Chapter 8 - It's all in the smiles

The Witch Hunt


Chapter 8, Part I

Although Myungsoo didn’t mean to, he ended up walking behind Naeun the whole way to the university. Well, not directly behind, but it seemed wherever he looked she was always there. Or maybe his eyes were just naturally drawn to her? No, she just stuck out like a sore thumb; he didn’t know why, but she just did. Maybe it was because of the way she kept cautiously looking around. Or how she took extra care in crossing the street. Regardless, Myungsoo felt awkward following her.


By the time they arrived to school, he could tell Naeun was becoming extremely tense. She avoided looking around but also avoided looking up, as if she was afraid someone would recognize her.


And that’s precisely why she didn’t see the soccer ball flying straight at her.


A group of guys were playing soccer on the nearby field, when suddenly one of them used too much force and gave it a strong kick right off into Naeun’s direction.

Even before the impact, Myungsoo already began running over to see if Naeun was okay. He knew this wasn’t the first time that guy accidentally hit someone, and it was going to hurt (the other day some other girl actually got knocked over by a similar ball)

Myungsoo knew this is going to end badly.


Or would’ve ended badly,

If Naeun hadn’t turned in a split second and caught the ball in time.


Myungsoo stopped in his tracks, amazed.

How did she react so fast?


As Naeun looked at the ball, she seemed like she was daydreaming about something. Myungsoo watched as she gently turned the dirty soccer ball a few times, tracing the black and white pentagons with her hand. It must've gave her nostalgia of some kind. She even wanted to wipe it with her clean sleeve, but then stopped when she realized it was a bad idea.


Huffing, the guy who kicked the ball yelled his apologies to Naeun from a distance. The other players began laughing at his clumsiness and urged her to score them a goal as revenge. Although it was obviously a joke, Naeun looked so out of it that Myungsoo debated whether or not he should go over and save her from embarrassment.



But Naeun snapped out of it and nodded at the players. She carefully placed the ball on the grass, aligned herself, and took a few steps back.

Then she ran up at full speed and kicked the ball so hard that it rocketed across the field, past the goalie, and rammed right into the net!


Delighted, the players cheered; the opposing team started complaining that it didn’t even count. Eventually it turned into a friendly fight, all quickly forgetting about the person who kicked the ball in the first place.

By the time Myungsoo, as a former soccer player, stopped admiring Naeun’s shot, she already disappeared. She probably didn’t even bother to look.


But really now, where did she learn that?




The first half of the day went as it always did for Myungsoo. We’d expand the interest level of his courses, but unfortunately Myungsoo’s mind was preoccupied with thoughts of seasoned fried chicken, stir fried noodles, and kimchi rice; Islamic issues in the Middle East or Calculus could not compete with food.


When the long awaited lunch arrived, Myungsoo spent it by sitting with his friends and listening in.


Sungjong seemed to finally cool off about the idea of pounding down Naeun, so Myungsoo felt his burden lifted. Now Sungjong was ranting about how this girl is better than Namjoo, that girl is better than Namjoo, his loathed statistics teacher is obviously better than Namjoo, and his can of coke was too, (somehow?) a much better girlfriend than Namjoo.

Needless to say, Sungjong wasn’t going to be over her any time soon.


Woohyun kept (purposely) annoying Sunggyu with whatever newly developed pickup-lines he had. He was laughing hard, and when he wasn't he was still smiling. All the time.



Myungsoo chewed on his straw in silence. When was the last time he saw Woohyun with a serious expression on his face? Elementary School, or Middle School maybe? They grew up together. Yes, Woohyun was different back then; not very different, but still different. Was this just Woohyun 'growing up'? 

Woohyun was always smart, easy-going, and fun to be around; and a total lady’s man of course – Myungsoo remembered how each Valentine's Day they would compete with who got more chocolates. Myungsoo won only once though, and he would look up to Woohyun’s untouchable ‘charisma’ with admiration. Thinking back, it was ridiculous since Woohyun was also an awkward middle schooler! Still, both his classmates and teachers adored him to death.


