

“Which movie do you prefer? Final Destination III or The Notebook?"

“The Notebook!” Jongin replied immediately. Both of them were choosing a movie for their dude’s night in that summer night.

“What? Dude! I’m not your girlfriend to be watching this with you!”

“Then why’d you offer it?”

“Because it’s in my movie-to-watch-with-Sulli list.” Jongin scoffed.

“Never mind. Let’s watch Finding Nemo instead.”

“Good idea! Get in touch with our inner children. Oh Sehun, you are so childish.”

“Shut up.”


Jongin may not show it but he was more than glad Sehun offered to watch Finding Nemo instead of the other two. He certainly doesn’t want to watch a movie like that with Sehun. It would be too awkward. And as for the other one, he could only shudder. In his life, Kim Jongin has always avoided watching horror movies and he’s not gonna stop now. Sehun popped the DVD in and took his place next to his friend.

It has been a long time since it was just the two of them. They had recently finished Sophomore year and the assignments cannot be any less strenuous than it already is. They’ve always been hanging out in fews; Jongin, Soojung, Sehun and Sulli. So when the summer break came and Sophomore year gone, they were all too happy to leave school behind and concentrate on being their own age for once.


“Hey Sehun, how are things with Sulli?” Jongin asked halfway through the movie.

“Things are… great. You know, perfectly fine.” But his tone didn’t portray his words. Jongin knew something was definitely wrong.


“But what?”

“Come on, Sehun. I know there’s a ‘but’ in there.”

“I don’t know, Jongin. I think I may have to break it off.”

“What?! Why?”

“Because… Because I think I am…”

“You are?”

“I think I’m in love with her.”



Jongin was speechless for awhile. He knew all too well of what his friend fears the most. He knew what caused him to be the way he is.

Sehun has always feared of loving someone. He was afraid of the possibilities that he could have a broken heart. He never met his father as he passed away before he was born which left him with only a mother. And things were fine for awhile. Sure, money was tight but they were happy.

That is, until his mother was diagnosed with skin cancer. The hospital costs were more than what they could afford and none of their insurance could have covered it. A year later, his mother died and 9-year-old Sehun was shipped to be under his uncle’s care.

When he first arrived, he stayed out of everyone’s way, still mourning his mother and maybe his own condition. He swore he would never love someone as long as he lived as he didn’t want them to leave his side and let him be alone again. But when his cousin started to approach him, he started to open up slowly.

And now, Jongin realized, that Sehun was starting to regret that. He knew in a way that Sehun loves him too though he would never say it and Jongin doesn’t really like hearing that word from someone of the same . But Sulli was a different case.

It must have been unbearable for his friend to continue this feeling for such a long while. He regretted that he didn’t spend more time talking about this with him. When the movie finally finished, Sehun got up and turned off the DVD.


“Well, that was a great movie. Lets-“

“When are you planning to break it to her?” Jongin asked, not falling for his façade. 

“Um, I don’t know. Maybe sometime this week…”

“But do you want to?”


“Do you?”

“No,” he breathes. “No, I don’t want to. Everything is great and  I really can’t imagine what life would be without her. She is like everything to me and I love the way we are now.”

“Then why would you want to throw that away?”

“Because I’m a coward, Jongin! I don’t want to lose her like I did with my mom! I was barely alive back then and if the same thing happened to her, I can’t…” he trailed off. Sehun was already in tears and squatting on the floor with his hands covering his head. Jongin slowly approached his friend and took his hand into his.

“Listen to me, Sehun. You love her and she loves you. You can’t throw that away because of some stupid fear. Look, I know Sulli and I know you. You guys will be together until the end of time. What happened to your mom will not happen to Sulli. You have to believe that! The heck with death or whatever. What matters is the time you spend with her. The wonderful times you both had together and in the future. Put that fear behind and take the risk. Or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”


“No ‘but’s, Sehun. Listen to me. Would you rather lose her now and regret the times you guys could be with each other or much much later when all your kids have grown up and grey hairs are full on your heads?”

Sehun took a deep breath and wiped tears off his face.

“Yeah, you’re right. I should take the risk, shouldn’t I? I mean, what’s the possibility that the same thing that happened to my mom will happen to Sulli, right?”

“That’s the spirit.” The two ended their conversation with a hug but nothing of the intimate kind because Jongin doesn’t like it.


“I’m home!” Sulli’s voice resonated throughout the house. Within seconds, she appeared in the TV room where Sehun was wiping any residue on his face from his recent confession.

