Chapter 9

The Witch Hunt

Myungsoo walked, or rather dragged himself to his Philosophy class. The course was boring as it was, and having it at the end of his schedule made it absolutely unbearable.

When he finally walked in, he was late and he knew it.

Apparently his teacher knew it as well, because he yelled at poor Myungsoo for a good 5 minutes, disregarding the extreme effort it took for Myungsoo to even be there. In all honesty, lunch made Myungsoo drowsy, and now his legs felt like limp sausages and he wanted to yawn just by looking at the professor’s face.


Myungsoo grabbed the only spot available, the second desk to the very left, and collapsed.

He placed his face on his notebook and stared into the open window at the opposite side of the room. The light blinded him, but it felt warm.

Myungsoo didn’t feel like closing his eyes, and soon discovered that the sun, once you stare at it long enough, could actually make you hallucinate.

Yes, he was definitely hallucinating.


Myungsoo smiled.

Why does everyone say hallucinations are bad? I wasn’t wrong when I said she’s everywhere I look. Maybe I’ve been hallucinating the whole day? At the cafeteria window too? Or maybe I’m asleep right now. Gosh she’s pretty! I’m definitely imagining things. Otherwise why would she be in my class? She’s a freshman, not a…

Myungsoo’s head sprang up in realization. This was a freshmen course, only he failed it three times.

He glanced back at Naeun. He’s been taking the course for nearly 3 months now, how did he not notice her?!


Maybe he was hallucinating, but the way she took notes and listened attentively seemed way too real. No, this was real, and the real Son Naeun was right there in front of his eyes.

Never before was Myungsoo so happy to fail a class.

But why hasn’t she noticed me? She must’ve, since I was yelled at…But she didn’t even look my way! his thoughts raced, Then again, she didn’t see the ball flying at her this morning either…she must’ve blanked out and not seen me!


And without further ado, Myungsoo ripped out a sheet from his notebook, crumbled it up, and threw it across the room at Naeun.



But did Son Naeun really not notice him? Oh, she did alright! ‘Kim Myungsoo’ has been yelled so many times in the attendance, that now, whether she liked it or not, Naeun remembered the name as well as her own.

And when she felt something hit her head, her female intuition told her that it was ‘Kim Myungsoo’ who threw it. Wanting to discourage him from being interested in her, she thus ignored him.



The paper definitely hit her – Myungsoo had good aim. And he definitely saw her twitch. So she was ignoring him, was it?


Fired up, Myungsoo waited for the teacher to look away again, and threw another paper ball straight at her pretty head.

Still, nothing.


And so he threw another.

And another.

And about three more, all in attempt to make Naeun turn.


After receiving the 7th headshot, Naeun finally snapped. Even she had her limit.

Without thinking she rose up and threw the ball right back at him as hard as she could. Myungsoo saw it coming and ducked, and instead the ball hit the teacher who was walking around the room.


The teacher’s face went bright red as he raged.

“Miss Son what are you doing?! You transferred here just today, and you’re already causing trouble?! You think this is funny?!”

Naeun, still standing up, gave Myungsoo such a glare that he felt chills down his spine; then she looked back meekly at the professor.


For the next ten minutes the professor went on and on about etiquette, and by the end he announced, “From this day on we will have a seating arrangement as punishment!!”




“Pss, Naeun.”



Just ignore him.


“Hey Naeun!”

“Son Naeun”


Ignore him



“Pretty Naeunie~~~”


Aegyo? Really?




Weren’t not in Japan you stupid ****.






What?!” the girl turned around in her seat, eyes boiling with anger, hands ready to strangle him.


“What page are we on?” ‘Kim Myungsoo’ looked at her with innocent puppy eyes, leaning in. She could tell he was having fun mocking her.


“Page 67- For god’s sake you’re already on it!”

“Really? Sorry, didn’t notice~” Naeun took a deep breath, trying to keep herself from hitting him and turned back around.

Little **** *** ** ****.




Confused, reader? It’s okay, so was Naeun when it was announced that ‘Kim Myungsoo’ would be sitting directly behind her in the new seating arrangement. Sure it was nice that their seats were directly in front of the window, but she didn’t expect him to call out her name 358 times within the past hour.

At first he just poked her with his pencil, but then she snapped it in half and threw it out the window (all three of them actually). Then he poked her with a pen (which without doubt would leave stains on her shirt), and although Naeun couldn’t break it directly, she completely disassembled it, and that too flew out the window.


