
My SHINing Freshman Year


School went on as usual and every thing was fine, that is until Friday, (why does EVERY thing always happen on a Friday??!!)

Mom handed me the newspaper, and stared talking about how “supposedly” SHINee quit SMentertainment and came to the U.S. more importantly our state. Stupid news paper always lies. Ever since they said that Jesse Mc Cartney was coming to our town, and it turned out to be Paul Mc Cartney! (Sorry, I was at HUGE Jesse fan at the time)  

For some weird reason I couldn’t help but feel Déjà vu, like I’ve seen this all before. Regardless of that weird déjà vu feeling E.D.D.O. continued as usual, and I walked back up the stairs ‘why should I care if SHINee comes here, its not like they would ever, go to our school, or even talk to me for that matter.’

Oh yeah that’s right  I forgot to mention that at school im kind of a loner, I do have a few friends but none of them ever hang out with me after school or anything. So what if im different, hell if I care!! I like what I like, and I am who I am. Deal with it. Im alone almost all the time, since mom got a new job as a nurse, she stays at the hospital and comes home whenever, and her new husband Dean, is a Chief at a high dollar restaurant, so yeah. My baby brother and my mom (she works afternoon-night shifts but it changes constantly) are home till about 12pm and then Andrew is at pre K, I pick him up after school, either that or mom’s friend takes care for him till mom gets home, and that’s that. Day after day.

Never mind that, geez I’m getting way off topic. Any way this is what happened….so my first per. Is history and on Fridays we don’t ever do much. On some days we may watch a video about what we’re studying next week, thankfully for me today was like a second study hall.



????? POV

Since this is my first time being an American school I was scared and had NO idea were I was going or what I was supposed to do, but thankfully the Freshman principle (why they have one for every grade I will never know) showed me were my locker was and where all my classes were. So I got my books for my first 2 classes and headed to my history class with Mr. Whitefield. When I got there I poked my head inside the door, and a tall and kinda bulky man smiled and waved for me to come into the class room. 

Well at least he seemed friendly’. I thought

 I looked around the room, and saw that this was kind of a small class, there was at least 6 rows of desks and a little over half of then were filled.

Then I was shaken from my thoughts as Mr. Whitefield spoke “Class can I have your attention?! I’d like to introduce you to our new Student from South Korea, Um how do you pronounce your first name is it tae like in ‘Tae kwon do’ or tae in ‘taste?”

“I don’t mind, either way” I said smiling, though I probably looked like an idiot.

“Ok then, class, please welcome Taemin lee. All right Taemin you can pick your own seat, and we’ll get you all settled on Monday, but normally Friday are free days” he said patting his hand on my shoulder.

“Ok thank you” I said already looking around the room for a place to sit, then I spotted a seat, well not really, it kind of stood out. The two rows beside it were filled, and there were two boys in front of the row, then that one empty seat, and then a girl with her head down at then end.

I’m not sure why that empty seat bugged me, but it did, so I decided to make that my desk. The boys in the front didn’t seem to notice at all, but I poked the girl sitting behind me to ask if she was ok with me sitting here.


Mina’s POV


I was peacefully in a half sleep, and listening to SHINee’s “jojo” when some idiotic class mate decided that there were going to poke me. BIG mistake! I didn’t get enough sleep the night before, since Andrew was sick and up all night, and when your two years old and have a fever you also have the tendency to keep EVERYONE in the house up. Also me being the good big sister that I am, I decided to give my mom a break and looked after him myself. So as you can see I was in one of those “talk-to-me-and-you-die” moods

Never the less I still managed a simple “what?” with out killing whoever was poking me.

“Would you mind if I sat here?” 

That’s weird I didn’t recognize the voice, what did coach Whitefield say again? Something about a new student right? Great another person to later on down the road make fun of me.

“Go for it” I said in a bored tone. Hoping this idiot would turn around and talk to someone else I turned up the volume on my iPod and the song had just changed to obsession (still by SHINee)

“You like them too!!” I heard the person say in an OVERLY happy voice.


I sat up and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands “yeah SHINee’s a pretty good band, so u like them as well?” I yawned and opened my eyes, but for some reason all I saw in front of me was Taemin, with his pretty auburn hair, and round face.

I tilted my head a little and blinked like 20 times “ok this is by far the weirdest dream I have ever had *Big yawn* I hope I took the right meds. This morning” I said putting my head back down again, absolutely sure that I was dreaming.


Taemin’s POV

“um are you ok” I asked poking her again, but it looked like she was out cold.

Are all American like this?? I thought turning back around in my seat. I wonder how my Hyungs are doing

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LoveLab #1
key!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
minhojong #2
i hate preppy es soooo much. once a girl didn't do her science assignment at all and her excuse was"i didn't have time to do it cuz me and morgie were shopping" i was like. "IMMAKILLYOUWITHABANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
lol wow! hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahah I SUPA LUV YOU! <3 X]
well...UGH!!! IM SORRY IF I HAVE A HIGH IQ AND HATE STUPID PPL, AND PREPS!!!!ITS NO WONDER PPL IN THE NORTH MAKE FUN OF US!!.....*heavy beathing* gonna go watch "bo Peep" now...
@deidaraslilgrl - hahahahaha you would hyung you would... *sigh* only you would.... that reminds me of that story you told me about when you went to a mule show or whatever it was and the people beside you were like "look at that mule! it's so big!" and you were thinking 'ITS A HORSE! ITS A HORSE! ITS A HORSE!' hahahahahah when you told me that I was DYING it was so FUNNY! XD LOL
lol thanks so much....god i just want to stranggle them...the other in in science class, we had a packet of stuff to look over and this one girls next to me said "do we get the answers of ther internet?" and i was like 'MUST RESIST URGE TO SLAP A B**H'
*points at MikiChan10's comment* what she said.^-^v
keke me and assassinacacia know each other were best friends and we always think about it XD Especially since our school is all preps...Update soon! i love it ^^
@diedaraslilgirl and assassinacacia - wow i'm sure if you two knew each other in reality you would get along just fine... lol I'M MAKING A SHINEE POSTER IN ART CLASS AND IT LOOKS AWESOME... but I haven't finished yet so..... yeah..... X]
at assassinacaia- ok 2 things, one retyping your username must be a B*** geeze thats hard to spell!! and two WHO HASN"T!! LOL