Chapter 11 - Naeun, Would You Mind Explaining?

The Witch Hunt


Myungsoo stood waiting for the train. He managed to get away with just a warning and no fine, but now that Naeun left he had nothing to do. And come to think of it, did she even say ‘thank you’? As Myungsoo remembered she just shyly nodded and ran. Not that he minded, since the situation needed her to act quickly, but asking for thanks would give him a valid excuse to call her.


Myungsoo took out his phone and dialed her number.

No one picked up.


Myungsoo sighed. She must’ve been ignoring him.

Suddenly, he heard a faint ringing somewhere behind him. He turned around.


She left her bag!


Myungsoo quickly rushed to pick it up and ran outside.


She couldn’t have gone far!


Myungsoo jogged down towards the bus stop. Naeun wasn’t there.


Did she leave? No, her wallet is probably still in the bag…Where is she? Did she take a detour?


Myungsoo went down the nearest street. He wanted to ask if anyone had seen her, but the only people he saw were some strange men were running back and forth, constantly whispering something to each other. Myungsoo ignored them – he had his own problems to attend to. And it’s not like they were searching for the same person anyways.


But honestly, where was Naeun?


Myungsoo took a deep breath, “NAEUN! I HAVE YOUR BAG!” His voice echoed down the empty streets. No response. Maybe she was avoiding him? Myungsoo decided to just walk down the street, yelling, till she came out (given that she was there in the first place).


“NAEUN! NA–MMHH!” Suddenly someone came up from behind, put a hand across his mouth, and dragged Myungsoo onto the wall of the nearest alley.

Myungsoo struggled, before finally recognizing his abductor. His eyes grew big in surprise.


“Nahmhun?” Now that Myungsoo had calmed down, she removed her hand and wiped off his spit on her jeans.

“Naeun?” He repeated. The alley was dark but the girl’s eyes burned like flames.

“Yes it’s me, now be quiet.” Naeun quietly hissed and peeked out from the alley, still leaning on Myungsoo and pressing him to the wall.

“Hey, I know I’m really attractive and all but, uh, I never knew you were the aggressive type…” Myungsoo started, smirking, and Naeun immediately sprang back in realization.

“What? No! You’re gross! You– Hide!” Naeun exclaimed and again dragged Myungsoo along with her to crouch behind a dumpster.


A man wearing a light leather jacket and sunglasses walked by, slowly whistling. His hair was dyed bright green, and his fingers were loaded with metal rings. Each step he took made a heavy noise from his boots. In short, Myungsoo decided he did not look like a ‘good guy’.


“Who–” Myungsoo whispered but Naeun swiftly covered his mouth again. She vigorously shook her head, eyes pleading for him to shut up.


What the hell is going on?


But the man heard the noise. He stopped whistling and turned to the alley.

“Where are you, you little rat~” He said in a very settle, raspy voice.


He took a few steps into the alley, and stood in front of the dumpster, knocking on it a few times.

Naeun held her breath and closed her eyes. Her hand, which was still on Myungsoo’s mouth, shook ever so slightly. Myungsoo could feel his own heart racing. And he needed to cough – and badly.



“I said where are you~ I heard you, you little spoiled princess~ You can’t hide from me!” The man kicked a few trashcans around him.



“Are here?!” the man excitedly flung the lid of the dumpster open. Then he slammed it shut in disappointment. He looked around and was about to leave, when suddenly Myungsoo unwillingly let out his cough.

Both he and Naeun looked at each other in horror.

The man abruptly turned and triumphantly eyed behind the dumpster.

“Where could the little birdie possibly be?” He teased as he walked up.


The foot steps grew closer. And heavier.








“Yah! What the hell are you doing?” Another voice echoed through the alley and the man turned around. “We’re supposed to be looking for the little brat!”

Although Myungsoo didn’t dare to look, the green-haired man must’ve pointed at the dumpster because the other speaker laughed.

“Are you stupid? Hiding inside a dumpster? Even I wouldn’t be that desperate if I were her. Now let’s go!”

 “I was just–” the man started but gave up as the other speaker wasn’t even listening. He gave the alley one last skeptical look and ran after his friend.




Naeun and Myungsoo exhaled at the same time, mouths dry.

“That was close…” She whispered without looking at him. She finally removed her hand from Myungsoo’s mouth.

“Yeah? Now would you mind explaining?!” Myungsoo hissed.

“Well…Let’s just say I’m being ‘hunted’…haha” Naeun giggled nervously.

Ha-ha my ! What the hell did you do?!”
I didn’t do anything…”

“Right! So those people were what, your friends? Were they about to invite you for a tea party?”

Naeun hesitated “…Let’s just say that these people don’t really like me. It’s not that bad, really, it’s just bothersome when they track me down like this…” She cleared “Do you have my bag?”

“Yes I do, but I want an actual explanation first!” Myungsoo pulled the bag away as the girl reached for it. He looked her dead in the eye “Who are these people? Do you owe them money?”

“It has nothing to do with you” Naeun murmured and tried getting the bag again.

Myungsoo gasped and shook his head in disbelief, “Nothing to do with me? Both of us nearly got caught, and I don’t know for what, or by who, or what the hell they would do to me! I’m too young to die!!”


Naeun gave him a bitter look, “Of course, this is all about you. It’s always about you. What you find fun. I thought I made it clear in the past two days to stay away? You’re an annoying prick, and now you’re paying the price for not listening. Now can you please just give me my bag so I can call for help? And after I do, please leave me the hell alone. Having to take care of myself is enough already.”


Myungsoo didn’t say anything. He just passed the bag.


“Thanks.” Naeun quickly texted something and put her cell phone back. “He’ll come in a few, don’t worry.”


