Life Inside

"How are you feeling?" I asked from the chair next to the bed. The same uncomfortable chair I'd been sitting in for the past two days. The same chair that I've slept in last night and now I'm regretting not seeing a chirpractor last week. My back has been an issue a lot lately. "I'm fine now. Really I am." Luhan was buttoning up the shirt I had to fish around and bring him.

"You look good in my clothes." My sweat pants hung loosely around his waist and I could see the boxers I lent him. "I feel good in your clothes." He was patting down his colllar when I finally stood up. "." I muttered and stretched my hands above my head. "Are you alright?" Luhan was up and off the bed before I could move. "I'm fine." But it was so painfully obvious I was lying.

"Don't lie to me, Sehun. Please not you too." Luhan's hand felt nice when it rested in the middle of my back. "I think I pulled a muscle or something." His hand was starting to knead through my shirt and it felt so nice. God he was hitting all the right sore spots. "Ah~" I sighed and leaned more into him, "It feels so good." One hand was bracing us on the foot of the bed as the other I let rest on his waist.

Ever since that confession the first night in the hospital he doesn't seem to mind my touching certain places. "Maybe you should be the one seeing a doctor." He said as his hands started rubbing up and down the length of my spine. "I might have to." Because if this gets any worse I might not be able to work. And not being able to go to work means no Luhan time during the week. And no Luhan time would drive me insane.

"I wish I could go with you." I silently wished he could too because I'd miss his hands on me. "After we drop you off I'll go see my doctor." I buried my face in the side of his neck and inhaled the smell of my cologne. Everything on him smelt like me including his skin. He smelled like me and everyone would know he was mine. That's a nice foreign feeling, to know you have someone.

"Which means I won't see you tonight?" Luhan asked and although I could hear the hurt in his voice his hands didn't stop moving along my back. He pressed into a particularly throbbing spot and it almost brung me to my knees. But my hand on the bedframe and his arms around me stopped the fall. "Did I hurt you?" His hands hesitated and slowed down.

"No keep going." Even though it did hurt it probably doesn't hurt half as bad as what the doctor is gonna do to me. "If you insist although if a nurse walked in right now, we'd look weird like this." I could care less if anyone saw us all tangled together as long as he didn't have to stop. "I don't care." He just shrugged and sat down, pulling me to sit in his lap.

It's in times like this that I remember that he's actually older than me. "Junmyeon will be here in an hour or so." I wasn't scheduled to work tonight because Junmyeon understood I needed the time off. He even pointed out how I've been walking funny lately and that he doesn't want to me to strain to work. "That's good." Luhan whispered right against my ear. 

"I'm so tired." A yawn escaped before I could reach up and cover my mouth. "School is killing me lately." Thank goodness tomorrow starts the official winter break. "You can take a nap if you want." As nice as that sounds I jsut can't fall asleep in the hospital especially considering our position. "I'm fine." It was still a lie and he just chuckled. Rolling his fists into my shoulderblades.

I moaned when his fingers grazed that same spot as earlier and my knees felt like jell-o. I didn't mean to moan right into his ear but judging by the shiver I don't think he minded. I'd never admit it out loud but I kind of liked the way I was playing into his wondering hands. I threaded the hand that had been holding the bed through his hair. For being washed with hospital soap it was still soft as ever.

"That feels nice." He practically purred against the side of my neck. I leaned back and his hands temporarily stopped moving again. "Can I kiss you?" I knew I didn't have to ask but what if he didn't want me to. I wouldn't want to force him into an impromptu make out session. "I'd love that." He said and he was the one to lean forward this time.

This kiss didn't feel anything like our previous ones. No this one felt more needed and necessary. Like without it we'd both fall apart and maybe he might. With the hand in his hair I pulled him closer and he easily let me slide my tongue in. As inexperienced as he was in kissing he didn't waste time in reciprocating. My hands moved from his hair to his cheeks to hold him in place.

I knew we were getting in over our heads when he leaned back onto the bed, taking me with him. Massaging my back seemed like such a low priority now. His legs moved so they were around mine and we were so close together that I swore I heard his heart beating. Where our hips met was tingling for me and I wondered if it was good for him too.

"Sehun?" He pulled away and I moved to kiss his jawline and to where his ear met neck. He was the one to moan this time and I knew I must be doing something right. His hands moved to slide into my back pockets and squeeze my . "Don't do that." I mumbled into his neck and so ahrd I knew he'd have a hickey. "Why can't I?"

"Because of how bad I want you." An this was not the time or right place for me to be thinking about ing him. "You know I'd let you." I just groaned and started moving my lower body. Maybe we shouldn't be doing this where at any moment someone could walk in. But that secretly thrilled me into moving down and against him just a little harder.

"I've never had anyone like this." Of course I knew that because he's never even had a proper boyfriend. And we were in every position to label me his first boyfriend. But for some reason it just sounded complicated. "I never had anyone like you." I kissed up his neck and over to his mouth. It felt so nice to ahve soemone under me after so long.

