Chapter 4

Forever You


A groan escaped the man’s lips as he open his eyes, his mind start working once more. He was greeted with the light glaring down at him and he couldn’t stand the piercing on his eyes close them. After he breath in softly, Jongwoon open his eyes once more and look around to find himself in an unfamiliar room. The first thing that left his mind is, Where am I?


Like the world can read his mind, the door to the room flung open.


“Ah, I see you’re awake”


The man at the door said making Jongwoon got up immediately but soon fall back on the bed when he felt the stings on his body. Damn, it hurts a lot, that was what he thought.


“Who are you? What am I doing here? Where am I?”


Jongwoon said and the man chuckle.


“A simple ‘thank you’ isn’t hard to say right?”


The man said not moving an inch.


“Why should I?”


Jongwoon said, gritting his teeth and slowly got up, though he still feel the pain.


“Such an ungrateful brat you are Kim Jongwoon”


Upon the man saying his name, Jongwoon raise an eyebrow.


“How did you know my name?”


The man chuckle at Jongwoon’s question. He then step forward revealing himself to Jongwoon.


“Hello Jongwoon. Nice meeting you again”


Siwon said smiling at the other but Jongwoon just glared at him.






 Heechul smile as they bid the couple goodbye. He felt happy for them to get married and he knew they will be happy together right? Just like how he and Leeteuk are happy.


He and Leeteuk got married like two years ago and they adopt little Jiho. It was hard getting the young boy as gay couple aren’t accepted in the society. After few months of applying and getting rejected many times from the society, they finally won and got little Jiho. And the boy was the one that completes the family.


“Heechul, can you hold Jiho for a while”


Heechul nod before taking the 2 years old from Leeteuk who sprint towards the bathroom. He raise an eyebrow but shrugged it off taking it as he was in a hurry to do his personal business.




The boy said as he look at Heechul before resuming to play with his fingers. Heechul smile and hold Jiho closer to his chest, thanking god for giving them such a sweet child.


“Ne, umma is here”


He said not knowing that the happiness he felt won’t last any longer.



Leeteuk stood at the sink as he took all the food he had out of his mouth. He felt a bit dizzy just now and it was replace with the feeling of uneasiness. His stomach was swirling around and that’s when he felt something stuck on his throat, forcing them out. That’s what happens that leads him giving Jiho to Heechul and sprint towards the toilet.


He doesn’t know why but he had been feeling like that since he had organized Kibum and Kyuhyun’s  wedding. He had ran around, ordering the cake, helping them picking out their tuxedos, buying one for Jiho which made him needs to work harder for money and then resulting him almost fainting.


Leeteuk brush it off as he was feeling tired because of the wedding. He was just stressed out because his friend is getting married, right?


He would feel fine after this and he guarantee it. Besides, he shouldn’t fall sick seeming as he had Heechul and Jiho on his shoulder. They were counting on him and he couldn’t afford to lose Jiho, right?


Yes, he is just fine.


But little did he know that brushing it off isn’t a good idea….






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Keyv88 #1
Chapter 3: Lool... So dunny.. I hope minwook will get married sooooonn
siezzy #2
Chapter 5: OMO! what happen with teukie!? *seems like pregnant women for me *wink..wink* ;)
PaboForSJ #3
Chapter 5: Teukie! Go see a doctor!!! Are you pregnant?! O_O Are you?! Or are you sick?! Go see a doctor!!
Chapter 5: That guy who save Hae is...Hyukkie? *thinks*
And,who's Yesung waiting for???
Chapter 4: Woah!Woah!What is going on!
Chapter 3: Although the pairing is a bit...weird but its nice ^^
Chapter 2: Wait...Is Yesung...homeless???
Ummm...My favorite band is Super Junior.
Well,they look hot,their dance moves are cool and their songs rock too.Yehh,thats the reason ^^
PaboForSJ #8
Chapter 3: This chapter is dedicated to me?! Seriously?! KYA~~~ Thank You so much~ :3 Update soon~ :D
raizenkim #9
Chapter 3: thank for update, author-nim..
hope their will together forever... :)