Chapter 3



Ahhhhh I'm such a horrible updater, but between boyfriend and our families this month I haven't had any time to write or even read. T^T (it's going to take me forever to catch up on everythinggggg.)

But I swear I should have more time now that the bulk of my family's out of my hair, so I hope you haven't forgotten about me! 

Stray light shown brightly through a gap in the dark curtain that hung from Jiyong’s  bedroom window. The warm light kissed his cheek, stirring him awake. Still groggy, mind fogged and pounding from the night before, he sat up, wearily rubbing his face. His lips were dry, mouth parched. He swung his legs over the side of his large bed only to find a tall glass of water and, thank god, a bottle of tylenol, already at his bedside. He quickly popped several more than what was probably considered healthy, and nearly finished the glass before a sudden thought of last night struck him. He quickly looked around, eyes landing on the still darkened corner of his room. 

Seunghyun sat still slouched in the vanity’s chair, head lulled to his shoulder, vivid minty hair haphazardly tossed about. He slept so peacefully Jiyong didn’t dare wake him, instead just sat, perplexed by the boy’s presence. It was rare not to wake up alone.


Eyes drifting back to the messy mop of Seunghyun’s hair, he soon became quite aware of his own rather disheveled appearance. He still wore clothes from the night before, sleep smeared makeup still on his face. Quickly as his hungover body would allow, he grabbed clothes from his dresser and scurried to the bathroom. Changing and washing his face, the warm water finally washing the remaining sleep that clung to him. Hazy memories of the night before began running through his head as he opened the door, nearly running into Seunghyun as he was exiting the bedroom. They both stopped as they met each others gaze. Jiyong, never being one for silence, spoke first.


“Morning.” Seunghyun answered, mussing his hair. “I’m sorry for staying uninvited, I just-” he slightly faltered, looking for the right words to not make himself sound like the creep he suddenly felt like.

“No, it’s cool. The tylenol was about the best thing I could have woken up to.” Seunghyun gave a sleepy smirk, his shirt still slightly askew from sleep, Jiyong realized he could think of a few other things he wouldn’t mind waking up to; things he was surprised not to wake up to.

“So,” Seunghyun began, taking his turn to break the silence.

So was a word Jiyong had grown a strong distaste for. So was always followed by propositions, obligations. So rarely ended in anything positive.

“Coffee?” Seunghyun's finish stopped his train of thought, sleep addled and alcohol soaked brain not quite fully functioning.


“Well it’s,” Seunghyun pauses momentarily to check his phone. “10:18 on a Sunday morning, and I should not even be awake right now. So I'm thinking coffee. My treat.”

The smirk that played at the corners of his mouth were so charming Jiyong nearly wanted to smack it off his lips.

“Yeah, let me grab a coat.”


The bell chimed as the door to the small campus coffee shop opened to an empty house, as usual for a Sunday morning. Daesung sat doodling at the counter, pout present on his lips. His eyes finally brightened when he looked up to see Seunghyun entering the worn wooden doorway.

“Hyung!” Daesung smiled, his eyes turning to crescents.

“Hey Dae.” Seunghyun smiled warmly walking to the counter. 

They began to talk, Seunghyun smiling easily, the warmth of his features showing in a way they normally didn’t. An uncomfortable itch found it’s way under Ji’s skin and it bothered him. The kid’s smile bothered him. The lazy hum of Seunghyun’s voice bothered him. Why should he give a that this goofy kid with one word made Seunghyun speak more than he had the entire previous night? It didn't matter to him.

“I’m sorry,” Seunghyun carefully placed his hand on Jiyong’s shoulder blade, palm molding perfectly to the curve of Jiyong’s back. “Jiyong, this is my best friend Daesung. Dae this is Jiyong.”

From his place beside Ji Seunghyun shot a look to Dae, hoping the boy would understand all he was trying to convey in a silent glance, and Dae’s smile showed it perfectly.

“It’s really nice to meet you Jiyong.”

“Ah, Ji’s fine. Nice to meet you too.” He said with perfected apathy.

