Chapter Four

Finding Home


Baekhyun was watching TV when Chanyeol arrived at his apartment with a red balloon in his right hand and foods for their dinner in his other hand. He smiled widely as the other boy turned his head to look at him and walked to sit beside Baekhyun.

“Hey, how was day?” Chanyeol asked him.

“Why do you bring a balloon?” Baekhyun asked Chayeol back without answering his question.

“Ah, this.” Chanyeol handed the balloon to Baekhyun. “This is for you. Please, don’t release it again.”

Baekhyun tilted his head as he took the balloon from Chanyeol’s hand, remembering something. “Ah,” he said after a while, “so you’re that stubborn giraffe who always gave me balloon at the amusement park.”

“You didn’t know it?”

“You didn’t tell me.”

“I thought you knew it already!”

Baekhyun rolled his small eyes. “How could I?” he said. “Ugh, forget it. I’m hungry. What did you buy for dinner?”

“Ah, yeah!” Chanyeol grinned, reaching the food that he brought. “I bought pasta. Is it okay?”

Baekhyun took the food from Chanyeol’s hand. “Everything is okay.” he murmured as he opened the box of food. Seriously, the smell of pasta made him drool since he was pretty hungry just now.

Chanyeol laughed lightly looking at the hungry Baekhyun. “Hey, calm down,” he said. “Eat it slowly, make sure you chew it well,”

“Mm nof aw kid,” said Baekhyun while chewing.

“Don’t talk while eating, Kiddo,”

Baekhyun swallowed his pasta before looking at Chanyeol with annoyed face. “I’m not a kid,” he said.

“Yeah, yeah. Look at the pasta sauce on your lips.”

Baekhyun felt his head got hotter when Chanyeol moved his face closer to his, brushing his thumb to wipe the sauce on his lips corner. “M-Move away!” he pushed Chanyeol away, ducking his head to hid the pink tints on his cheeks.

Chanyeol tilted his head, not realizing his act made Baekhyun’s heart beat faster.

“Hey, your face turns red. Do you get a fever?” Chanyeol cupped Baekhyun’s cheeks, sticking his forehead onto Baekhyun’s.

Baekhyun was sure if Chanyeol kept this position for a little longer, his heart would explode into pieces.


Chanyeol looked startled as Baekhyun snapped at him, pushing him hardly and making the pasta fell down to Chanyeol’s lap.

“Aw, you’d just lost your dinner…” Chanyeol said. Carefully, he took all of the pasta on his lap so it won’t fall down littering the sofa and the floor.

Baekhyun turned his head. “I’m sorry.” he muttered. He still tried to make his heart beat a little slower.

“Well, it’s okay,” Chanyeol said, smiling reassuringly at the other boy. “I bet you’re still hungry, aren’t you? You can eat my pasta, then.”

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who now was walking to the kitchen to throw the pasta. “How about you…?”

Chanyeol thought a bit. “I’m sure there’s still an apple on the refrigerator…” he said as he opened the refrigerator. But all he could find was nothing. “Oops. There’s nothing left here.”

Baekhyun started to feel guilty to the tall man. “Just eat your pasta. I already ate it, though.”

“No! You just ate a little of it. You’re still in recover so you need to eat more food!”

Baekhyun looked at the box of pasta. “I can’t eat all of it,” he said after a few moments, “I need you to help me eating it up.”

“No, no.” Chanyeol walked back to the living room, sitting beside Baekhyun. “You eat it. I’ll make sure you’ll eat all of it.”

“It’s too much for me!”

“I insist, Baekhyun. You need to eat more or else you will turn into a skeleton.”

Baekhyun looked down at his body. “Am I that thin?” he asked with small voice.

Chanyeol chuckled softly, ruffling Baekhyun’s hair. “I want to take a bath now, and when I’m back you must eat all of the pasta already, okay?” he said, giving Baekhyun his warm, wide smile.

Baekhyun couldn’t help but nod at Chanyeol’s order.

“Good then.”

Baekhyun took the box of pasta when Chanyeol left him, opening it and eating the pasta slowly.

And he didn’t know why, but his heart still beat faster than usual.




Rain was falling in this Sunday morning. On his bed, Baekhyun opened his eyes slowly but too lazy to get up from his warm bed. But unfortunately, Chanyeol didn’t let him to sleep any longer.

“Wake up, sleepy-head! It’s morning already!” Chanyeol said, pulling Baekhyun’s warm blanket.

“It’s freezing!” Baekhyun yelped. “Come on, Chanyeol, give the blanket back to me!”

“No, no, no,” Chanyeol shook his head. “Wakey, wakey, let’s take a breakfast!”