Since Woohyun was a year older, he graduated Middle School first. Woohyun went to a private high school and Myungsoo went to a public one, so they hadn’t seen each other till last year, when Myungsoo entered university.

At first it seemed to Myungsoo that his old friend didn’t change at all – Woohyun still had his stupid jokes, still had a friendly charm about him, and was still very good at voice imitations. But he never stopped smiling. So much that half the time it looked forced, and at times even creepy. But since Woohyun kept denying it, Myungsoo just stuck to the idea that his stupid friend’s facial muscles were simply stuck that way for all eternity.


 And another characteristic changed in Nam Woohyun. Or rather, became more ‘profound’.

There was always a girl on Woohyun’s arm.


No, Myungsoo isn't exaggerating, and neither are we - there was always a girl. Or maybe two. Or three. The most Myungsoo has seen so far was four, but Woohyun assured him his record was seven, and he made that accomplishment (as Nam Woohyun put it) without any of the girls knowing the others existed. Woohyun was never alone when Myungsoo visited him, and that was at least once every two days. Freshmen, seniors, career women, managers, grad students, sometimes even teachers (no wonder he got good marks) all came to him.  

Occasionally Woohyun would have scratch marks all over his face or a few stitches from having heavy objects thrown at him.

But he always brushed it off with some witty joke; and he never stopped smiling.


Even now as Woohyun sat eating his lunch and teasing Sunggyu, there was some cheap-looking senior throwing herself at him. Her fake lashes were at least an inch long and bound to fall off soon; her hair was poorly bleached, and she obviously required lessons on how to wear her clothing properly. Woohyun just kept laughing at Sunggyu, ignoring her existence completely. Myungsoo would’ve laughed at her pathetic state, but it’s not like he even cared.

He probably wouldn’t see that girl again anyways, unless she was one of those who liked to key Woohyun’s car.


Something must've went wrong with Woohyun in the 3-4 years Myungsoo didn't see him. But once Woohyun decides something is confidential, it will stay confidential till his grave.

The only thing Myungsoo could really do is be a friend and support him in whatever.


Chapter 8, Part II


But aren’t you curious about Myungsoo’s history with girls? We'll tell you: it's not complicated.


It wasn’t long after Myungsoo entered high school before he realized that love just didn’t exist.

Romantic love, that is – his mother’s affection for him was a whole different story (plus she could actually cook good food.)


Myungsoo was ‘in love’ so many times he lost track. Half the girls he couldn’t even remember by face (but he was sure they were all good people.)

To put it simply, Myungsoo just loved the feeling of ‘being in love’ – the person he was with didn’t matter much.

It was such a high strung emotion that brought such bliss and elation, that Myungsoo was addicted to it like a drug.  Unfortunately, his ‘high’ would last only a week or two. Then he’d have withdrawal symptom and realize he knew nothing about the person he was with, or how they even got together in the first place.

His longest relationship lasted a month, but that was only because she moved to the States and he was too lazy to change his online relationship status. He couldn't remember her name.


University wasn’t much different, only now Myungsoo just went on dates and avoided the whole ‘girlfriend’ business.

If he could have any girl he wants, why pick just one?

Only a fool would do that.

And thanks to Woohyun's connections, now he was also known all around campus, either by name, or as ‘that guy who dated that friend’s friend’s friend.’



Myungsoo continued chewing on his straw in the cafeteria for the time being. A few girls he didn’t know passed by, greeting him. He waved apathetically, and they all gave off the same annoying giggles.



Myungsoo got up and went to the vending machine for another drink.

Maybe he really did need a girlfriend? Myungsoo scanned the room to see if there was anyone who could possibly interest him even in the slightest.


Maybe this was the result of dating too much. He was sure they were all unique people in some way or form, but to him?