Then Myungsoo kept nagging her for something to write with. At first she ignored him because she knew he’d resume his poking if she gave him anything. But after a while she began to develop a headache from hearing his voice crack every time he attempted aegyo. Thus she gave in, and as predicted, the poking resumed.


But since after a while that method became ineffective, Myungsoo just stuck to calling out her name in as many ways as possible. He attempted the Busan accent, French accent, English accent, Japanese accent, German Accent, and some other that she couldn’t even recognize.


Sometimes he called out for some paper even though he obviously had plenty.

Sometimes he called out for an eraser, and that too she saw he had.

Sometimes he called out to ask what she had for lunch, and then ask who she liked talking to on the phone with.

Sometimes he called out just to say she had a “pretty name and a pretty face to go along with it.”

And no matter how many times she snapped at him or tried to tell him off, he’d always just giggle like a 12 year-old.



What the hell did he want with her anyways?!


She was thankful for his help on the train, but his was too much!


Naeun realized she couldn’t concentrate with that pest behind her, so she just started absentmindedly sketching the trees outside. For a while Naeun felt at peace as she felt the pencil make smooth lines underneath her fingers; she even managed to block out Myungsoo’s annoying voice. It didn’t last long though, and soon she felt someone breathing on her ear. She carefully eyed behind her.

Myungsoo put his knees on his chair and leaned in to look over Naeun’s shoulder to see her drawing. She hated when people did that. Had they no respect for privacy? And how the hell did he not get caught?!


Naeun wrote on the edge of the drawing:

What do you want?


She could actually feel him smirking. It was crazy how close he was, and she did not like it.


She could feel him mouth the word, his warm breath making her shiver.



Irritated, Naeun quickly wrote OFF in big bold letters across the whole sketch and ripped it out; then she turned halfway and shoved it right into Myungsoo’s open mouth.


MHMHHHHMHMHMH!!!?!” Myungsoo muffled as sprang back to his seat. He lost his balance and fell from his seat.


The bell rang.

Naeun got up, books already in her bag.


“Consider this a warning, ‘Kim Myungsoo’.” Naeun said in her sweetest, softest voice as she looked down at him.



Myungsoo watched her disappear in the hall, still sitting on the ground. His heart raced.


No way in hell was she going to walk off as she pleases for the third time today!

He leaped up, grabbed his bag, but the teacher’s arm stopped him in the doorway.


“Myungsoo, I need to talk to you about your behavior-” Myungsoo ducked under his arm and ran out.

“Myungsoo! Myungsoo!!”

Myungsoo ran up and down the hallway, eyes searching for his target.

Where is she?




Myungsoo spotted Naeun at the bottom of the stairs, already almost outside.


And so without another thought, Myungsoo leaped over the banister.




Author's Notes: So as promised, here's another chapter with more action in it. Since by the reactions, or rather the lack of to the previous chapter, I'm guessing it was a little too boring for you. 

But those who are patient will be rewarded. Promise.

Other than that, please do the usual - comment, comment, comment, subscribe if you haven't already, upvote if you think it deserves it, point our mistakes and ask questions for clarification... I think as fellow authors you guys all know the effort writing takes T^T So even if you think your comment won't make a difference, it does - comments make me really happy (even if I don't know how to respond to them properly)

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My favorite pairing MyungEun /cries/ when is this be updated! i miss you author-nim.
Chapter 19: such a good story !
octavieradyah #3
Chapter 18: I bet this fanfic about discontinue.. kkk but i really like this fanfic. Myungeun moment is too cute
Candice_23 #4
New reader here and finished reading all of the chapters. Love it and I really want to know what will happen to Naeun? And please update soon I just feel in love with your story fighting;).
koala_panda #5
Please update author... I miss the story
wewewewewer #6
Chapter 19: update soon..............................................................................................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#$%^&*(*&^%$$##@!@$%%^*)
Chapter 19: I love Naeun' a personality and Myungsoo they're literately so cute for each other! I love the intense mysterious around the other characters bring. It's unpredictable but that's how I like stories! Great job and keep it up love ur story so far! Hwaiting!!!
soooooooo niceeeeeeeeeeeee !
Chapter 19: OMO~!i love Myungsoo in here!!!I forgot to mention earlier but I love the way he annoys Naeun and how they have a love hate thing!!oh!by any chance is he that one boy she was talking about?Ya know the one who liked her so he acted like he was bullying her?cause I can sooooo see that being L!