Groaning, Baekhyun got up half-heartedly and followed Chanyeol to the kitchen. He could smell the coffee and toasts Chanyeol made for them.

“Do you want some egg for your toast? I’ll fry it for you if you want,” asked Chanyeol.

“Mmh,” Baekhyun murmured. He sat on the chair, sipping his morning coffee. God, it felt really warm, really good. Baekhyun smiled as he felt so comfort just now.

It was almost a week Baekhyun stayed in Chanyeol’s place and honestly, Baekhyun was so thankful to have Chanyeol by his side now. It wasn’t like they were in a kind of relationship like Baekhyun and Kyungsoo back before, but Baekhyun knew his relationship with Chanyeol was special. Baekhyun was happy that now he didn’t have to feel so lonely anymore. Even though he still had a nightmare every night, but now there was Chanyeol who would comfort him, shooing his nightmare. And even though he still remembered about Kyungsoo and even though he was still crying every time he remembered about the boy, but it wasn’t as bad as before because he knew Chanyeol would always be there for him.

“I want to watch TV…” Baekhyun said.

Chanyeol turned his head a little and smiled at him. “Go ahead, I’ll take the breakfast there.”

Baekhyun nodded and took his coffee, heading to the living room, the TV and sat on the sofa.

Not long after that, Chanyeol came with the toasts with egg for them and his cup of coffee. “God, it’s freezing…” he said. “Wait up, I’ll bring the blanket,”

“Umh.” Baekhyun murmured, eyes locking on the cartoon on TV.

It wasn’t a long time when Chanyeol came back with blanket in his arms. He sat beside Baekhyun, placing the blanket around his body before pulling Baekhyun’s arm. “Come here, I don’t mind sharing the blanket with you,” he said and smiled widely.

“Uhh… yeah,” Baekhyun moved closer to Chanyeol, heart thumping hardly.

“Aah… it’s so warm…” Chanyeol said, placing his arm around Baekhyun’s tiny shoulder. “You’re so warm…”

Baekhyun blushed at Chanyeol’s words. He agreed with Chanyeol, their position now was making him feel so warm and comfort, and as he could smell a fresh scent of Chanyeol, he couldn’t feel more comfortable than this.

Slowly, Baekhyun put his head on Chanyeol’s shoulder, cheeks blushing hardly. Chanyeol just smiled softly at his movement, Baekhyun’s hair gently.

“This is the perfect time to cuddle, right?” Chanyeol asked with his low, deep voice.

“Yeah…” Baekhyun nodded shyly. “Yeah, that’s right.”




“Mmh… Kyungsoo…”

Chanyeol, who was about to go to get some drink in this late of night, stopped his step in front of Baekhyun’s room once he heard Baekhyun’s voice.

“He must have a nightmare again…” Chanyeol mumbled.

Not wanting to make some noise that would make Baekhyun awake, Chanyeol opened the door carefully. He looked at the sleeping boy who was still muttering his ex-boyfriend’s name.

“Kyungsoo… Kyungsoo…”

Chanyeol sighed in worry. He didn’t know how long Baekhyun would have a bad dream about Kyungsoo. It seemed the boy still couldn’t forget about his ex. Chanyeol was sure that Baekhyun loved his ex so much he couldn’t forget him so easily.

Chanyeol sat on the edge of Baekhyun’s bed, reaching the sleeping boy’s hand gently. Slowly he leaned his tall body down, pulling Baekhyun into his warm embrace. “Ssh… calm down, Baekhyun… I’m here for you…” he whispered on Baekhyun’s ear.

“Kyungsoo… no…”

“Hey, calm down, Baekkie…”


A single tear streamed down Baekhyun’s cheek as his eyes suddenly opened. He was panting hard, and more tears started falling down from his eyes. But soon, when he found he was in Chanyeol’s arms, he was calm down a bit.

“Ssh, don’t cry Baek, it was just a dream,” Chanyeol said, Baekhyun’s hair softly.

“Chanyeol…” Baekhyun muttered before brushing his face on the crook of Chanyeol’s neck, sobbing. He inhaled deeply, smelling Chanyeol’s fresh scent that made him feel better. “Don’t go, Chanyeol…”

Chanyeol smiled softly, kissing the top of the sobbing boy’s head. “I won’t go anywhere, Baekhyun. Don’t worry.” he said. He then pushed Baekhyun’s tiny body gently so he could see the other boy’s face. He smiled reassuringly at Baekhyun, brushing his thumbs on Baekhyun’s cheeks to wipe the tears away. “Now, get back to sleep okay?”

Baekhyun nodded slightly.

“Good…” Chanyeol smiled, patting Baekhyun’s head. “I’ll be in my room if you need something…”

But before Chanyeol could get up from his seat, Baekhyun tugged his black shirt long sleeve. “Wait, Chanyeol…”

Chanyeol looked at the boy with puzzled look. “Yeah?”

