
Winter Serenade

"Oh good. Everyone is here." Siwon said as he entered the eleventh floor door and found all the members hanging out in the living room. "I need some help."

"What wrong Siwonie? What do you need help with?" Leeteuk asked, immediately entering ‘Omma mode’.

"Well the Church needs help setting up the nativity scene and they asked me to help with it this year, and well I can’t do it by myself. So could some of you guys help me? It’s tomorrow night."

"It’s church, not happening." Heechul said as he dragged Hangeng back upstairs to their dorm.

"Sorry Siwon. I have a meeting and Kangin is coming with since we’re going out afterwards." Leeteuk explained, apologizing to his dongsaeng before he and Kangin left as well.

"Eunhyuk, Shindong, and I have to work on some choreography and will probably be gone rather late." Donghae said and the three wandered out of the room.

"KRY is going to be in the studio all day tomorrow so we can’t." Yesung explained as he flipped the channel on the TV.

"Kibum? What about you? You at least go to church with me, can’t you help?"

"I could…" He dragged out, not looking up from his computer. "But I don’t want to."

"Sungmin? Please Minnie. You’re my boyfriend, you’ll help me right?"

"Of course Siwonie. I don’t have any other plans, besides I don’t want you to work all by yourself in the cold." Siwon beamed and engulfed the shorter man in a hug.

"Thank you Minnie. I knew I could count on you. This is one of the reasons I love you." Siwon finally let the older go and glanced at the clock. "Oh shoot, I need to go. I’ll talk to you tonight. Bye." Siwon turned around and ran back out of the dorm before anyone could react.

"Well you made him rather happy." Kyuhyun pointed out.

"Yeah well I’m suppose to as his boyfriend, and I’m happy to make him happy." Sungmin explained before heading back to his room.

The following evening, Siwon stopped by the dorm and grabbed Sungmin so they could begin setting up the nativity scene. The pastor had given Siwon the keys to the shed where all the props were located and the diagram to how everything should go. He had also shown Siwon where the nativity should be placed and marked it for him so they wouldn’t have to guess later. They first pulled out all the pieces to the barn and took them to the marked spot and snapped all the pieces together.

"It’s good that this barn is easy for two people to be able to put together." Sungmin said as they fit the final piece in. "I was a little worried we were going to need to call for a little help."

"Yeah, well it also needed to be something the elderly members of the church, who usually put it up, could easily do."

"Ah that makes sense." Sungmin said going over to the other side and helped Siwon move it into its upright position. Both then hammered the spikes that hold it down in place before they brought out all the statues. Once everything was out, Sungmin took the diagram and helped guide Siwon in placing everything in the proper spots. Once that was done, all they had left was to spike everything down into its spot, and place the finishing touches.

"Okay so we need to get all the hay down and get the blanket on the baby Jesus."

"Alright. I can place the blanket if you want to start on the hay." Sungmin suggested and Siwon nodded in agreement. Sungmin found the blanket neatly folded in the shed and brought it out to the nativity scene. Siwon glanced over just as Sungmin had grabbed the blanket and shook it open.

"Wait, Sungmin. You have to unfold the blanket properly."

"Oh. I didn’t know there was a special order to it." Sungmin looked down, upset that he messed up.

"It’s alright Minnie. I’ll just fold it back up again so you can unfold it properly."

"It’s okay to do that? I didn’t mess anything up too badly." Sungmin looked up hopeful.

"No. Only means we’re going to be here a minute longer but that’s alright." Siwon said as he carefully folded the blanket to how it was before. "There you go. I’m going to go back to laying down the hay." Sungmin nodded and began carefully unfolding the blanket in the proper order, which wasn’t hard to figure out since there was only one way to unfold it. When he pulled the last piece off, he found a ring, sitting in the center of the blanket, with a little note tied to it. Sungmin glanced back at his dongsaeng before reading the note.

You’ve completely unfolded my heart and I want you to take care of it forever.

Will you marry me?

"Siwon?" Sungmin called out, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. "Yes. I say yes." Sungmin ran over and jumped onto Siwon, who easily caught him and accepted his embrace.

"I was hoping you would." Siwon said and pulled his new fiancé into a kiss.

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kazzy_5 #1
Chapter 7: Join the club..i'm from ohio as well. GREAT STORIES!
EndlessFlame #2
These are so sweet and adorable! They're mostly my favorite couples as well. I think that my favorite one was the Eunhae one. But they all made me smile. :)
so very cute ; v ; i especially loved the kangteuk one, but the eunhae and simin made my heart (almost) literally melt too. and your style of writing is so nice! <3
siana-chan #4
Chapter 6: The Kyusung was so sweet <3
LittleMissMoony #5
Chapter 7: How cute!!! Zhoury is so naive and confusing. Hihi
siezzy #6
Chapter 2: Kangin only being cute in front jungsu XDD
nice job Kangin!!
2pmfan #7
Hey serrena! ^-^

If you need a poster for this story I would like to help you! ^-^
Here is the link to my shop:

I'm a new artist so I'm not that good but I try my best! ^-^

Sorry for taking up some space here and I hope you are fine! ^o^
Please take care!
Love 2pmfan <3