Goodbye For Now

Goodbye For Now


Well, something has certainly changed in the dorm.

Daesung is as he has been since he received Hyung’s letter weeks ago: completely high on happiness. And here I was thinking I had seen all of Dae’s levels of happiness.

But this is different. It’s like he doesn’t hear anything, doesn’t know anything, doesn't see anything but Seunghyun. Hyung is all he talks about. They are constantly writing letters to each other, fueling Daesung's joyfulness.

It’s charming, really.

I chuckle whenever I see him floating around the dorm with the now constant dreamy smile on his face.

But more than Dae’s new level of happiness, are the changes in Jiyong and Seungri.

A few weeks ago when I reminded Seungri about Jiyong leaving for service the look of hurt and confusion on his face was heartbreaking. I had been kicking myself for being so blunt with the Maknae when Jiyong had walked into the kitchen. I told him of what I’d said and of Seungri's reaction. Ji had whirled out of the kitchen to look for him. I hadn’t seen them for the rest of the evening.

The next few days saw both of them with big smiles on their faces. 

Since then I’ve seen them be more affectionate with each other and sharing a lot of lingering glances.

It’s like they think I’m not even in the room.

I’m not totally sure since no one has spoken to me, but I suspect they must be in a relationship now.

I’m happy for them. I’m happy they are brave and comfortable enough to be true to themselves and to each other.

But I hope they don’t plan to keep this from us; I hope they know they can be honest with us. Plus, if those two are any more obvious, they could probably even bring Daesung down from the clouds, in which he’s been completely lost in lately.

I walk into the kitchen to get something to eat when I see Seungri giving a back hug to Jiyong while the elder cooks something at the stove.

“Okay,” I say. “Now you even have the same mannerisms as Jiyong!”

The two of them break apart and look at me with guilty expressions; clearly they had not heard me coming. We all share a moment of silence.

“Bae…” starts Jiyong.

I shake my head. “Ani. Don’t come up with any excuses. You’re together or you’re not. I’m not stupid.”

Seungri frowns nervously. “ don’t have a problem with us?”

They still don't get it? I sigh. “Of course not! I’m so happy for you I could burst!”

The pair share a relieved laugh and bounce over to give me a group hug.

Seungri beams. “Thanks, Taeyang!”

“Bae,” laughs Jiyong. “Why didn’t you say anything sooner?”

“I can’t wait to tell Daesung-ah,” continues Seungri. “I bet he’ll be just as happy as you are!”

“If it weren’t for Daesung’s blinding happiness over seeing Hyung soon, I’m sure he would’ve noticed way before me,” I say, making them laugh.

“Noticed what?”

We turn around and see Daesung standing in the hallway behind us, a curious look on his face.

Jiyong slowly walks over to him with a smile on his face. “Dae, Seungri and I have something to tell you.”



A/N: Yes, two in one night because I have made you all wait a horribly long time. Forgive me, friends!

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pikachu79 #1
Chapter 25: Finally gathered enough courage to read this again! Really love the ups and downs of this story! Gave me smiles and tears!
pikachu79 #2
Chapter 25: Wonderful story and so well-written!! I read it all thru at one go!!! Thank u so much for writing this!!
lion_city_girl #3
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: i laughed when its say that jiyoung is going to army...i wonder what is seungri expression
nightangel2050 #4
This was amazing. I was gonna cry when I thought that TOP was dead T.T
Chapter 25: This was so great. I read it all in one go. So glad a friend recommended ine of your stories. . I'm now hooked on the rest!
G-RiLover #6
Chapter 8: ^____________^ magic!!
MizzPeel0007 #7
Chapter 25: I am sad that it has come to an end, but your story was great and I know the other will be even better with all the Todae and Gri. Thanks alot.
Chapter 25: I can´t say anything...
Can I marry you and your fanfic? XDDDDDDD
Really, it was awesome ;u;
Chapter 25: I REALLY HOPE THERE'S A SEQUEAL!!!! Loved this story ^^
Zimmy02 #10
Chapter 25: it's over??? omo.. my jiyong T-T
but this is so beautiful too
thank you for the story author-nim ^^
can't wait for your another fics