Myungsoo grabbed the drink and walked by the cafeteria window, looking outside.

He froze on the spot and stared, the can never reaching his lips.


It really does seem like my eyes are naturally drawn to her, doesn’t it?


She stood a meter or two away from the window, energetically talking on her phone. She was facing him, but he doubted she could see him since the light reflected on the awfully dirty windows. Besides, she’d probably walk away the moment she saw him.


Myungsoo never thought Naeun could show so many facial expressions. Whenever she talked to him (which was only twice, but still…) she seemed like a cold, calculating robot. Now her face showed frowns, disbelief, surprise, joy and so much more.


She even smiled.

She smiled.


Whoever was on the other end of the line was surely a very special person.


But if that person could make Son Naeun smile, why does he, Kim Myungsoo, have to receive the cold shoulder from her?


Myungsoo looked over the cafeteria again and looked back.


Son Naeun.

She talked as if she didn’t see him. Which she couldn’t of course, but Myungsoo still felt incredibly annoyed.


As long as you have the capacity to smile like that, I swear I’ll make you smile at me the same way. I don’t care when or how. I will. There is not a single girl here that can run from me. And when you're finally anging on my sleeve and smiling...

For a moment Myungsoo felt like banging on the window so she’d see him. There he was, giving cheesy speeches, and she's not even listening! He wanted a response, dammit! He wanted her attention! He wanted to be recognized as someone in her eyes.


And you’re not special.

You’re not!

No matter how much you appear to be.

You have the same arms and legs any other girl has.

You’re not interesting Son Naeun, you’re boring!


As Naeun smiled again, Myungsoo felt another wave of irritation overcome him.


Are you trying to tell me I’m not good enough for you?


As if she heard his thoughts, Naeun ended her call and nonchalantly walked away. 






Author's Notes: should I say this? Loooong chapter (4-5 Word pages, single-spaced, 12px and Times New Romans) and little happens. I wish, I wish I could force myself to cut it, but I can't. It's like my writing is my baby, and who in their right mind cuts their own child? T^T So then I thought I'd split it, but then I'd have two aimless chapters with me ranting on and on about the characters and nothing happening =.= So I just decided to make two "parts"

But the good thing is that I probably won't be ranting again till later. Will you bear with me, my gorgeous subscribers? 

I took longer than usual, but now I moreorless planned out the story line now, so I'm back on track (and let me tell you. It's long as . Well, maybe not too long, but hey - this is me pouring out all the feels I have for Myungeun. You're amazing if you manage to keep up even to the middle...) 

Anyways, because I didn't put enough events in this chapter, I'm now writing the next one or two chapters .

Love you all, hope you're enjoying your Christmas break (because I know I am WOOT!) / end of author's rant.

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My favorite pairing MyungEun /cries/ when is this be updated! i miss you author-nim.
Chapter 19: such a good story !
octavieradyah #3
Chapter 18: I bet this fanfic about discontinue.. kkk but i really like this fanfic. Myungeun moment is too cute
Candice_23 #4
New reader here and finished reading all of the chapters. Love it and I really want to know what will happen to Naeun? And please update soon I just feel in love with your story fighting;).
koala_panda #5
Please update author... I miss the story
wewewewewer #6
Chapter 19: update soon..............................................................................................................................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@#$%^&*(*&^%$$##@!@$%%^*)
Chapter 19: I love Naeun' a personality and Myungsoo they're literately so cute for each other! I love the intense mysterious around the other characters bring. It's unpredictable but that's how I like stories! Great job and keep it up love ur story so far! Hwaiting!!!
soooooooo niceeeeeeeeeeeee !
Chapter 19: OMO~!i love Myungsoo in here!!!I forgot to mention earlier but I love the way he annoys Naeun and how they have a love hate thing!!oh!by any chance is he that one boy she was talking about?Ya know the one who liked her so he acted like he was bullying her?cause I can sooooo see that being L!