
Winter Serenade

"Leeteuk hyung! Kangin hyung!" Ryeowook and Sungmin shouted from the kitchen. Both rushed to the younger two wondering what the emergency was.

"What’s wrong?" The leader asked franticly.

"You guys need to frost the cookies." Ryeowook said as he finished moving all of the supplies onto the table.

"Wait…So you guys are not in trouble?" Leeteuk asked.

"Nope. We’re fine. We just need someone to frost the cookies and well that would be you, hyung."

"What? Why?"

"Because everyone else is busy. And I had to help Siwon and Wookie make them so the hyungs can frost them."

"But…Oh fine." Kangin tried to argue with the younger two but the serious looks on their face stopped him. Kangin looked over at the leader, and boyfriend, and shrugged taking a seat at the table. Ryeowook and Sungmin smiled before running off to where ever they needed to go. "We might as well start." Leeteuk nodded and sat down across from Kangin and started frosting one of the cookies. Kangin secretly started texting the Eunhae couple when Leeteuk wasn’t looking. "Why did you agree so quickly? Usually they would be fighting with you for at least half an hour to frost the cookies."

"Well I figured that since it was Christmas I would be nice to them. Don’t want to make the kids mad at me at Christmas."

"Haha I guess so. But I think you’re also just a good appa who cares for his kids." Leeteuk teased and went back to frosting cookies. While Leeteuk was in the middle of writing the name of the members on individual cookies, he got a text.

"Sorry Youngwoonie. Donghae and Eunhyuk need my help. Will you be okay by yourself?"

"Yeah, Teukie, go ahead." Kangin gave the older a quick peck on the lips before he ran out the door. Once he was sure the leader was gone he began building a tower out of the cookies making sure there was a straight line of cookies down the center that said exactly what he wanted. He nodded at his work then ran back to his room and pulling out the ring box he hid in the lock drawer of the desk. He carefully pulled the ring out and set it on top of the tower. Once Kangin was sure it was set and not going to fall, all he had left to do was wait. He sent Donghae and Eunhyuk another text telling them that everything was ready and they could send Leeteuk back. It was only moments later that Kangin heard the door to the dorm open. "So what was wrong?"

"They were having a stupid debate and wanted me to make the decision for them. But then they turn around and say everything’s good and send me back. I just don’t get those boys some…," Leeteuk was talking as he walked back to the kitchen but paused once he saw the cookie tower, "times." He finished and looked up at the grinning man standing at the other side of the table. "What?"

"I believe there is a question on the table. Quite literally." Kangin moved to stand behind Leeteuk and wrapped his arms around the shorter’s waist. "So what’s your answer?"

"This is for me?"

"Jungsu, who the hell else would I be asking to marry me?"

"I don’t know."

"Just answer the question Jungsu. You know I’m impatient." Kangin placed gentle kisses on Leeteuk’s neck as he waited for the answer.

"Uhhh…. Yeah… I mean, yes, I will marry you." Kangin chuckled at Leeteuk’s answer but reached forward and took the ring from the top of the cookie tower and placed it on Teukie’s finger. He then turned the older man around and properly kissed him on the lips.

"Good. Now we don’t want to make the kids upset by not finishing the cookies, do we?"

"No. But wait, let me take a picture of it."


"So in the future if any of the kids ask how you proposed, I have proof that you were actually this cute."

"Jungsu!" He shouted after the other as he left the room to find his camera. "Don’t tell me that you’re going to share the picture." Kangin practically whined and followed his fiancé, as he heard the unique laughter of the later.


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kazzy_5 #1
Chapter 7: Join the club..i'm from ohio as well. GREAT STORIES!
EndlessFlame #2
These are so sweet and adorable! They're mostly my favorite couples as well. I think that my favorite one was the Eunhae one. But they all made me smile. :)
so very cute ; v ; i especially loved the kangteuk one, but the eunhae and simin made my heart (almost) literally melt too. and your style of writing is so nice! <3
siana-chan #4
Chapter 6: The Kyusung was so sweet <3
LittleMissMoony #5
Chapter 7: How cute!!! Zhoury is so naive and confusing. Hihi
siezzy #6
Chapter 2: Kangin only being cute in front jungsu XDD
nice job Kangin!!
2pmfan #7
Hey serrena! ^-^

If you need a poster for this story I would like to help you! ^-^
Here is the link to my shop:

I'm a new artist so I'm not that good but I try my best! ^-^

Sorry for taking up some space here and I hope you are fine! ^o^
Please take care!
Love 2pmfan <3