He moaned into my mouth when I moved my hands to hold his waist down. "Hey Luhan you awake?" The door opened and we immediately disconnected. I glanced over my shoulder to glare but it was only Junmyeon and Jessica. "Oh now this is priceless." Jessica started laughing and Junmyeon just went pale. "Shut up and close the door." 

"I was not expecting to see that." Jessica was still laughing and I looked back down at Luhan. He had turned a shade of red I'd never seen on a human before. "I wasn't expecting you guys for at least 30 more minutes." They were way too early and it made em wonder why they felt the need to interrupt. "Traffic wasn't as heavy as I thought it'd be." Junmyeon said and sat in the chair against the wall.

"Please don't start lecturing me." I turned to glare at them and started fixing my shirt. "I wasn't going to." Junmyeon said and smiled, well more like a smirk. "You can't tell Kai or Kris." I'm never gonna live this down if they find out. "I wasn't going to because it's not my business." Junmyeon was surprisingly calm considering he just found one of his employees on top of a patient.

"Am I gonna get fired now?" Because like Lay kept telling me there's a no policy in place. "Technically you didn't do it on asylum grounds. So it doesn't count, right?" Jessica elbowed Jumyeon and he growled under hsi breath. "Technically speaking I see no rules being broken." Thank God Junmyeon wasn't the kind of person who was a rat or a sell out. 

"Well this is embarassing." Luhan groaned and sat up to fix the over sized shirt. "Tell me about it." I hid my face in my hands and Luhan moved to sit behind me. "Does your back still hurt?" His hands were back to pushing into my back. "Yes." I flinched when he kneaded that same spot as earlier. I swear he uses it against me in the best ways.

"Well sorry to interrupt but we should get going." Junmyeon stood up and shook the keys in front of me. "Jessica already checked Luhan out for us." Junmyeon pointed out and Jessica was still laughing. She seemed better than the last time I saw her. I slid off the bed to stand and Luhan didn't move from behind me. His hands instead resting on my hips.

"I don't advise you to walk through the hospital like that." Junmyeon pointed down to his hands and Luhan went to pull them away. But I grabbed him and hooked his fingers in mine. "I'm not on the clock so I'm jsut a normal citizen right now." No one could say anythign to em even if they wanted to. I'm not an employee in uniform. I'm jsut a person visiting their significant person.

"Whatever." Jessica rolled her eyes and put her arm in mine. I heard Luhan scoff but just laughed it off. If it wasn't for the taste of Luhan in my mouth and the slight in my jeans, I'd be able to focus on not tripping over my feet.


I had ered Kris into driving me to the doctor office. He wasn't on call yet so it's not like he didn't have the time. "Want me to go in with you?" He asked when we parked in the garage. It was gonna be a long walk through the parking structure and to the actual office. "Yeah." I didn't wanna tell him it was because I couldn't get there on my own.

The pain in my back had gotten better with the help of Luhan's massage. But the minute he stopped it had started hurting again. And this was the kind of pain that caused my whole body to throb and hurt in places it shouldn't. Kris was out of the car and over to my side of the car in next to no time. "Do I have to carry you or go get a wheelchair?" He said when he opened my door.

"Just give me your arm." And he helped me out of the car. "Geez what did you do to hurt yourself?" He asked when he shut the door behind me. "I don't know." I had just woken up with back cramps. "How badly does it hurt?" Kris asked and pulled me to stand behind the car. I reached up and punched him as hard as I could in the shoulder. "Hurts like that."

"Okay. Damn you didn't have to hit me." Kris sighed and we headed for the first level stairs. I knew this was gonna hurt me and I squeezed Kris a little tighter than probably necessary. "You sure you don't need me to carry you?" He asked again and I knew he was being completely serious this time. "Would you?" I asked at the top of the staircase.

"Get on." Kris moved to kneel in front of me. All in all the worst thing that could happen could be he drops me. I hopped onto his back and his hands gripped under my thighs. "If you drop me I will kill you." I threatened and staightened out the bag hanging on my back. "If I drop you Luhan would kill me for you." And he was being dad serious again. "Oh just shut up." I hit him in the shoulder again.


*a/n: Hello again! ^^ Hope you liked this, even though it didn't turn out like I wanted it to. And it's kind of short. But I'm too tired to write more right now.

Come find me on Tumblr if you want to talk or need anything.

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Chapter 6: Aigoooo not a big fan of hunhan but its interesting!
Chapter 6: asdfghjkl, that ending.. you tease OTL
Chapter 6: omg... are they doing it?? O.O
Chapter 5: OMO HOW CUTE <3
Chapter 4: "I love you. And it scares the f uck out of me." ASDFGHJKL FEEEEEEEEEEELS~~
Chapter 4: AWWWWWWW </3 POOR LUHAN :(
Chapter 3: so.... they /secrectly/ together now?? or...
ilan14 #9
Chapter 2: I hope luhan doesn't do anything risky and understand that just for the night...sehun is busy and will be free after his paper ;; don't worry lulu sehun will be free soon!
Chapter 2: Sehun is busy with his task..
Luhan must be so lonely