Our Maknae..He Can't Be.....



INFINITE  looked at L.

Sungyeol still have his hand stretch out for L to grab.

But L doesn’t move.

L inhale the fresh air.

Then , he parted his mouth as if to say something.

The members waiting nervously.


The word come out almost in soft desperate tone.

Then L heard a furious curses in his head. he lost control of his body right after he stammering the words.

He felt his body slowly fall backward.



He falled backward slowly. He saw Sungyeol lauch forward to hold his hand but it only brushed the end of his fingers.

He saw Sungyeol climbing the railing and ready to jump.

*don’t you dare to jump you fool!*

L only managed to say the word in his head than screaming it out loud to Sungyeol.

But he was relief seeing that the others have holding Sungyeol back.

And then all he felt was coldness.

A coldness as his body was engulf by the cold sea water.

The vision of his hyungs and Sungjong blurred and soon , all he can see was darkness.


“im sorry sir but we still haven’t found the boy yet”

The policeman leave after give his report to WoollimEnt’s CEO.

Jungyeop sajang-nim turn to the boys and just let a sigh.

They were standing at the bridge. The crime scene. L case had been closed as a suicidal attempt. And the motif is ‘overstressed’ . But the policeman crew still looking  L’s body that was already declared dead. The searching mission had last for fourty eight hours already.

Sungyeol , Dongwoo never stop crying since that night. Sungjong what more..when he knew that all happened because of him. He knew that they got him. But he unsure whether L really dead or what.


“No officer! Please keep the searching mission continue! Don’t stop unless he was found!” by the time Woohyun shout to the officer, the wind blow furiously , making all trees around the place dancing in the furious wind. A dark cloud gather at the area , and the lighting was striking. Almost like a storm.

control your emotion Hyun..” Dongwoo said to Woohyun.

im going to kill this officer!” Woohyun replied.

Woohyun just figured out his power 2 days after L disappearance. He still haven’t get use to it yet. So, it was quite hard for him to control his emotion.

Sunggyu hold Woohyun’s hand and slowly , the wind came to a calmed breeze. The striking thunders disappeared and the dark clouds slowly faded.

Sunggyu had absorbed Woohyun’s emotion. He have the power of absorption.

By the time he absorbed Woohyun’s emotion , he felt a worried , scared and furious. –he felt what Woohyun have felt.



Key was alone in his room. He was now at f(x) mansion. Just until the girls revenge  was clear..he , Onew , Minho , Jonghyun , and Taemin will be at their mansion. They and f(x) girls was a cousin anyways.

Key walked to the window frame. He looked out through it. His mind was back to the years past. He had missed everything. On how the mansion was filled with smiles ,laughters , and jokes.

He had missed Victoria childish attitude..missed Krystal laughts..and Luna’s singing..and Sully whines like a little kid..and he had missed Amber’s smile. He had missed everything about the girls.

Now all was left in that mansion was unforgetfull memories..not happy one..but one that lead to a deadly revenge..revenge that only can be paid by blood.

Key walked away from the window and out from the mansion..he will haunt a that he can use the body.. for something.


Infinite’s supposed unbeat heart beat faster than ever once they saw a group of police walked out from the water holding a stretcher. On the stretcher , laid a body covered by black cloth.

*please don’t let that be the person I thought it was* Dongwoo prayed in his head. wishing it was not Myungsoo , hoping that he somehow still alive in who know where…

*can’t be Myungsoo..cant be Myungsoo..* Sungyeol chanted the sentence in his head repeatedly.

Hoya hold his hand close to his chest , where he can feel his heart beating a lot more faster.

Sunggyu was holding Sungjong who clearly was crying.

Woohyun look like he was ready to break someone or anything if it could be Myungsoo.

Their heart was beating faster and faster as the police officers walked toward them , holding the stretcher.

“we need comfirmation from family or close friends” one of the officer said.

Myungsoo’s mum step forward.

She stretched her hand , that was shaking .

 She pulled the black cover.





“no!!!” she fell to the ground.

They had lost him.

There on the stretcher , was Myungsoo.

It was really Myungsoo.

He was pale..

And sure his body was cold.

His heart is unbeaten.

He was dead.

A sobs soon was heard.

From his family.

And Infinite’s members.

And surely  , when the new spread like a wind , all fans will cry too.


“Jongie.. stop crying. It can’t even bring him back” Wohyun said to the maknae. He clearly frustrated with all the sobbing inside the dorm.

Sungyeol won’t come out from his room.

Hoya looked horrible.

Dongwoo eyes were red in all the tears he cried.

Sunggyu just space out.

Woohyun let a heavy sigh looking at his friends.

“he wouldn’t be happy seeing us like this” he state. Carefuly not mentioning L’s name as he can expected the others reaction.

The members looked at him.

A second later , they lowered their gaze again.

“yes he wouldn’t be happy” Sungyu said looking out of the window.

“we should let him go..” Dongwo said as another tears escape his eyes.

“so that he can rest in peace” Sungyeol stepping out from his rom finishing Dongwo sentence.

The dorm was again swollen into a deep silence.

“don’t let him see you like this tomorrow” Woohyun state again , looking at his friends one by one.

Tomorrow will be L’s funeral.

And for the last time , they want to sent him away with a smile , and not a sad tears.





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Chapter 22: I like your story<3 Please update soon! (:
Chapter 22: Thi is really good :) Good Work :3
Elenyl #3
Just read all the chapters at one go. I really like your story! Can't wait to know what happen next.
rhockers #4
Chapter 1: keep it up ^^ nice story :)
well mind to read mine?
you can delete this ^^ I wont force you to read it :)