

To live in the hearts we leave behind

Is not to die.

~Thomas Campbell "Hallowed Ground"




“Kim Soojin! Come back here and wear your dress right now!”

Soojung stood with her arms on her hips and a stern look on her face. Her 5 year old daughter kept running around the house wearing nothing but diapers. She was tired having to chase her around all the time, given the state she was in, and decided to use her authority as her mother. Too bad her daughter was not one with orders and authorities.

“Soojin, if you don’t come here and wear your dress this minute, I will-“

Right then, Jongin came in carrying the 5 year old in his arms with no sign of difficulties whatsoever. “Chill, Soojung. I got her.” Soojung rolled her eyes and scoffed. She came closer to the two of them.

“You know Soojin, sometimes I wonder if you’re really my child or not,” she said as she slipped the dress on her. The 5 year old giggled and hugged Jongin tighter.

“Oh come on Soojung, she adores you. She’s just more of a daddy’s girl, aren’t you?”

“I love daddy!” she exclaimed. Soojung rolled her eyes and Jongin chuckled.

“Alright then, let’s get going. We’re gonna be late.”

“Daddy, are we going to see Sehun?” Soojin asked as they made their way out of the apartment.

“Yes, honey. We’re going to see Sehun.”








Soojin screamed and ran towards the 5 year old boy as soon as she saw him. She practically collided into him causing the both of them falling to the ground. They both laughed and wasted no time getting up and ran off to play together.

“Be careful with him, Soojin!” Soojung shouted to her daughter even though she probably won’t hear her. Soojung shook her head as she saw the two of them being in their own world. She knew how much Soojin adores Sehun. They’ve been together ever since the two of them can barely talk.

“He was so excited to see her. It’s practically the only thing he’s been talking about since morning,” Sulli said with a hint of laughter. Upon noticing her, Soojung smiled and gave her a hug.

“It’s so great to see you again, Ssul.”

“You too. How’s the baby in there? Is he or she giving you problems?”

“Not really. The morning sickness isn’t as bad as when I was having Soojin. He’s been a good boy recently.”

“Oh, is it a boy?”

“Nah, we haven’t found out yet. I’m only 4 months along, Sulli. It’s still too early. But I’m hoping it’s a boy. I don’t want another daddy’s girl.”

“And what’s wrong with having another daddy’s girl?” Jongin interrupted. He s his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Soojung rolled her eyes.

“I don’t understand why she’s closer to you. I’m the one who’s been with her every day while you’re busy saving lives,” she pouted. He chuckled and kissed her pout.

“Come on baby, she loves you. She’s like that because she doesn’t get to see me often.”

“Ehem, ehem.”

“Sorry Ssul. Didn’t see you there.” The two smiled sheepishly at their best friend.

“Where’s Taemin? Is he not coming?”

“He’ll be here in a sec. He’s just parking the car.”









It was night when the family of three arrived home. Soojin was already asleep on their way home. Jongin carried her into her room and both of them tucked her into bed. When they were sure she was fast asleep, Jongin left the room and Soojung followed behind.

“Mommy…” She stopped in her tracks and quickly went to her daughter’s aid.

“What is it baby? Do you have nightmares?” She looked at her daughter worriedly and tucked a few wild strands of her hair behind her ear.

“Can I marry Sehun when I’m older?” she asked with eyes full of hope and happiness. Soojung was dumbfounded at first but it only took her seconds to smile and reply to her daughter.

“Are you sure he’s the right one? Don’t you want to wait and meet other guys?”

“Umm…” she began to hesitate. Still, Soojung smiled and kissed her daughter’s forehead.

“I’ll tell you a secret. I know your daddy was the right one the moment I lay my eyes on him.” The 5 year old’s eyes were beaming when she heard her mother’s words.

“Now stop worrying and go to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow.”

“Can I say good night to the baby?”

“Of course, honey.”

Soojin rubbed her mother’s belly and kissed it goodnight. Soojung chuckled at her daughter’s cute behaviour and ruffled her hair with affection.

“Sweet dreams Soojinnie,” she cooed as she watched her daughter drift away to the land of dreams.








She closed the door behind her slowly and crawled next to her husband who was reading some medical report. She gave him a peck on the lips. Jongin put the report on the nightstand and they both cuddled.

“You’re really brave you know that?” Jongin gave her a look of utter confusion. Soojung smiled.

“If anyone ever told me that you’re going to be a doctor 11 years ago, I would’ve laughed and called them crazy.” Jongin chuckled and kissed his wife’s forehead.

“And I have you to thank me for that.”


 They shared a sweet kiss and continued their cuddling. It has been one of their favourite activities these days since it doesn’t require much effort and it made them appreciate each other’s presence more, especially when Jongin’s job as a doctor requires him to be at the hospital more than his own home.

