
Why are we scared to die? Do any of us remember being scared when we were born?

~Trevor Kay






“So, how did it go last night?” Jongin asked as they walked to the café the four of them promised to meet at.

“Wonderful,” Sehun grinned. “We talked a lot and I told her about my mom and all and she understood. We ended tearing up the whole night.” Jongin laughed. He knew how emotional his two friends can be.

“By the way, what did you and Soojung do while we were talking?”


“Nothing? Really? Then why did we find you guys cuddling and asleep on the sofa?”

Jongin didn’t say anything.

“Come on Jongin. When will you guys get together? You know how much Soojung likes you and I know how much you like her so go for it already! It’s been forever and the push and pull relationship is just tiring for us to watch.” Sehun urged.

But Jongin didn’t answer.


Sehun knew his friend was thinking his words over. He decided to keep quiet and let Jongin think. The rest of the journey, though short, was full of silence.

Jongin has known Soojung for as long as he can remember. He knew her better than he knows Sehun. If it wasn't for her, he may have never met Sehun as she was the one who introduced him to his current best friend. And through Sehun, he became friends with Sulli. Even though Sehun became one of his best friends in the whole wide world, the fact that Soojung was his first friend ever still remained. 

They’ve been together for so long that there’s nothing Jongin doesn’t know about Soojung. He became many of her firsts (first kiss, first date, first guy that was in her room, etc.) and he was hers. He was satisfied with their relationship now as neither of them needed to work so hard. Everything came so easy when they were together. He felt comfortable with her and he was sure she felt the same way towards him.

The thought of making it official never did cross their minds. Well, it certainly did not cross his mind. He likes the way things were. But what about Soojung? He’d never thought of her before. But then again Soojung hated any kind of formality. She even uses informal language the day they first met. Soojung is one of a kind and he likes that. No, he loves that.

Maybe this is something they need to discuss later. They might not be like Sehun and Sulli (who loves PDA a little bit too much) but they certainly have their own way that is them. He decided he would put the matter aside as they’ve already arrived at the promised destination.

 But as he took his first step into the café, he suddenly felt like something bad was going to happen.






 “Hey guys!”


Sehun wasted no time making his way to the seat next to Sulli. He took her hand in his and give it a light kiss before doing the same to her lips. Jongin took a seat next to Soojung as both of them scoffed at the couple before them. Sehun and Sulli chuckled.

“Aren’t you guys going to get a room? I know there’s a cheap motel right around this corner.” Soojung said.

“You two should hurry up and get together so you can be like us.” Sulli ignored Soojung’s feisty comment and gestured at the two in front of her.

Soojung scoffed. “Yah! Who would want to be like you guys anyway? We’re fine like this anyway, aren’t we Jonginnie?”

“I don’t know. Maybe it is a little fun to kiss in front of others.”


Jongin turned around to face Soojung and close the distance between his and her face. Soojung was already lost for words as the distance between their faces were decreasing. But something must has snapped back into her as she pushed Jongin face. Her face turns red and Jongin laughed, holding his jaw as Soojung’s punch might have been a little too hard. God knows the strength in those arms. Of course, Jongin must have forgotten that Soojung was the star player for their school’s volleyball team.

Their meeting was full of laughter, teases and their talks about the future as they are about to enter senior year. Yet, even with all the happiness going on, he still has that feeling. That dreaded feeling when something really bad was about to happen.







“Bye guys! See you later!” Sulli waved as she and Sehun went to a different direction, taking off to another route, continuing on their date.


Soojung and Jongin waved back as they too walked in the opposite direction from the couple. Two, three, four steps and then they heard a scream from the café they just passed. With no time to waste, the both of them ran to the place of incident only to find something they wished they would never see.

Sulli was crying, holding a bloody Sehun on her lap as people start to crowd her. She was sitting in front of a car and realization dawned upon them on what just happened. Soojung wasted no time calling an ambulance and ran to help Sehun with little knowledge of medicine she got from her days of volunteering at a hospital.

Jongin, however, was frozen.  One of his greatest fears is happening right in front of him and he didn’t know what to do. Should he run? Should he help? What on earth should he do?


The loud siren blared and people quickly gave way. The paramedics jumped out of the ambulance in a blink of an eye and quickly strapped Sehun on a stretcher before pushing him into the back of the ambulance. In a second, they were gone and cruising the street at high speed.

Soojung was shaken by it all, her hands and shirt were stained by Sehun’s blood. Sulli went with Sehun, never letting go of his hand as he whispered very weakly what seemed to be his last words. Soojung couldn’t hear it very well as it was very weak. She figured Sulli would tell them eventually when she calmed down.

Soojung suddenly remembered Jongin. She made her way beside him only to see that he was in his frozen state. She noted that he didn’t do anything when they found out about the accident. He stood there from the very beginning.


“Jongin, are you ok?”


Not seconds before she spoke those words, Jongin out and fell to the floor. Soojung was shocked. She quickly crouched and shook his body but to no avail. He was out cold. She stood up, ready to call a cab who could take them to the hospital Sehun and Sulli was heading as she was sure Jongin was in shock.

When they were finally in the cab with Jongin’s head on her lap and she his hair, she began to think about the unmistaken look of fear in his eyes before he fainted. Words of their conversation last night came back to her immediately.



“Nope, I’d rather watch this than watching people die.”




Soojung sighed.

She finally figured out what he feared the most.

Leaning to his ear, she whispered; “I know.”






Author's Notes :


Happy New Year everyone! I was going to post this on the 1st of January but procrastination got the better of me so :/ There's probably 2 more chapters until the fic is done so bear with me people! As for what happened in this chapter, well you can guess it. I won't tell if Sehun survives or not but.. nope! No spoilers xD And sorry for the cliche "ooh i have a bad feeling sth bad will happen" but I just need to warn you guys at that. I've never seen an accident  happen before my eyes so the description is somewhat lacking so I apologize if it doesn't make sense :p Ok, wait for the next update patiently! 

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just touching up some stuff :)


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Chapter 5: awww. this is so sweet. Kaistal <3
Chapter 5: My Sehunie T_T /sobs
but still happy Kaistal end up together :)
Chapter 5: Took a long time for me to find out about this one. I love it but still..you killed sehun, whyx3. T.T
*thumbs up*
shinjeah #4
Chapter 5: i mean like they are still young and they can be lovey dovey when they're all grown up......i feel sad coz sehun died
shinjeah #5
Chapter 5: if i were sulli i dunno why but i would feel jealous towards little sehun and little soojin
shinjeah #6
please make more sesul
warunyan #7
Chapter 1: i am sad that sehun died, but it was a bless that jongin finally brave to face his fear
Chapter 6: Great story <3 i really like the plot idea of overcoming their fears and well even though it pained me as hell to see sehun dead(biased you can call me), but the way how everyone managed to move on was beautiful and realistic without being too over dramatic, i loved it <3
trandelacruz #9
Chapter 5: I just stumbled upon your story and I absolutely loved it.