Chapter 8



Sorry! I definitely said I would post this yesterday, but this whole moving countries thing is a ton of work.

AND AND AND I can't believe I hit over 2000 views on one story! Craaaazyyyy  In responce I want to start taking request for my line of one shots I'm going to be starting! :D So if you have any ideas or requests you want to see written send them my way. 

The kick of the bass rattled and ricocheted between the expanse of Jiyong’s ribs, their echoes sounding through the cold expanse between them. Shots of whiskey were quickly fired down to fill the void as Jiyong worked his way back into the crowd.

Seungri’s apartment was small, with people elbow to elbow, skin to skin, winding and dipping to the asive beat. Jiyong was always at home in the center of it all. The people, the music, the heat. But tonight he found it suffocating, their heat seizing in his lungs and leaving him proverbially gasping for air. Weaving his way between pulsing bodies, he sought refuge between the empty cups and forgotten jackets of Seungri’s kitchen.

Jiyong may have found the situation funny, if it weren’t for his whiskey; it’s artificial burn reminding him of another particular boy’s natural warmth.  So he sat, perched next to the unused stove, thoughts drifting to that particular boy when they shouldn’t.

“Hey. What are yo doing hiding out here?” Jiyong eyes opened to see Youngbae at the fridge, downing his weight in water.

“Just needed a break for a bit.”

“Jiyong? Break? Are you feeling okay?” Bae smirked as he reached for Jiyong’s forehead.

“Yah, stop playing mom.” Jiyong whined, slapping him away.

“Seriously though, what going on? You’ve been different lately.” Bae leaned against the counter facing Ji.

“Bad different?”

“No. Just different.”

“I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately.” Even as he spoke his thoughts were a kaleidoscope of heat, and laughter, and dimples, and clove, and a very particular shade of mint.

“Well the best way to get something off your mind is to say it.”

“Its not quite that easy.”

“I’m not so sure about that… You don’t have to say it to me, but you still should.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jiyong mumbled as his fingers traced the edges of his phone through his pocket.

“You want to come back out? ‘Bout to play some old school Jay-Z joints.” Bae smiled hopefully.

“Actually I think I’m going to get out of here.” Jiyong said hopping from the counter, finding his jacket among the mess. Bae’s eyes widened in surprise. 

“Oh, alright. Call me tomorrow, okay?” His voice laced in his usual parental worry.

“Yeah yeah. Okay mom.” Jiyong waved over his shoulder as he made his way out of the kitchen.

“I’m serious!”

As he closed the door to the apartment, he retrieved his phone, contemplating whether or not to press that small green button. Switching from hand to hand, he finally put the phone to his ear. At the first ring, his chest tightened. On the second the tightness knotted. On the third he was granted reprieve, the lazy hum on the other end granting him a breath for what felt like the first time that night.


“Hey. Are you busy?”

“No, just about to make dinner. Hungry?”


Seunghyun had no idea how he ended up here. Not four hours ago he had locked up the shop for the night, intent on spending the evening with his sketchbook and a glass, or bottle, of wine. But instead, he sat with the personification of those sketchbook pages, empty plates and full glasses between them. The boy’s perfect cadence of his laugh settling into every crack and corner of Seunghyun’s apartment. Seunghyun swirled his glass, taking the last of its contents quickly back, before he stood and cleared the table. 

“Let me help.” He turned to see Jiyong at his side, towel in hand.

“It’s fine, I’m almost done.” Seunghyun smiled through that all to familiar palpitation in his chest. Regardless, Jiyong took the plate and quickly dried it, before taking another.

“You may have been a sous-chef, but I was my mom’s dishwasher.” Mischievous smile dancing in his eyes.

With the dishes now done, the heat of the wine and the presence of the beautiful boy beside him, it was time to step outside. Seunghyun took his usual seat on his balcony and lit up a cigarette, cherry burning brightly against the darkness of night. Not long after, Jiyong followed behind.

“Mind if I join you?” Jiyong slightly hesitated at the unoccupied seat, not wanting to intrude, though intently curious about the boy he still seemed to know nothing about.

“Oh no, no. Sorry, it was still a bit warm in there after cooking.” Seunghyun spoke almost too quickly, not prepared for Jiyong to be so close to him again.

“It’s nice out here though.” Jiyong says, reaching into his pocket for his own cigarette, lighting it. “I always forget how quiet campus can get at this hour.” he continued, before taking a long drawn drag. “I can see where your muse enjoys the night.” his words quietly hidden in the trail of smoke that left his lungs.

Seunghyun looked to Jiyong, wondering if he yet had any idea how integral he was to what had become his life. If he yet knew of the space so delicately carved into Seunghyun’s heart reserved just for him. Those wine stained lips took another drag of his cigarette, smoke trailing up his soft features.

“You can actually see the stars tonight. I never could remember which one to wish on as a kid, so I’m sure none of them will ever come true.”

“It doesn't matter how you wish, it’s just having the wish that matters.”

Jiyong finally turned at looked at Seunghyun, and for the first time his eyes showed their true softness, and in that moment he had never been more beautiful to Seunghyun.

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because everything that’s meant to be will find a way.”

Seunghyun’s words hung heavily between them in the still night air. Jiyong stared at him for a moment, eyes searching for something far beyond any physical feature before he turned, taking the last drag from his cigarette, discarding over the ledge. 

All Seunghyun wanted to do was hold the boy’s soft face and kiss every blush and bone, to breathe life into his lungs. He wanted the fire in Jiyong to burn so bright he would be the envy of the stars that hung overhead. For now, that would simply have to remain a wish, but he knew, in time, he would find a way.

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Chapter 16: Their union was so beautiful.. I still feel heavy
vododoll #2
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤❤❤❤
alaynestone #3
I miss this story.
Atenais #4
Chapter 16: Jiyong waited so long to reveal his feelings that somehow I felt that they got intimate too quickly. Of course they have their own time, and you wrote it beautifully.

Thanks for this update.
Chapter 16: That was intense gosh I love how you write their first night that was awwwwww my heartbeat is still running wilde!!!
Tibrolow #6
Chapter 16: that's what I call love making...damn, it was simply beautiful ;~;
Chapter 16: This is so beautiful! Thank you :)
Gwenouille #8
Chapter 16: Wow... it was not , it was love!
erikaeam #9
Chapter 16: After all the tension... <333

It was worth the wait. Thank you.