Life Inside


It was one of those silent nights where the patients were all sleeping and the power stayed on for once. I could hear the click of Kris' pen as he scribbles notes about a patient in the terminal ward, Byun Baekhyun, if I remember right. I didn't know much about his case but it seemed to take priority in Kris' life.

For the past week he's one of the only patients Kris goes and personally spends time with. I find it cute the way Kris talks about him sometimes.

Kai got the easy job of making sure everyone was in their rooms by nightfall and the stragglers were supervised. He got it easy with walking around all night, 'room checking', but really Kai just hates paperwork. He avoids it like he avoids talking about the guy he's been seeing on the weekends.

It's pretty obvious that he's in love but he hates to admit it. He will probably go to his grave swearing on death that he is not in love and never will be. Do Kyungsoo seems to be changing that.

Yixing denies it but I know he likes Dr. Junmyeon because it's so painful watching them together. Jessica seems head over heels for the doctor but she doesn't understand which team they actually swing for. Yixing thinks he's just being friendly when he rubs Junmyeon's shoulders after a hard night. Junmyeon thinks he's just being friendly when he rubs Lay's hands after the massage sessions. Oblivious.

And there's me and my predicament with Luhan. Nurse to patient relations is a big no-no and I know that and he knows that. But Kris said he won't tell anyone if I did decide to make a move on Luhan. But he's fragile and so scared of everything except me. He's scared of Kai especially because Kai likes to yell sometimes.

Luhan won't acknowledge the therapist in sessions and won't utter a word to anyone. Except me and I still haven't figured out why. Why me to dump all this on? Not that I don't appreciate the level of trust he holds for me but it's starting to affect my work ethics.

"Sehun you're needed by Luhan." Kai came by the counter and grabbed a pororo lollipop from the canister sitting by my computer. "What?" I looked up and realized I had been staring at blank document with only the title, 'Testing Darkness'. "I went to check in on him and he's in his corner again. Wouldn't come out for me and I think he's crying."

Kai pointed down the hall to the open door with the light inside still on. "You left the door open?" I popped out of the chair. "No." Kai stepped back to look back down the hall. I grabbed a walkie talkie and headed down the hallway. I saw Kai sit in my chair and gesture something to Kris who seemed to be completely ignoring him.

I got to the doorway of Luhan's room and in fact he was in the corner of the room with his head in his arms. I sighed and glanced back at my abandoned desk to see Jessica trying to hang all over Kai with Yixing laughing at her failure.

"Hi." I bowed even though I don't think he could see me and shut the door with my foot. "Kai said you were crying." I didn't want to push him so I sat on the bed in front of him. So close my outstretched legs touched his feet. "Are you okay Luhan? Do you need anything?" I asked and started playing with the ugly standard issue pillowcase. "My mom." I heard him say it under his breath even though I know he wanted me to hear. "I miss my mom."

"I miss my mom sometimes so I get it. My mom died when I was young so I don't remember much. Your mother is fine from what I know so you're actually kind of lucky." I mean it wasn't lucky that he's sitting in an insane asylum but at the same time he has more than I have. "I'm sorry about your mom." He finally looked up to me and I could see that he was still teary eyes.

"Does she come see you?" I asked and moved down to the floor. "It's been over two years." His head fell back down again.

"Well think of me as your family now." It was stupid to say and it was foreign on my tongue. I shouldn't have said that but it made him smile a little bit. "You're all I have." The confession made his ears turn red and his eyes to crinkle in the corners when he smiled. I didn't know whether to be happy or concerned that he saw me in such high light. "And trust me you have me." And again it was like word vomit that I couldn't stop. I should just stop talking.

"Sehun you make me happy." He seemed to have no problem saying what he felt and what was on his mind. I couldn't admit that he makes me happy too. All I could give him was, "That's good." And event hat felt like I was letting him down in some way.

But his smile didn't falter and the tears stopped and maybe he didn't mind I couldn't say it back. He moved next to me to lean against the bed frame. "But you probably have someone waiting for you when you go home."

"There is no one but a roommate who is too into studying to even know when i'm gone." It was odd that I hadn't been able to find anyone yet. I was attractive so I've been told and all the ladies love me. Why won't any of them give me a chance?

"I bet he's nice. And I bet you got everyone after you." It'd be a lie if I denied the assumption. "I never got the chance to meet anyone. The only people I get to see on a daily basis is you and the others. I would've killed for a chance to find someone like you in the outside world."

"When you finally get to leave I'm sure you'll find someone who accepts you." I had high hopes for him being able to live in the normal world one day. "Let's face it I'm never going to leave here. I have friends here and constant lighting. It gets dark outside at night and it costs too much money to keep lights on 24/7. I'll never be able to truly live." I thought he'd start crying again but he didn't even look saddened by the revelation.

"You should go now Sehun." He put his hand on my shoulder. "What?" I gaped. "I'm tired and it's curfew time. I wouldn't want to make you stay when you're probably so busy." He squeezed my shoulder and his smile finally desipated into a pout. "I want to stay like I normally do. I like staying."

I brung him up with me to our feet and say him in bed. He laid back and helped me pull the blankets over him. I took the seat on the other side of him and he his side to look at me. "Goodnight." I smiled at him and yawned. It was late and I was ready to go home and sleep myself.

"Sehun?" Luhan curled up under the blankets and blinked at me a couple times. "Yes?" I yawned again and rubbed at my eyes with the back of my hand. "I think I love you." And then his eyes closed and I noted he wasn't smiling in his sleep this time. It was so blunt to just come out and tell me the truth like that. 

If we were in a different place and time, on the outside world, I would consider going for Luhan. I mean he's my ideal type in every way conceivable but it was impossible to even dream of us being a couple. He's a patient on anti-depressants with a fear of the dark. And I'm a nurse who takes pills to stay awake with a fear of commitment. I haven't had a girlfriend in over three years and a boyfriend for one.

I reached out and put some stray hair behind his ear. "I think I love you too." 



*A/N::So yeah there it is. I'm not guranteeing how long this will be probably only a couple chapters. But I hope you enjoy this.

Come find me on Tumblr, where I write fanfiction alot.

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Chapter 6: Aigoooo not a big fan of hunhan but its interesting!
Chapter 6: asdfghjkl, that ending.. you tease OTL
Chapter 6: omg... are they doing it?? O.O
Chapter 5: OMO HOW CUTE <3
Chapter 4: "I love you. And it scares the f uck out of me." ASDFGHJKL FEEEEEEEEEEELS~~
Chapter 4: AWWWWWWW </3 POOR LUHAN :(
Chapter 3: so.... they /secrectly/ together now?? or...
ilan14 #9
Chapter 2: I hope luhan doesn't do anything risky and understand that just for the night...sehun is busy and will be free after his paper ;; don't worry lulu sehun will be free soon!
Chapter 2: Sehun is busy with his task..
Luhan must be so lonely