My SHINing Freshman Year


Mina is just your average loner, she has some friends but always seems to keep her distance. She was always made fun of for, what she wore, what she liked to do, what songs she listened to etc. but what happens when one of her Fave. korean boy bands comes to America, or more importatly HER SCHOOL!??


~~~~~~~~~~ok this is my 1st EVER fanfic im kinda just going with it so please dont kill me, im still trying to work out the plot so comments would be MUCH  Appreciated, and im still debating weather i want R rated scenes or not T-T god writing stories is soooooo hard!!! !!! and sorry if updates are slow, i dont have alot of time in my life to spend typing~~~~~~~~~~~~~


~ dream start~

            *mom hands me the news paper* hey honey isn’t that the Korean boy band that you like so much? She asked.

 *looks at news paper*“yeah what about them?” I asked munching on cereal. 

“The paper says that SMent. Threw out their contract, and that Shinee *mom pronouncing it Shen-y* already signed a contract with a company here in our state”.

“Mom it’s pronounced ‘shiny’, and why should I believe what the paper says anyway, they always lie.” *mom keeps reading/mumbling the paper out loud* ‘ugh will she ever shut up, I mean after all its not I’ll ever be able to see them. They’ll probably be in HUGE city like 2 and ½ hours away, and constantly surrounded by American fan girls. ’

“Mina get this! The company MAKING them go to high school as well *elbows me while I’m still eating* maybe It’ll be your school!!  ‘pssht fat chance’    ~ dream end~


ugh shut up


“shut up!!!” *turns off alarm clock* “stupid freaking 6am alarm, stupid freaking school, stupid fre…..” 


“Yay pancakes!!!”

            Yep, just another Monday morning, as usual, me grumbling about my alarm, and school, and then mom yelling the magic Monday morning word “pancakes”. In case ur wondering yes, this happens EVERY Monday of every week.

* walking into the kitchen* “5...4...3...2...1” my mom and I say in unison and as usual we hear my baby brother Andrew, In the next room start crying. “Dean (moms new husband) you can get Drew this morning I have to be at work early today?!” “Sure thing!”

Yep just another morning in the Matthews family home, now for E.D.D.O

Eat- 10 min. for breakfast

Dress - 30 min. pants, shirt, comb hair, brush teeth, makeup

Dog – 5 to 7 min. walk our husky Tucker

Out the door - walk to school

Just another boring week in my boring life, well at lest that’s what it stared as…..



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LoveLab #1
key!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
minhojong #2
i hate preppy es soooo much. once a girl didn't do her science assignment at all and her excuse was"i didn't have time to do it cuz me and morgie were shopping" i was like. "IMMAKILLYOUWITHABANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
lol wow! hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahah I SUPA LUV YOU! <3 X]
well...UGH!!! IM SORRY IF I HAVE A HIGH IQ AND HATE STUPID PPL, AND PREPS!!!!ITS NO WONDER PPL IN THE NORTH MAKE FUN OF US!!.....*heavy beathing* gonna go watch "bo Peep" now...
@deidaraslilgrl - hahahahaha you would hyung you would... *sigh* only you would.... that reminds me of that story you told me about when you went to a mule show or whatever it was and the people beside you were like "look at that mule! it's so big!" and you were thinking 'ITS A HORSE! ITS A HORSE! ITS A HORSE!' hahahahahah when you told me that I was DYING it was so FUNNY! XD LOL
lol thanks so much....god i just want to stranggle them...the other in in science class, we had a packet of stuff to look over and this one girls next to me said "do we get the answers of ther internet?" and i was like 'MUST RESIST URGE TO SLAP A B**H'
*points at MikiChan10's comment* what she said.^-^v
keke me and assassinacacia know each other were best friends and we always think about it XD Especially since our school is all preps...Update soon! i love it ^^
@diedaraslilgirl and assassinacacia - wow i'm sure if you two knew each other in reality you would get along just fine... lol I'M MAKING A SHINEE POSTER IN ART CLASS AND IT LOOKS AWESOME... but I haven't finished yet so..... yeah..... X]
at assassinacaia- ok 2 things, one retyping your username must be a B*** geeze thats hard to spell!! and two WHO HASN"T!! LOL