here comes the fun

My SHINing Freshman Year

UUUGH!! I really hate teachers that give homework on the head is NOW splitting!!!! i really can't wait till this day is over!

I glanced up and noticed that ms. v had walked back to her desk, which meant that taemin would probably be looking around for a place to seat. PLEASE TAEMIN DONT WALK OVER HERE YOU'LL JUST REGRET IT! I mentaly crosed my fingers and hoped that he wouldn't walk over this late.

oh god.....taemin is walking this way.....just put ur head down and ignore him!!! Just act like he's not there!!! You can do it mina!!! T^T!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ugh!! inner mina really wants to talk and laugh about all things kpop.....but outter mina is stressed, and pissy!!!! T^T screw my life man!!!!!

"oh mina!"

.........NOO Taemin.....T^T please dont come any closer!!!!!

"stacia never mentioned that you were in this class too, its nice to know that there is at least one person in here i already know ." he's sitting in the seat next to me ..........wait why am i complaining about that??....oh yeah......THIS....

"yeah......she never said anything to me either.."

mina just stop talking and go back to ur english paper, maybe he'll just leave you alone......

*4 mins. go by and taemin is just staring at me while im working on my paper*

"um do you want any looks like your kind of stuck?"

All i could do was put my head on my desk and mummble "Its not that im stuck, its that your just sitting there watching me write....and ITS REALLY iritating me!"

"oh....sorry, i'll just ..turn around then, you know i dont bother you anymore"

ohhhhh tae-tae!!!!! im soooooo sorry!!!! ugh MINAAAAA!!!! what the hell are you doing!!! your in front of kpop ROYALTY!!!!! and this is how you treat him!!!!!  tell him your sorry!!!  GO ON MINA!!!! SAY IT!!!!!!! TELL....HIM.....YOUR....SORRY!!!

"wait.....Taemin,.....look i-i-im sorry,....its just that....i had to take care of my baby brother last night,....i barely got any sleep ,....and i wake up and shinee is now in my highschool....its a lot to take in..*head'desk* sorry i didn't mean it"


"its ok, ..really, stacia told me that things aren't really ...well ... arn't going so well"

"wait....wut did stacia tell you??"

"well, that you are kinda taking this 'move' hard, seeing that see's moving to a new school and all..."


"dont worry ^-^ you dont have to hide it you know...she said that your kind of..shy ......and that she thinks that we can be great friends and all"

"......what???......s-s-she....she never told me she was leaving......why didn't she tell me this?"

wait i dont get it.....why did she tell taemin, but not tell her best friend....was she?? thats stupid.....she woundn't just up-and-leave her bff with out at least saying sumthing....maybe she's just leaving in a mouth and didn't want to scare me......yeah thats HAS to be it...right?

"oh she didn't tell you yet, maybe she wants it to be a surprise or something?"

I weakly lifted my head up and looked around the room, not sure i did this,....but i just did, everyone kept glancing at the two of us....some were glares, others just had this confused look on their faces, but i just looked back at taemin.

"yeah or something,.....uh look i gotta finish this, uh,....maybe you could uhhhhh talk to other know,....make friends?" i replied in an unsure voice.

Taemin just smiled and turned away. I put my head back on my desk and sighed. it was just to much, all of it, but some how,.. some how i'll manage to get threw it. So i grabed my ipod once again, picked a random kpop song from my playlist, and then picked up my pencil, and kept working on that damn english paper again.

I looked up every now and then at taemin, just like at gym class Tons of people were around him...-__- which also meant that they were around me, since he took the seat next to me. I have to admit it wan't very hard to tune them all out (thank god).......well this time. i just kept, f(x)'s mr boogie on repeat for 15 mins.

a few mins after i had nearly finished my paper, mrs. v anounced, that we now had 10mins. to do whatever(stupid fridays), which meant that homework would have to wait till later. (to many preps talking all at once, i cant think).

So with that i started packing up my stuff, which left me with 3mins. till the bell, then off to the best class of the day....ART!!!!! 

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LoveLab #1
key!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
minhojong #2
i hate preppy es soooo much. once a girl didn't do her science assignment at all and her excuse was"i didn't have time to do it cuz me and morgie were shopping" i was like. "IMMAKILLYOUWITHABANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
lol wow! hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahah I SUPA LUV YOU! <3 X]
well...UGH!!! IM SORRY IF I HAVE A HIGH IQ AND HATE STUPID PPL, AND PREPS!!!!ITS NO WONDER PPL IN THE NORTH MAKE FUN OF US!!.....*heavy beathing* gonna go watch "bo Peep" now...
@deidaraslilgrl - hahahahaha you would hyung you would... *sigh* only you would.... that reminds me of that story you told me about when you went to a mule show or whatever it was and the people beside you were like "look at that mule! it's so big!" and you were thinking 'ITS A HORSE! ITS A HORSE! ITS A HORSE!' hahahahahah when you told me that I was DYING it was so FUNNY! XD LOL
lol thanks so much....god i just want to stranggle them...the other in in science class, we had a packet of stuff to look over and this one girls next to me said "do we get the answers of ther internet?" and i was like 'MUST RESIST URGE TO SLAP A B**H'
*points at MikiChan10's comment* what she said.^-^v
keke me and assassinacacia know each other were best friends and we always think about it XD Especially since our school is all preps...Update soon! i love it ^^
@diedaraslilgirl and assassinacacia - wow i'm sure if you two knew each other in reality you would get along just fine... lol I'M MAKING A SHINEE POSTER IN ART CLASS AND IT LOOKS AWESOME... but I haven't finished yet so..... yeah..... X]
at assassinacaia- ok 2 things, one retyping your username must be a B*** geeze thats hard to spell!! and two WHO HASN"T!! LOL