“Now what would you like? I already know what hyung drinks.”

“Double shot almond mocha, extra hot.”

“Sure thing.” Dae smiled, as Jiyong noticed Seunghyun taking a booth along the far wall.

He followed, sitting opposite. He easily sunk into the old leather seat that seemed to envelope you, much the way Seunghyun’s smooth baritone did. The smell of fresh espresso filled Jiyong’s lungs, slowly awakening him and clearing the haze that hung to his brain. Before he knew it Dae came and set their drinks in front of them.

“Double shot almond mocha and triple shot caramel white chocolate breve mocha.”

He almost spit out his first sip hearing Seunghyun’s drink.

“What? We all have one complicated thing in our lives.” Seunghyun smiled cheekily, dimples rising above the edge of his mug as he sipped. Jiyong could think of quite a few things in his life that were complicated, but coffee was not one of them. If only coffee was one of them.

“That much sugar might complicate your health too…”

“I can’t really argue that.” Seunghyun laughed, its smooth cadence matching the flavor of Jiyong’s almond coffee. Before silence crept over them again Jiyong continued.

“So what’s your major? You’re not in Fashion Merch or Design. I’d definitely recognize you.” He eyed towards Seunghyun messy crown of blue as he sipped the scalding coffee.

Seunghyun shyly rubbed his hair. “Heh, yeah. I’m a senior in Fine Arts.”

“Should have known.”


“You have paint on your rings.” Jiyong said pointing to Seunghyun’s heavily decorated hands.

“Ah! This one was new!” Seunghyun gasped as he tried to flake the paint off a large turquoise ring.

Jiyong couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of Seunghyun fawning over the large paint speckled stone. It was small, but the genuine laugh seemed to fill his chest in a way it hadn’t in a long while. It’s warmth soon made them forget all about the drinks that sat in front of them. Time disappeared as they sat talking. Little seemed to really be said, talk of majors and school, familiar friends and classmates. But more than words seemed to be exchanged over their forgotten coffee. Jiyong continuously felt the heat of Seunghyun’s gaze, even when he found himself unable to meet it. It was not a gaze of hunger or scorn, and Jiyong found himself unable to place whatever it was that lay behind it.

“Youngbae’s having another party tonight. You going?” Ji questioned as he finally finished off the oversized ceramic mug. 

“Does he ever not?” Seunghyun smirked.

“Not if Seungri has anything to say about it.” 

“I have a ton of homework, but I might stop by if badgered enough.”

“Then shall I badger you?” Jiyong quirked his eyebrow, interested in the response.

“Will I have to carry you again?” Jiyong laughed, but could feel a foreign blush creep up his neck. That was not quite the usual response to that look. It seemed nothing with this kid was usual.

“I’ll be on my best behavior, I swear.” But as he saw that dimpled smirk, he knew he probably couldn’t quite keep that promise.


Also! My New Years resolution was to draw something in my sketchbook everyday, so I was thinking of doing sketches kind of like the one above that kind of coencide with the story and the whole Seunghyun drawing Ji thing. (Yeah he wouldn't draw himself but I haven't really drawn any of Ji yet.) That way I can keep up with my sketches and my story togther!

So let me know what you think. :]

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Chapter 16: Their union was so beautiful.. I still feel heavy
vododoll #2
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤❤❤❤
alaynestone #3
I miss this story.
Atenais #4
Chapter 16: Jiyong waited so long to reveal his feelings that somehow I felt that they got intimate too quickly. Of course they have their own time, and you wrote it beautifully.

Thanks for this update.
Chapter 16: That was intense gosh I love how you write their first night that was awwwwww my heartbeat is still running wilde!!!
Tibrolow #6
Chapter 16: that's what I call love making...damn, it was simply beautiful ;~;
Chapter 16: This is so beautiful! Thank you :)
Gwenouille #8
Chapter 16: Wow... it was not , it was love!
erikaeam #9
Chapter 16: After all the tension... <333

It was worth the wait. Thank you.