just 2 more classes to go!

My SHINing Freshman Year

   Stacia and I quickly changed back into our regular clothes, grabbed our stuff and headed back into the gym to wait for the bell to ring, indicating the end to 3rd lunch, and the start of 4th lunch. As usual the kids stood around one set of the double doors, katyln was already there....how she changes clothes so fast I will never know.....anyway i just kinda spaced out, that is until stacia elbowed me in the side.

"ouch! what?!"

"which one of them do you claim?"


"you heard me...which one of them is yours?"  Stacia smirked as she nodded over to the where the kpop singers were standing.

I shook my head and slightly smiled. "stacia do me a favor and shut up will ya?''

"Come on!! tell me!" she whined as she grabbed on to my arm. " A month ago you wouldn't shut up about them, and now that their here you wont even say hi! what kind of  fangirl are you??!!"

" The non-annoying kind, im not the type that runs up to people saying 'OMG can i have your autograph!?'....come on you know me better then that" i said smiling .........."but if u must know its a tie between taemin and minho."

Stacia looked back at where the boys were standing, then looked back up at me, grinning like a Cheshire cat  "hehe... i like jonghyun"

"oh my god stacia, you are such a creeper you know that?" i laughed

"yeahhhh...but you love me anyway" she replied STILL clinging to me.

We were almost to the double doors when taemin walked up to us, holding what looked like his schedule in his hands.

"um...do you think that you could show me where to go for 6th period i ..uh..kinda forgot how to get there ...." he said looking down at the ground........im sorry but he just looked so cute ^-^.

"uh yeah...stacia can show you" i said as i walked past him,and stood near katlyn a few feet away.

Stacia looked back at me and shook her head, then turned back to taemin and smiled. I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but about 30 seconds later the bell rang, and i decided to go ahead and walk to the cafeteria, with out her. Moments later she was right by my side.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and asked " you explained to him how to get there in under a minuet?"

"Lord no, i told him as much as i could, then right before the bell rang i just said that after lunch was over I'd find him and walk with him to his class, i mean it IS right down the hall from mine.........wait a sec.....Ur not JEALOUS....are u?"

"psht ME??? JEALOUS OF MY BEST FRIEND???!!!....the day I'll become jealous of you is the day that you assainate Justin Bieber, before i do" (>> to all the JB fans reading this....im not a hater in real life...but i do only like a few of his songs<<) i laughed as we walked into the lunch room (in my school, the gym and the cafeteria are literally only a few yards away :/   )  Once again stacia had this EVIL grin on her face.....and i knew EXACTLY what was going in her mind.....yep, she just lit Justin on fire again.....

Anywho, after lunch was over i headed back upstairs to study hall as Stacia stood there waiting for Taemin.

~~~~~Taemin's POV

     It wasn't that hard to find Stacia after lunch was over, she was standing on the wall opposite to the doors of the lunch room. Thank god for nice people otherwise i would be so lost.

" thank you for doing this, i kinda feel bad though." i said as i walked closer to where she stood

"its no problem at all, your class is right down the hall from mine." she replied with a sweet smile on her face. "so do you have all the things you need for right now?" she asked as she started walking ahead of me.

I quickly looked over a list i had made earlier, and mentally checked off all the things i had with me.

" um ...yep i think so....so these next two classes are upstairs ..right?" i asked as i caught up to her.

" yep thats what it looks like, study hall, and science right?.......oh and by the way, im sorry about how Mina acted in gym class, like i said she's normally alot nicer to be around, she's just.....having a bit of a rough time right now, ya know?"

"oh,.. no its ok, really, it didn't bother me at all" i smiled. Stacia kept walking but glanced at me from the side.

"Taemin your a bad liar you know that?"


"yeah i know T^T,..im sorry" i said was we climbed up the stairs.

"wut is there to be sorry about ?" she giggled, but a few seconds later it got quiet, and then she spoke again this time with her head kinda down. " i just hope that you two can be friends,....I'll be leaving in a few weeks and......well, I've been one of Mina's only friends since 5th grade.......she doesn't really make friends that easily,..ya know?"

as we got to the top of the stairs i looked down as well. "No i don't...." i said as i placed my hand on stacia's shoulder, "but i can at least try to be her friend". Stacia looked back at me with a sad smile on her face as she stopped infront of of room # 212.

"well, here is your directed studies class,....like i said, if you ever need anything just ask ok?"

"ok thank you so much." i said as i bowed in respect and then walked into the room. I looked around a little bit then i spotted Mina in the corner.

'thats odd, Stacia didn't mention Mina being in the same class, maybe she didn't even know.....'

"you must be the new student from Korea."

I jumped at the sound of the voice behind me.

"oh im sorry i didn't mean to scare you at all, my name is Mrs. Vanozdall (Van-oz-doll) but every one calls me Mrs. V for short, ..you must be Taemin lee."

"oh uhh, yes i am, its nice to meet you." i replied feeling a bit stupid strange for some weird reason, guess its because i jumped at the sound of her voice.


~~~~MINA'S POV~~~~~

I looked up as i heard a familiar voice across the room.


its the lovely makane, taemin......

ugh i have him in three classes so far, WHY GOD WHYYY!!!!???

I also look around the room to see the other kids whispering amongst themselves, buuuuut i also saw a certain someone outside the door, and she was smirking at me.......

damn you stacia, damn you for not telling me about this -__-


I put my head down on my desk and glared at her from my seat. Stacia just smiled and waved at me before she ran off down the hall. "uh-huh you better run" i mumbled still glaring at the door. I noticed that Matt ( an annoying jock who sat 3 seats away) was looking at me as if he had just seen the most discussing thing ever.

"wut the hell are u looking at?!" i hissed.

"jeeze someones PMS'ing" he said as he turned away

" you wish...punk " i mummbled as i went back to finish up some language arts homework.

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LoveLab #1
key!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
minhojong #2
i hate preppy es soooo much. once a girl didn't do her science assignment at all and her excuse was"i didn't have time to do it cuz me and morgie were shopping" i was like. "IMMAKILLYOUWITHABANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
lol wow! hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahah I SUPA LUV YOU! <3 X]
well...UGH!!! IM SORRY IF I HAVE A HIGH IQ AND HATE STUPID PPL, AND PREPS!!!!ITS NO WONDER PPL IN THE NORTH MAKE FUN OF US!!.....*heavy beathing*...im gonna go watch "bo Peep" now...
@deidaraslilgrl - hahahahaha you would hyung you would... *sigh* only you would.... that reminds me of that story you told me about when you went to a mule show or whatever it was and the people beside you were like "look at that mule! it's so big!" and you were thinking 'ITS A HORSE! ITS A HORSE! ITS A HORSE!' hahahahahah when you told me that I was DYING it was so FUNNY! XD LOL
lol thanks so much....god i just want to stranggle them...the other in in science class, we had a packet of stuff to look over and this one girls next to me said "do we get the answers of ther internet?" and i was like 'MUST RESIST URGE TO SLAP A B**H'
*points at MikiChan10's comment* what she said.^-^v
keke me and assassinacacia know each other were best friends and we always think about it XD Especially since our school is all preps...Update soon! i love it ^^
@diedaraslilgirl and assassinacacia - wow i'm sure if you two knew each other in reality you would get along just fine... lol I'M MAKING A SHINEE POSTER IN ART CLASS AND IT LOOKS AWESOME... but I haven't finished yet so..... yeah..... X]
at assassinacaia- ok 2 things, one retyping your username must be a B*** geeze thats hard to spell!! and two WHO HASN"T!! LOL