Still in wonderland?

My SHINing Freshman Year

Man! I had the weirdest dream in first period.” I said to my friend Stacia, as we walked to our 3rd per. Class. Math. Just my luck too, we have a test today -_- yay!

“weird how?”

“weird like ‘I was talking to a member of a boy band’ weird” I said back and once again yawned

“oh man that is weird, and at the same time kinda y XP” she snickered “what guy? And from what band?”

“You know that Korean boy band I made u listen to? You remember the one with the red hair right?” “yea, and thanks to YOU that song was stuck in my head, and I DON’T EVEN KNOW THE WORDS TO IT, OR THE NAME OF IT!”

yep thats Stacia my "crazy african-american-overly-protcective-sister -like- best- friend"

I laughed at her anger, I just couldn’t help it. (Stacia was always cute when she yelled, unless she was seriously mad at something…that’s when you back away.) You know to be quite honest Stacia is the only real friend I have at this school. Sad huh?

“I think I’m gonna skip math class today.” I said changing the subject

“ok then, your funeral” she said as we walked into coach B’s class

“yeah I’d like to see you stay up all night taking care of a sick 2 year old” I mumbled as I walked to my seat.

“I thought you were going to skip?” she whispered to me “ I am, I’m just gonna make it look like im working on the test for a little bit, then im going to ask to go to the nurse so I can sleep, see you in gym class.”

SO yeah, to make a long story short that’s what I did. Did I mention that I love our school nurse? We both just kinda talked for like 10 min. about talking care of sick kids. And then she let me sleep for 20 min. Thank god! I felt so much better after taking a nap. But for some weird reason I still feel like I’m in wonder land. WHY??? I really hope I took the right meds this morning, maybe I should Txt mom just in case? Never mind that, now I have to get to my science class.


?????? POV

My first 3 classes weren’t so bad, but it’s nice to know that one of my Hyungs will be in my science class, when I walked in I saw that he has already talking to our teacher, so I walked over beside him. I could feel the entire class’s eyes on us, it didn’t seem to bother Jonghyun, but it was kind of..unsettling to me.

“Hey kids! Before we get class started lemme introduce some new students, Jonghyun and Minho”



OH MY GOD…. Please tell me I heard that wrong

My eyes went wide, and my head shot up off my desk, I saw more people that looked like the SHINee boys!! Now I’m positive that I mistook my depression medicine, for shrooms, or crack or SOMETHING! Cause this...THIS is not NORMAL!!!!!

I saw the boy that looked like Minho smile as he sat in a seat two rows away from were I was, and he started answering all kinds of questions from the preppy chicks that were close to him, and the same with Jonghyun. Even though I knew I was tripping on some weird drug or something I couldn’t help but blush, i mean in my eyes I saw Minho, y, gorgeous, flaming charisma Minho. Not to mention Jonghyun, funny, weird, *cough* RIPPED *cough* bling-bling, Jonghyun. The thought of it made me giggle. I pulled out my ipod, and started on the worksheet that was just handed out.

But of course I can’t even giggle with out someone looking at me and whispering “god she is weird”

‘Stupid preps I swear, when I finally snap they’re gonna be the first ones to go’ I thought I as it started playing “hello”

After I finished the worksheet, which took me no time at all I might add, I just started to draw on a plane piece of paper. Wanna know what I was drawing??

Me killing the preppy es >:) mawhahahahaha!!! Even I had to laugh a little at this pic.

Some of the girls talking to the SHINee looking dudes looked at me, pointed and then whispered something to the boys. ‘Sticks and stones ’ I muttered as I switched to the “hello” MV and turned up the volume all the way up. Right now no one, I do mean NO ONE could put me in a bad mood, I mean im trippin’ on drugs, seeing shinee, got to skip math class, and was plotting the day I’d kill the preps, BEST FRIDAY EVER!!! I don’t even care if they think im weird for mouthing the lyrics to a Korean song.


Jonghyun’s POV

ok so our, first day in an American high school is almost over, we haven’t met any fan girls, and then this! Its weird though, since most fans will walk up to us and be all like, “Bling-Bling can I have your autograph?” and stuff like that but this one, she didn’t even seem to notice we were in the room WTH!?

“What is that crap Its sound like Mexicans screaming?.” I heard the girl next to me say.

Apparently Minho heard the comment to and looked at me with a “oh-hell-no” face, before he said in a happy voice. “its Korean pop, and its actually really popular all over the world”

“oh” the Burnett replied obviously trying to sound interested.

My attention went back to the girl listening to our music. She was average. She had blonde hair that went up in a pony tail, she was skinny as hell, and wore greenish cargo shorts, with a pink shirt and a grey/ blue plaid button down shirt on top of that. She also had bracelets all on her left hand and a Bight pink sweatband w/ a happy face on the other that was also adorned with like 5 more bracelets. She must have noticed I was staring because she turned to look at me then smiled. Ok so maybe she wasn’t average, she was cute in a tom-boy sort of way I guess. God help her if key ever met her though, he’d drag her to go shopping for something that was “more suited for girls”

. “um Mr. Taylor, when dose class end?” I asked. The old man glanced at his watch, then said “well in about 5 min. Do you two know where you next class is?”

“Um yeah I think we can manage it” 

'i mean it IS gym how hard can it be to find?'

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LoveLab #1
key!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
minhojong #2
i hate preppy es soooo much. once a girl didn't do her science assignment at all and her excuse was"i didn't have time to do it cuz me and morgie were shopping" i was like. "IMMAKILLYOUWITHABANANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
lol wow! hahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahah I SUPA LUV YOU! <3 X]
well...UGH!!! IM SORRY IF I HAVE A HIGH IQ AND HATE STUPID PPL, AND PREPS!!!!ITS NO WONDER PPL IN THE NORTH MAKE FUN OF US!!.....*heavy beathing* gonna go watch "bo Peep" now...
@deidaraslilgrl - hahahahaha you would hyung you would... *sigh* only you would.... that reminds me of that story you told me about when you went to a mule show or whatever it was and the people beside you were like "look at that mule! it's so big!" and you were thinking 'ITS A HORSE! ITS A HORSE! ITS A HORSE!' hahahahahah when you told me that I was DYING it was so FUNNY! XD LOL
lol thanks so much....god i just want to stranggle them...the other in in science class, we had a packet of stuff to look over and this one girls next to me said "do we get the answers of ther internet?" and i was like 'MUST RESIST URGE TO SLAP A B**H'
*points at MikiChan10's comment* what she said.^-^v
keke me and assassinacacia know each other were best friends and we always think about it XD Especially since our school is all preps...Update soon! i love it ^^
@diedaraslilgirl and assassinacacia - wow i'm sure if you two knew each other in reality you would get along just fine... lol I'M MAKING A SHINEE POSTER IN ART CLASS AND IT LOOKS AWESOME... but I haven't finished yet so..... yeah..... X]
at assassinacaia- ok 2 things, one retyping your username must be a B*** geeze thats hard to spell!! and two WHO HASN"T!! LOL