He didn’t know what urged him to be a doctor. Perhaps it was the death of his friend. Or maybe it was Soojung’s constant pestering for him to get over his fear. Either way, he was glad he made the decision to save lives. It helped him cure his fear bit by bit. After all, it is better to face your fears than run away from it.

Jongin gazed at his wife’s beautiful features. He was definitely thankful that she had been with him through the ups and the downs. He realized that if his life was taken away at that exact moment, he won’t have anything to worry about not making any impact on anyone’s life while he was alive. He will keep on living in the heart of Jung Soojung and their daughter.


“Sulli’s really strong isn’t she?” Soojung’s question startled him out of his reverie.

“I guess.”

“If you were the one who got into that accident, I’d never be able to move on.”


Jongin smiled sadly as memories of his late best friend appears. 11 years ago, if Soojung were to say those exact words to his face, he would have screamed and run away again. The thought of death terrified him the most back then. He still has those fears now but they have no control of his life any longer.

In a way, Sulli was the bravest among all of them, he thought. Sure, she was afraid of petty things like bugs and slimy creatures but she wasn’t afraid of bigger things. It took her a long time to forget about Sehun and move on. She was not herself and was gloomy all the time. Still, she moved on and said nothing more of suicide in front of her friends.

It wasn’t until Taemin comes along that Sulli was able to return to her true self. Jongin was the one who introduced Taemin to Sulli and he immediately took a liking to his friend. After years of courting, Sulli eventually gave in and settled with Taemin.

 When Sulli gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, she knew there was no other name for her son. And Taemin was alright with it too. Even though it surprised the couple when they first heard of her son’s name, they knew what she was thinking and that Sehun never really did left her heart.


“You know who else is strong?” he spoke as he left his train of thoughts.


“You.” He smiled when he saw that she was confused.


“You’re the only one who was strong enough to stand beside me until I am who I am today. You didn’t give up despite my constant complaining and whines. Thank you.”

She didn’t know how to respond. It’s not so often that her husband becomes a romantic person. So she smiled and said, “I told you I’d help you even if it takes the rest of my life.”

“Oh, but it didn’t take the rest of your life. I’m cured.”

“You are, aren’t you? Maybe I should pack my bags and leave then.”

Soojung pretends to get up from the bed and pack her stuff but Jongin caught her hand before she could go any further. She laughed when she saw how worried he looked.

“I’m kidding, Jongin! I have a daughter with you and one more child on the way. You’re stuck with me for the rest of your life whether you like it or not.”

“Good. Don’t you ever think of leaving me.”



A kiss was shared and it soon turned into something more. They loved the fact that even after all these years being together, their feelings only grow and doesn’t seem to have an end. Soon, the two drift off to sleep as the events of the day began catching up on them.

Life was as perfect as he could ever want it to be. He knows that what lies in front of them are never ending happiness. There is no more fear to hold him back from anything. Kim Jongin can finally scream to the world that he is fearless.








Author's Notes:


This story is finally done! This is the second story of my fanfics that I finished. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it :) And do you like the poster? I forced my sister to do it My sister made it :)

Let me explain a few things. This chapter has a time skip of 11 years (in case you haven't noticed). So, they all got married and live happily with their families. Sulli eventually moved on and settled down with Taemin (sorry guys, I'm a Taelli shipper way before Kaistal happened :p). She wants the memory of Oh Sehun to keep on thriving so she named her son Sehun. I think, Sulli's character is the strongest amongst the four of them because the fear of moving on is definitely the hardest to overcome. You can be stuck in a rut your whole life or you can choose to forget about the past and live your life while you still have it. If you don't move on, then nothing will ever benefit you. But of course, this is in my opinion. I'm sure you guys have different views on this.

Anyways, I hope you would comment on this story and tell me if there's anything inaccurate or wildly out of logic. I still need a lot of experience and I hope I didn't disappoint you guys with this one :)


P/s: If you guys want the pdf version of this fic, you only need to pm me ;) 




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just touching up some stuff :)


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Chapter 5: awww. this is so sweet. Kaistal <3
Chapter 5: My Sehunie T_T /sobs
but still happy Kaistal end up together :)
Chapter 5: Took a long time for me to find out about this one. I love it but still..you killed sehun, whyx3. T.T
*thumbs up*
shinjeah #4
Chapter 5: i mean like they are still young and they can be lovey dovey when they're all grown up......i feel sad coz sehun died
shinjeah #5
Chapter 5: if i were sulli i dunno why but i would feel jealous towards little sehun and little soojin
shinjeah #6
please make more sesul
warunyan #7
Chapter 1: i am sad that sehun died, but it was a bless that jongin finally brave to face his fear
Chapter 6: Great story <3 i really like the plot idea of overcoming their fears and well even though it pained me as hell to see sehun dead(biased you can call me), but the way how everyone managed to move on was beautiful and realistic without being too over dramatic, i loved it <3
trandelacruz #9
Chapter 5: I just stumbled upon your story and I absolutely loved it.