off.

“he was..” Hoya declared as he stand up next to Sungyeol.

“don’t give us hope” Hoya continue before he turned and walked toward his room.

And they can see the hurt expression clearly plastered on his face as he walked away..and so is Sungyeol.




Dongwoo excuses himself from the waiting room. He went to the washroom.

He fixed his hair in the mirror for the last time when he suddenly saw other reflection on the mirror..behind him. It was too sudden that made him scream a little.

He turned but no , there was no one .

“looking for me?” a voice said and Dongwoo take another turned , and this time , infront him , stood a well looking male. Smirk on his face.

“who are..” Dongwoo just started his sentence but once again , the male disappeared and soon , he felt a pain in his arm. Dongwoo groaned in pain , right hand clutching to his left arm. Blood was oozing out from the wound  , resting a little  by the end of his slender fingers before dripping to the floor. The scratch was long..from his shoulder to his elbow , ripping some part of his sleeve.

He saw the male again , still smirking , which made him more annoyed. But then , he lost the man again , and for a second time , he felt a pain on his thigh. More blood pooling on the clean marble floor.

It continue for who know how long until Dongwoo couldn’t take it anymore. His knee weakened and he felled on the floor , hand pressed to as much wounds as he can.

His head started spinning , from keep on loosing to the male , and from loosing a blood. He’s a vampire..and theres nothing can give him more energy than blood itself.

Dongwoo stay focused , alerting himself with every single sound was made around him. And there , he spotted him again , infront of him. But he is too weak to fight.

The male walked closer to him. Raise a dagger that had piercing his skin many time. He raise it to above his head and Dongwoo was sure he know where is the target..his heart. It’s a way to kill a vampire like him. Stab the heart.

Dongwoo tried to fight but he can’t even move a finger. He was weak , he need blood.

Waiting for the dagger to pierching his heart was like watching a slow motion video , seem like he can count it. Dongwoo closed his eyes , ready to accepting death…

“Dongwoo…” someone walk inside the washroom.

“omg Dongwoo!! Are you okay? What happen???” Sunggyu rushed over to Dongwoo side.

Slowly , Dongwoo opened his eyes and the male was no longer there , only him and Singgyu.

“who did this to you?!” Sunggyu asked , no , more like demanding the answer.

“someone..” couldn’t even finished the sentence , Dongwoo blanked out.  




“the blood transferred had been successful..all you need now was a nice rest” the nurse said , bowing and left the hospital room.

Infinite members can catch a glimpsed of some bodyguard outside the room as the nurse open and closing the door. It seem like the news had been travel far.

“I need to handle something..” their sajangnim got out from the room , leaving the boys.

And they knew just what is their sajangnim mean by ‘handle something’..yes..a reporter..

“hyung..are you feeling better?” Sungjong asked quietly , breaking the silent.

“Dongwoo tried to sit from his lying position with help from Sungyeol.

“no…I think I need more blood” Dongwoo said.

“drink mine..” Sungjong said , helding his hand out.

“who attacked you?” Woohyun said as soon as Dongwoo finishing on Sungjong’s blood.

“some man..handsome..idk who he was..” Dongwoo answered.

“you are a vampire! You can fight him you idiot!” Woohyun yelled , clearly frustrated with one by one of his friend got hurt.

“well..his power is speed I guess..he move so fast that I can’t even catch a glance.

Woohyun let a frustrated groans.

“don’t worry..i’ll find a way to fight him” Woohyun continued.

All the members looking at him questionly.

“I’ll haunt them down and killed each of them that hurt us!”

“woah Namu..calm down”

“im in hyung” Hoya said , looking all serious.

“kids..” Sunggyu started.

“don’t try to stop us hyung..” Hoya said in gritted teeth.

“yourenot going to get a revenge..not until I say you can..understood???” Sunggyu said now looking all but nice.

Woohyun and Hoya looked down , defeated.




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Chapter 22: I like your story<3 Please update soon! (:
Chapter 22: Thi is really good :) Good Work :3
Elenyl #3
Just read all the chapters at one go. I really like your story! Can't wait to know what happen next.
rhockers #4
Chapter 1: keep it up ^^ nice story :)
well mind to read mine?
you can delete this ^^ I wont force you to read it :)