“Sehun! What happened? Why are you crying? What did you do Jongin?! Don’t tell me you guys fought and you punched Sehun too hard that he cried! I told-“

“I’m fine, Ssul. It’s nothing. And no, Jongin didn’t punch me and neither did we fought.”

“Finding Nemo, Oh Sehun?” Soojung said, as soon as she spotted what’s on the TV when she came in from behind Sulli. “I didn’t know we were still in kindergarten.” She leaned against the door frame, ignoring the death glare sent by Sehun.

“Why are you two here? I thought you guys are sleeping over at Soojung’s house?” Jongin enquired.

“Well, we were, but then Sulli said that she misses-“ Sulli’s hand quickly covered Soojung’s mouth who was inclined to say more.

“I forgot a few things at home that is, um, urgent for me to take.” Soojung finally freed her face from Sulli’s hands.

“Yeah, her heart.” And again, death glares were sent to Soojung that night.

“Hey, Soojung, do you mind if I borrow Sulli for awhile? I have something important to talk to her.”

“Sure, Sehun. Take her away. It’s not like you get to see her often despite living in the same house. God knows what you guys did here.”


Sehun took Sulli’s hands and left the room but not before staring dagger at Soojung. For some reason, Soojung was a little feisty that evening. Most probably because her evening with her girlfriend was interrupted. As soon as they left, Soojung went into the room and her eyes laid upon the stack of DVDs in front of the TV. She immediately had her eyes fixed on something.


“Ooh, Final Destination III! Let’s watch this, Jongin!”

“NO!” he was almost screaming when he said it.

“What? Are you afraid? Is this what you’re afraid of? Horror movies?”

“What? No. That’s stupid.”

“Then, why don’t you want to watch it?” she snickered.

“Because… because… because I don’t want you to cling onto me when you’re afraid.”

“Fine! I’ll die before I will cling onto you. I’m watching it anyways.”

Before Jongin could stop her, she already popped in the DVD but to her dismay, it wasn’t Final Destination III playing but The Notebook.

“What?! This isn’t Final Destination III. This is a stupid chick flick. Come on, stupid remote, why won’t you work?!”

“You know, Soojung, you could have gone up to the DVD player and stop the movie yourself.”

“No, I don’t want to get up. It’s too much work. You go and change it.”

“Nope, I’d rather watch this than watching people die.”


Soojung grunted out of frustration but she didn’t move from her seat next to Jongin.

Jongin sneaked his arm across her shoulders. 

Soojung didn’t protest.






Author's notes :


Hey everybody! This chapter was longer that the first so I hope it is enough to satisfy you guys for awhile? No? Oh well, you just have to bear with me xD And I at writing dramatic scenes like an argument and a heart to heart talk so this probably . Anyways, Sehun's fears are revealed! I hope you guys don't have problems understanding this.Basically, Sehun is afraid to love someone. Pretty cliche i know but yeah... He is not afraid to be friends with Jongin and as Jongin says he loves him because he doesn't think a love between two guys are really love. You know, or something like that.  I don't know what his fear is called. Maybe you could tell me? hehe ^^ Sorry, I can't find any quotes for this :p

I decided that this story would have more or less 5 chapters. You know, in the range of 4-5 chapters. I don't really know as of yet but I'm confident I will finish this hehe :P Enjoy the story guys! And feel free to ask me any question regarding this ;) 



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just touching up some stuff :)


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Chapter 5: awww. this is so sweet. Kaistal <3
Chapter 5: My Sehunie T_T /sobs
but still happy Kaistal end up together :)
Chapter 5: Took a long time for me to find out about this one. I love it but still..you killed sehun, whyx3. T.T
*thumbs up*
shinjeah #4
Chapter 5: i mean like they are still young and they can be lovey dovey when they're all grown up......i feel sad coz sehun died
shinjeah #5
Chapter 5: if i were sulli i dunno why but i would feel jealous towards little sehun and little soojin
shinjeah #6
please make more sesul
warunyan #7
Chapter 1: i am sad that sehun died, but it was a bless that jongin finally brave to face his fear
Chapter 6: Great story <3 i really like the plot idea of overcoming their fears and well even though it pained me as hell to see sehun dead(biased you can call me), but the way how everyone managed to move on was beautiful and realistic without being too over dramatic, i loved it <3
trandelacruz #9
Chapter 5: I just stumbled upon your story and I absolutely loved it.