“Who’s ‘he’?” Myungsoo asked warily. Naeun didn’t answer.


Is ‘he’ also one of those weird guys?

Or is he…her boyfriend? For some reason Myungsoo felt more uncomfortable with the second idea than with the first.


Naeun flung her bag over her shoulders and tiptoed to look into the street, Myungsoo at her heels.

“If you sneak out right now you can still get away since they didn’t see you with me.” She whispered to him.

Myungsoo peered out over Naeun’s shoulder. He went pale as he saw the men roaming around.

“…They have guns…” He tried whispering under his breath but sound barely came out.

Naeun looked up at him, “Guns? Oh, yeah! Don’t worry those guys only carry them around for decoration. They couldn’t aim properly if their mothers’ lives depended on it…Are you okay? Hey?”

But Myungsoo wasn’t listening. There was a ring in his ears and for a moment his vision was getting dim. Before Naeun could stop him, he carelessly took a step into the street.


Guns. Who exactly are these people? What does Naeun have to do with this? What am I even doing here?


Myungsoo and the green-haired man met eyes. Then the man spotted Naeun beside him.


“SHE’S HERE! SHE’S HERE!” He started running at them with a pointed gun.


Naeun hauled Myungsoo, who was still frozen, by the sleeve.


“What the hell are you doing, RUN!”




Naeun and Myungsoo ran wherever their feet led them.

Alleyway after alleyway, street after street – they ran, ran, and ran.


The place was crawling with men. Seriously, did they have no common sense? Just because they weren’t a large group didn’t mean they could go so bluntly against the Rules!

And they were unusually persistent too – usually they’d avoid chasing her in public places, but today it seemed they were determined to finally catch her. Naeun saw a few terrified civilians dial 911 after seeing a bunch of rough guys with guns chasing university students, but she knew she and Myungsoo get away before the police came.


Naeun was beginning to run out of breath, and her bag was slowing her down. She couldn’t go on for much longer. Naeun glanced over at Myungsoo, but he was still sprinting full on – his stamina was rather admirable.

Perhaps it would’ve been better if they split up. But Naeun couldn’t just leave Myungsoo alone! They saw him! What if something happened?


This is so bothersome.


And to think that after all this time of running from those people, she’d learn to be more careful! Sheesh.


Without looking where she was going, Naeun led Myungsoo into another alley. Only this time it was a dead end, and men were already crowding in on them.

Some of the men looked like the man with the green hair; others you’d think were just regular old shop keepers who ‘just happened to be there’. All of them were grinning savagely, like wolves that were about to attack two innocent sheep.


Naeun could feel Myungsoo shaking beside her, and all of a sudden she felt more guilt towards him than fear of the mob coming at them. She’d have to apologize to him later. And she made side note that she now owed him one for bringing her bag.


As Myungsoo backed into the wall, Naeun stood up in front of him, ‘shielding’ (not very effectively but it’s the thought that counts) him. She frantically looked around in hope for an exit, but found none. The walls were bare, and there were no fire-escape exits they could climb.


Great. Where is he when I need him?


As if her thoughts were read, suddenly yelps and screams came from the street and a black car with muffled music coming from it pulled right into the alley, nearly running over several people . It stopped in front of Naeun and Myungsoo with a screech. The window casually rolled down and a young guy’s face cheerfully appeared.


“What are you waiting for? Get in!” The way Doojoon said it made it seem like they were going shopping or something.


Naeun quickly helped Myungsoo into the back seat and seated herself beside him before slamming the door shut.


“I suggest you buckle up! Damn brats thought they could start the WItch Hunt early, eh?” Doojoon yelled over the loud music and pulled the car into reverse.

Tires screeched again, and the car started maneuvering backwards between the small streets, with the mob running after it.




Author's Notes: Aaaaand this was the day I realized I really at writing action. Great. I'll just stick to characterization then T.T The chapters are still looong, however, I think it's easier to read them now that they're in smaller sentences. I feel a little weird these days, maybe I'm coming down with a cold? If you read this and went "wtf does that even say?" no worries, I'll reedit it tomorrow (it's nearly midnight now ^^'') Anyways, *clears throat* DUN DUN DUN...yeah, you still don't get to know about who exactly is chasing Naeun until the next chapter, but hey, at least you get a sprinkle of Doojoon awesomeness.

But please leave your theories in the comments, I'm curious~

Thank you for reading and subsribing! You guys are awesome and you know it~

PS: I really need to learn how to title chapters properly >.>

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My favorite pairing MyungEun /cries/ when is this be updated! i miss you author-nim.
Chapter 19: such a good story !
octavieradyah #3
Chapter 18: I bet this fanfic about discontinue.. kkk but i really like this fanfic. Myungeun moment is too cute
Candice_23 #4
New reader here and finished reading all of the chapters. Love it and I really want to know what will happen to Naeun? And please update soon I just feel in love with your story fighting;).
koala_panda #5
Please update author... I miss the story
wewewewewer #6
Chapter 19: update soon..............................................................................................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#$%^&*(*&^%$$##@!@$%%^*)
Chapter 19: I love Naeun' a personality and Myungsoo they're literately so cute for each other! I love the intense mysterious around the other characters bring. It's unpredictable but that's how I like stories! Great job and keep it up love ur story so far! Hwaiting!!!
soooooooo niceeeeeeeeeeeee !
Chapter 19: OMO~!i love Myungsoo in here!!!I forgot to mention earlier but I love the way he annoys Naeun and how they have a love hate thing!!oh!by any chance is he that one boy she was talking about?Ya know the one who liked her so he acted like he was bullying her?cause I can sooooo see that being L!