Chapter 1



Waves of sound rolled over the masses of bodies as the bass vibrated through the floor. His kisses were wet and sloppy. His tongue tasted of cheap tequila and Jiyong was not yet drunk enough to let it slide. Unapologetically he pushed himself away, leaving the rather confused young man on the dance floor, wondering what went wrong in their encounter. Gracefully dipping and weaving through gathered groups Jiyong found his way to the kitchen in hopes of finding Youngbae and his stash of liquor. He’s there, smiling and laughing amongst a group Jiyong vaguely knew. 


Amongst the sea of black and white stood a tall kid with bright mint hair, his features as sharp and cold as his hair. As he approached the group, the boy smiled letting out a deep booming laugh. The cold of his features instantly melted under the warm of his smiling eyes and bright dimples. Jiyong approached the group, sliding effortlessly between Bae and Seungri, his arms wrapping across their shoulders.


“Looks like you’re having fun without me.” Jiyong smiled, grabbing everyone’s attention as usual.

“Ji! i’m glad you could make it! You know all the guys right?”

His eyes directly meet with the mint haired man for the first time. their intensity causing him to break away first.

“Ah, no. I don’t think we’ve been introduced. I’m Seunghyun.” His voice was deep as his laugh, but was so smooth it effortlessly settled into you.

“Jiyong.” He smiled still very aware of the heat of Seunghyun’s gaze on him.

“You really haven’t met? you go to the same school.” Bae inquires.

“Different majors; i’m sure.” Seunghyun responds.

“Well i don’t know if it’s just me, but we are all far too sober and there are too many fine young women here.” Seungri devilishly smiles as he grabs a bottle from the counter.

“Says the dongsaeng who can’t even buy his own liquor.”

“Just shut up and take the shot.” Seungri hands each a glass and with a quick toast they’re down, the warmth seeping into Jiyong’s blood stream, the tips of his fingers numbing.


They continued to come, each shot becoming smoother than the last. Every laugh louder, every smile came a little easier. Not that embarrassing smiles were in short supply in Seunghyun’s presence. His warm almond eyes continuously caught Jiyong’s breath in his throat. His mischievous smile was always followed by Jiyong’s own. His deep smooth voice resonated in the hallows of his ribs. Painfully aware of it all Jiyong continued to drink, masking the surprisingly wavering nerves that seemed to now fill him. Before long each sip and shot caught up with him, his skin hot, breath heavy. He shifted his weight onto the cold counter, his thin legs seemingly unable to hold the immense weight above them.

“Ji, are you okay? need to get out of here?” He felt Bae’s gentle hand rest between his shoulders. 

“No- i’m fine. the last shot just went down hard.” Jiyong couldn’t seem to look up from the granite between his fingers.

Bae looked up at Seunghyun for assistance, the only other person he’d trust to help with his best friend.

“Come on, I’ll take you home.” Seunghyun said softly, fingers resting steadily on Ji’s shoulder. with just that single touch Jiyong’s unsteady footing crumbled. Seunghyun swiftly s his arm around Ji’s waist, steadying him against his own strong body. Jiyong attempted to protest, but each word seemed to get caught at the back of his throat, just above the nausea that was rising.


“Are you sure? I can take him…” Bae asked, parental worry filling his words as he looked at Ji.

“Campus isn’t far away, and he weights nothing. You stay here and make sure Seungri doesn’t have in your bed.” Bae’s eyes went wide with that realization that Seungri had disappeared. Quickly he ran for the hall. “RI!”

Ji could swear he felt seunghyun’s mischievous smile radiating through the arm around his waist as they carefully walked to the door.


The crisp night air filled Jiyong’s lungs in a way different from his other drunken walks of shame. Maybe it was breathing in the sweet woody clove cologne of the young man that continued to steadily hold him that caused his lungs to finally feel full, no longer struggling to fill the cavity of his chest.

“Are you cold?” Seunghyun’s voice cut the silence that the night had created. “You can take my coat,” his voice was much softer now that they weren’t surrounded by a cacophony of sound.

Jiyong couldn’t help but smile slightly to himself, though it seemed to cause blood to rush to his head.

“Your girlfriend must be a lucky girl.” Jiyong cooed to the older boy.

Seunghyun let out a half hearted chuckle. “There is no such luck.”


Jiyong really examined seunghyun for the first time, or as well as he could through his drunken stupor.  The angles of his features were even stronger in profile, his jaw sharp against upturned  collar of his leather jacket. His blue bangs fell perfectly on the ridge of his brow that led into the delicate sweep of his nose. Jiyong could even feel the strength of his back with every step Seunghyun took.


“Do you have your key?” Seunghyun brought him back to reality. he fumbled through his pockets, finally retrieving the small keycard. Seunghyun took the card, sending shivers down ji’s spine as their fingers touched.

“What floor are you on?”

Jiyong waved 4 fingers in front if his face and Seunghyun gave him a goofy grin.

“Your elevator work? Our’s has been out all semester.”

“Where’s yours?”

Seunghyun partially turned to point back through the door they had just entered. “The one across the courtyard.”

“We’re neighbors.” Jiyong smiled as the elevator doors closed.


Luckily Jiyong’s room was the closest to the elevator, because with every step the world began to sway even more than the rhythmic motion of Seunghyun’s steps. Slowly he bent down to remove his shoes, carefully undoing each lace in hopes his focus on something stationary would stop the world from spinning. There would be no such reprieve. As he stood the world became little more than a technicolor blur, his last sensation being Seunghyun’s arms securely wrapping themselves around him.

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Chapter 16: Their union was so beautiful.. I still feel heavy
vododoll #2
Chapter 16: ❤❤❤❤❤❤
alaynestone #3
I miss this story.
Atenais #4
Chapter 16: Jiyong waited so long to reveal his feelings that somehow I felt that they got intimate too quickly. Of course they have their own time, and you wrote it beautifully.

Thanks for this update.
Chapter 16: That was intense gosh I love how you write their first night that was awwwwww my heartbeat is still running wilde!!!
Tibrolow #6
Chapter 16: that's what I call love making...damn, it was simply beautiful ;~;
Chapter 16: This is so beautiful! Thank you :)
Gwenouille #8
Chapter 16: Wow... it was not , it was love!
erikaeam #9
Chapter 16: After all the tension... <333

It was worth the wait. Thank you.