I ditched class for you

A thousand years

Luhan sat down in Calc. ignoring all the curious stares that Sehun’s family were giving him, in fact the stares everyone was giving him.

Sehun must not talk to people that much.

He sat there bored tapping his pencil against his chin when he got a text message from an anonymous number.

From: Unknown

Meet me outside the school gate.

Luhan quickly texted back from underneath the desk

To: Unknown

Are you crazy? I don’t even know who you are

He got a reply in less than a second

From: Unknown

Oh you know me (:

To: Unknown

I’ll be there in a second

Luhan slowly raised his hand making sure he looked pale as possible

“Yes Luhan?”

“Uh I feel kinda unwell… Do you mind if I go to the nurse?”

“Whatever you do, don’t vomit in here”

“Thank you sir”

He quickly got his bag and slipped out of his seat, he ignored the smirk that Chen had flashed him as he exited, that confirmed his suspicions that indeed he did know the person who texted him.

That person being Oh Sehun

 He stormed out towards the gate and saw that god dammed car, he saw Sehun looking emotionlessly outside with the window rolled down, and when he saw Luhan he grinned sheepishly and beckoned Luhan towards him

“Hey Luhan”


“So you came” He smirked his voice teasing

“Shut up… I knew it was you when Chen looked at me!”

Sehun’s eyebrows knitted together “He looked at you?”

“Mmmm, he just kind of smirked at me”

“Ah god he’s an idiot”

“So why am I here? No more importantly why aren’t you in class?”

“Oh we’re doing blood typing in biology… I don’t handle blood that well” there was this comical look on his face as he said it, but Luhan shrugged it off, who isn’t iffy about blood typing

Luhan just didn’t understand why it was funny

“Why am I here then?”

“I got lonely”

“Couldn’t you tell one of your siblings to?”

“No, I’ve lived with them my entire life, why would I want to hang out with them?”

“Because… I just thought they were less like siblings and more like friends…”

“Kinda, but you’re more interesting than them”

“You confuse me”

“How so?”

“Are we friends? Or are we not?”

“I can’t say”

Just sighed and pressed his head against the window, when he felt cool fingers turn his head back to face him

“Why are your hands so cold?”

“I’m anaemic” He looked uncertain for a bit before his face morphed back to its expressionless self he looked at Luhan before asking him another question “What are you thinking?”

Luhan looked a little surprised looking at Sehun strangely before replying “That you’re confusing”

He snorted “That’s boring”

“It’s not boring!”

“Fine, fine” Sehun stifled a laugh, Luhan glared starting to get angry

“What do you want from me?”

“I don’t know”

“Well then why are you doing this?”

“Again I don’t know”

“Why didn’t you just squish me that day?”

This time Sehun glared “I have morals you know”

“Well, getting squished is better than having a friend who’s not really your friend”

“Look… It’s complicated okay; no normal person would’ve squished you anyway”

“Most normal people wouldn’t have had time to stop!”

“Yeah they would” His eyes narrowed a little, Luhan saw something else in his face, was it worry?

“No” Luhan said sure of himself “They wouldn’t of you stopped right in front of me, you caused a car to crash into you, I remember!”

“Luhan you were in shock, I’m pretty sure it messed with your head- your memory”

“No, I remember clearly! You stopped about a centimetre in front of me, what normal person has that precision!”

“You forget Chen and I are Maths prodigies”

“So? Just because you calculated it, doesn’t mean you get it right”

“Look I saved your life, why can’t you just get over it already”

“Because it’s not normal! You’re not normal!”

Sehun looked shocked for a second “If I’m not normal, what am I?”

“Not human” Luhan said definitely which made Sehun burst into laughter and Luhan feel a bit silly

“That’s your theory” Sehun snorted “I stopped you from getting run over, what is this? Twilight or something” He abruptly stopped laughing, Sehun didn’t want to give Luhan any ideas

“I was thinking more like Spiderman” Luhan confessed looking down

  “I’m no Peter Parker that’s for sure”

Luhan sighed looking down glancing up after a while to see Sehun staring at him intently “What?”

“C’mon I’m going to show you my favourite place”

“But we’re not friends!”

“Look, let’s just forget that for today”

“I can’t be your friend whenever you want me too”

“Well I can be your friend, but you can only be my friend when I allow it”

“That’s not fair”

“Life’s not fair- now put your seatbelt on”

Luhan complied clicking in his seatbelt, clutching the seat when Sehun sped off “SEHUN! SLOW DOWN!” He panicked

“Oh calm down old lady”


“Well you sound like one so shut up”

“Don’t tell me to shut up!”

“Well I am”

“I’m older than you!”

“How do you know that?” Sehun looked amused

“Because just look at you!”

“You couldn’t be more wrong” Sehun whispered to himself, Luhan only just managed to hear it, but it only made him more confused- who was this guy

“Where are you taking me?” Luhan asked more softly, giving up trying to argue with him

“Somewhere to eat”

“But you’re never hungry”

“I’m hungry now” Sehun lied- Luhan didn’t notice though


“Yeah, oh”

“Stop being so mean!”

“I’m not being mean!”

Luhan realised that maybe Sehun wasn’t trying to be mean- maybe their personalities just clashed perfectly to make them sound like an old married couple, or maybe it was just Sehun.

He would never know.

“Well hurry up and drive because I’m hungry too”

“Luhan, you just told me to slow down a few minutes ago”

“Yeah but now you mentioned food so…”

“Oh Forgodsake Luhan!”

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His name is just Lu Han but he puts it together so he is called Luhan
im listening to your title
makingmistapes #3
just let you know, lu hans last name is not xi ^^ last name is lu means 'deer' and first name han like 'dawn'. hope you can undersatand my english ;A;
Chapter 7: Hunhan rules!!!!! Luhan on Sehun's lap and calling him Sehunnie~ *_* And A Walk To Remember was seriously sad. Evil Luhan, spoiling it for Sehun....
Chapter 7: Things look promising for them <3...please update soon TT_TT
yuu8713 #6
Chapter 7: Luhaaan~ why did you fell asleep?? you're no fun *pouts* I thought you're going to do 'something' with Sehunnie *wink*
Chapter 7: hunhan just go to the next level already!!!
Chapter 7: hunhan just go to the next level already!!!