Baekhyun ducked his head but hand still held Chanyeol’s sleeve. “C-Can… can you… s-sleep with me tonight…?” he asked, whispering shyly. “I-I’m afraid…”

Chanyeol raised his eyebrows hearing at Baekhyun’s request. But soon he smiled and nodded. “Of course, of course,” he said. “So, move your body away, Baekhyun,”

Baekhyun nodded and moved slightly to the side, letting Chanyeol laid his body beside him. His cheeks were reddened like an apple.

“I… I’m sorry for bothering you, Chanyeol,” Baekhyun said with small voice.

“Mmh, nah. You’re not bothering me at all.” Chanyeol said as he pulled Baekhyun to lean down with him. “It’s been a long time since I slept with somebody else. I used to sleep with my parents when I was a kid, but it was a long, really looong time ago. But I still remember how warm they were. And sleeping with you now really bring back those memories… you have the same warmth as them.”

“I… I, too… used to sleep with…” Baekhyun stopped talking, he didn’t think he could say Kyungsoo’s name without crying his heart.

Chanyeol moved his body to hug Baekhyun. “I know, I know. It’s Kyungsoo, right? You don’t have to talk about it if it makes you feel sad.”

“H-How could you know… K-Kyungsoo…?”

“You always called his name when you had a nightmare,”

Baekhyun blinked his eyes. He couldn’t hold his tears anymore. “I miss him a lot, Chanyeol… I miss him a lot…” Baekhyun whispered. He drowned his face on Chanyeol’s chest, crying loudly there. “Please… make me forget about him, Chanyeol… just for tonight… I’m tired… I’m so tired…”

Soon Baekhyun felt his body was pushed away. Chanyeol looked at him, at his eyes, deeply. “What should I do to comfort you…? Just tell me what you want me to do…” he whispered softly. Their faces were so close Baekhyun could feel Chanyeol’s breath brushing his cheek.

Baekhyun stared back at the dark orbs above him, those eyes were drowning him he couldn’t think anything more. Slowly, he moved his face closer to Chanyeol, lips brushing softly on the taller man’s.

Chanyeol looked surprised at first, but soon he closed his eyes, kissing Baekhyun’s lips back. At first it was just a soft kiss, but once Baekhyun Chanyeol’s lower lips, nibbling on it, no one of them could handle their hot feelings anymore.

Without letting go of Baekhyun’s lips, Chanyeol moved to bend down on the other’s tiny boy. He brushed his tongue on Baekhyun’s lower lip, asking for entrance. Baekhyun slowly parted his lips, letting Chanyeol’s tongue move inside his mouth, explored his mouth. A soft moan let out from Baekhyun when Chanyeol brushed his palate with his tongue. He placed his hands on Chanyeol’s head side, pulling the tall man to kiss him deeper.

It’s been a while after they parted their lips, panting out of breath. A line of saliva was linking on their lips.

Chanyeol caressed Baekhyun’s cheek, bending down to whisper on the panting boy below him ears. “What do you want me to do, to make you forget about Kyungsoo…?” he whispered in, somehow, a y way.

Baekhyun placed his grips on Chanyeol’s shoulder, shivering slightly at the whisper. He felt his face burnt up as he replied, “Make love with me, Chanyeol…”

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Chapter 11: This is simply beautiful. I love it~ ♥
Chapter 11: beautiful is all i can say~
5a8ina #3
Chapter 11: I cried a lot with this!!
I love you, author-nim TTUTT
Thanks for writing~~
/fangirling hard/
Chapter 11: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH MY FEELINGS! <3 I actually cried omg omg this was so cute and fluffy <3 Thank you for writing this great fanfic!<3
Chapter 11: OH MY GAWWWD!! SO BEAUTIFUUUUUUL!! <333 *sobssss* Lemme kiss you, author-nim! I LOVE YOU!! Your story got me flipping tables with too much fluff. Aigoooo! And I love the and angst too. Thank u so much for this wonderful, amazing BAEKYEOL fanfic. ^^ Write more please! Kill me and make me cry even more with your future BAEKYEOL fanfics, ne?!? Gomawo. *hugs*
Chapter 11: Great story(:
soulpreme #7
Chapter 11: Congratulations on finishing your story!! *throws confetti*
I think it will be a little longer and more angsty, but I guess Baekyeol can't wait for their happy ending so let it be hahaha.
This story is sweet and lovely, and thank you for writing this, keep writing ^^
joohyun007 #8
Chapter 11: No for ending? :3
Chapter 11: sweet ending author nim. two thumbs up for uuuuu~